[figure appears here on page 1119]
[1] H. the fourth._WHen king Richarde had reſigned (as be|fore is ſpecified) the ſcepter & crown Hẽ|rie Plãtagenet borne at Bullingbroke in ye countie of Lincolne, duke of Lancaſter & Heref. erle of Derby, Leyceſter, & Lincolne, ſon to Iohn of Gant duke of Lancaſter, with generall conſent both of the lords & commons, was publiſhed, proclamed and declared king of England and of France, & lorde of Ireland the laſt day of September, in the yeare of the world .5366. of our Lord .1399. of the raigne of the Emperor Wenceſlaus the .22. of Charles the ſixt, king of Fraunce the .xx. and the tenth of Robert the third king of Scottes.
[1] [...] officers [...] Forthwith he made certaine new officers. And firſt in right of his Erledome of Leiceſter he gaue the office of high ſteward of England belonging to the ſame Erledome, vnto his ſecond ſonne the Lord Thomas, who by his fathers cõmaunde|mẽterexerciſed that office, being aſſited (by reaſon of his tender age) by Thomas Percy Earle of Worceſter. The Erle of Northumberland was made Coneſtable of England: ſir Iohn Scyrley Lord Chauncellor: Iohn Norburie Eſquier L. Treaſorer: ſir Richard Clifford lord priuie ſeale.
[1] Foraſmuch as by king Richards reſignation & the admitting of a newe king, all pleas in euery Court and place were ceaſſed, and without daye diſcontinued now writtes were made for ſum|moning of the Parliament vnder the name of king Henrie the fourth, [...]e parliamẽt [...]mmoned. the ſame to be holden, as before was appointed, on Monday next enſuing.
[1] [...]d TurrisVpon the fourth day of October, the Lorde Thomas ſeconde Sonne to the King ſatte as Lorde high ſtewarde of Englande by the kings commaundement in the Whitehall of the kings Palace at Weſtminſter, and as belonged to his office, he cauſe inquitie to be made what offices were to be exerciſed by any maner of perſons the day of the kings coronation, and what fees were belonging to the ſame, cauſing proclamation to be made, that what noble man or other that could claime any office that day of the ſolemniſing the kings coronation, they ſhould come and put in their bylles comprehending their demaundes. Where vpon diuerſe offices and fees were clay|med,Clayming of offices at the coronation. as well by billes as otherwiſe by ſpeeche of mouth, in fourme as here enſueth.
[1] Firſt, the Lord Henrie the kings eldeſt ſonne, to whom he as in right of his Duchie of Lanca|ſter had appointed that office, claimed to beare be|fore the king the principall ſword called Curtana, Curtana. and had his ſuyt graunted.
[1] Iohn Erle of Somerſet,The Earle of Sommerſet. to whom the king as in right of his Erledome of Lincoln had granted to be Caruer the day of his coronation, claymed that office, and had it confirmed.
[1] Henrie Percie Erle of Northumberland,The Earle of Northũberlãd and high Coneſtable of England, by the kings grant claymed that office, and obteyned it to enioy at pleaſure.
[1] The ſame Earle in right of the Ile of Man,The Iſle of Manne, which at that preſent was graunted to him; and to his heyres by the king claimed to beare on the kings left ſide a naked ſworde, with whiche the King was gyrded, when before his coronation hee entred as Duke of Lancaſter into the parties of Holderneſſe,Lancaſter ſword. which ſworde was called Lanca|ſters ſworde.
[1] Rauf Erle of Weſtmerland,The Earle of Weſtmerland. & Erle Marſhal of England, by the kings grant claymed ye ſame office, and obteyned it, notwithſtanding that the attorneys of the duke of Norffolke,The Duke of Norfolke. preſented to the Lord ſteward their petition on the dukes be|halfe, as Erle Marſhal, to exerciſe the ſame.
[1] Sir Thomas Erpinghã knight,Sir Thomas Erpingham. exerciſed the office of Lord great Chamberleyn, and gaue wa|ter to the king when he waſhed, both before & af|ter dinner, hauing for his fees, the Bafon, Ewer, and Towels, with other things whatſoeuer be|longing to his office, notwithſtanding Aubrey de Veer Erle of Oxford put in his petitions to haue that office as due to him from his aunceſters.
[1] Thomas Beauchampe Earle of Warwicke by right of inheritance,The Earle of Warwicke. bare the thirde ſworde be|fore the king, and by lyke right was Panter at the coronation.
[1] Sir William Argentine knight,Sir William Argentyne. by reaſon of the tenure of his Mano [...] of Wilmundale in the Countie of Hertford, ſerued the king of the firſte cup of drinke which he taſted of at his dinner the day of his coronation: the cap was of ſiluer vn|gylt, which the ſame knight had for his fees, not|withſtanding the petition which Iuon Fitzwar|ren preſented to the Lord ſteward,Ivon Fitzwarẽ requiring that office in right of his wife ye Lady Mawd, daugh|ter and heyre to ſir Iohn Argentine knight.The L. Fur|niual.
[1] Sir Thomas Neuill Lord Furniual, by rea|ſon of his Manour of Ferneham, with the ham|let of Cere whiche hee helde by the courteſie of [page 1120] England after the deceaſſe of his wife, the Lady Ioan deceaſſed gaue to the king a gloue for hys right hand, and ſuſteyned the kings right arme ſo long as he bare the ſcepter.
[1] The L. Grey.The Lorde Reginald Grey of Ruthen, by reaſon of his manor of Aſhley in Norffolke coue|red the tables, and had for his fees all the Table|clothes, as well thoſe in the Hall, as elſe where, when they were taken vp, notwithſtanding a pe|tition exhibited, by ſir Iohn Draiton to haue had that office.
[1] Great ſpurres.The ſame Lorde Gray of Ruthen, bare the kinges great ſpurres before him in the time of his coronation by right of inheritance, as heyre to Iohn Haſtings Erle of Pembroke.
[1] The ſecond worde.Iohn Erle of Somerſet, by the kings aſſign|ment bare the ſeconde ſworde before him at his coronation, notwithſtanding that the ſayd Lorde Grey of Ruthen by petition exhibited before the Lorde Stewarde demaunded the ſame office, by reaſon of his Caſtell and Tower of Pembroke, and of his towne of Denbigh.
[1] The Earle of Arundel.Thomas Earle of Arundel chiefe Butler of Englande, obteyned to exerciſe that office the day of the coronation, and had the fees thereto belon|ging graunted to him, to wit, the Goblet wyth which the king was ſerued, and other things, to that his office apperteyning (the veſſels of Wine excepted) that lay vnder the bar, which were ad|iudged vnto the ſayd Lorde ſteward, the ſayd erle of Arundels clayme notwithſtanding.
[1] The citizens of London.The Citizens of London choſen forth by the Citie, ſerued in the hall, as aſſiſtants to the Lord chiefe Butler, whileſt the king ſat at dinner, the day of his coronation: and when the king entred into his Chamber after dinner, & called for wine the Lorde Maior of London brought to hym a cuppe of golde with wine, and had the ſame cup giuen to him, togither with the cuppe that con|teyned water to allay the wine. After the king had drunke, the ſayd Lorde Maior and the Al|dermen of London had their table to dine at, on the left hand of the king in the hall.
[1] Thomas Dim+mocke.Thomas Dymocke, in right of his mother Margaret Dymocke, by reaſon of the tenure of his manor of Scriuelbie, claymed to be the kings Champion at his coronation, and had hys ſuyte granted, notwithſtanding a clayme exhibited by Baldwin Freuill,Baldwin freuil demaunding that office by reaſon of hys Caſtell of Tamworth in War|wikſhire.
[1] The ſayde Democke had for his fees one of the beſt courſers in the kings ſtable, with ye kings ſaddle and all the trappers and harneys apper|teyning to the ſame horſe or Courſer: he hadde likewiſe one of the beſt armors that was in the kings armorie for his owne bodie, with all that belonged wholy therevnto.
[1] Iohn Lorde Latimer,The Lorde Latimer. although he was vnder age, for himſelfe and ye Duke of Norffolke, not|withſtanding that his poſſeſſions were in the kings hands, by his attourney ſir Thomas Grey knight, claimed and had the office of Almouer for that day, by reaſon of certaine landes which ſom|tyme belonged to the Lorde William Beau|champe of Bedford.
[1] They had a Towel of fine lynnen cloth pre|pared, to put in the ſiluer that was appoynted to be giuen in almes, and likewiſe they had the de|ſtribution of the cloth that couered the Pauement & floores from the kings Chamber doore, vnto the place in the Churche of Weſtminſter where the Pulpet ſtoode. The reſidue that was ſpred in the Church, the Sexten had.
[1] William le Venour,W. le Ven [...] by reaſon he was tenant of the Manour of Liſton, claymed and obteyned to exerciſe the office of making Wafers for the king the day of his coronation.
[1] The Barons of the fiue Portes claymed,The bar [...] of the fiue portes. and it was granted them, to beare a Canapie of cloth of golde ouer the king, with four ſtaues, and foure belles at the foure corners, euerie ſtaffe hauing foure of thoſe barons to beare it. Alſo to dine and ſit at the table next to the king on his right hand in the hall the day of his coronation, and for their fees to haue the foreſayde Canapie of golde, with the belles and ſtaues, notwithſtanding the Ab|bot of Weſtminſter claymed the ſame.
[1] Edmond Chambers claymed and obteyned the office of principall Larderer for him and his Deputies, by reaſon of his manour of Skulton;Edmond Chambers. otherwiſe called Burdellebin Skultõ, in the coũ|tie of Norffolke. Thus was euery man appoyn|ted to exerciſe ſuch office as to him of right apper|teyned, or at the leaſt was thought requiſite for the time preſent.
[1] On the Monday then next enſuing, when the ſtates were aſſembled in Parliament, order was taken, that by reaſon of ſuch preparation as was to be made for the coronation, they ſhoulde ſit no more till the morow after Saint Edwards day.
[1] On the Sunday following being the euen of Saint Edwarde, the newe King lodged in the Tower, and there made .xivj. knightes of the Bathe, to witte:
[1] The L. Maior of London.On the Morrowe beeing Saint Edwardes day, and .xiij. of October, the Lord Maior of Lõ|don road towards the Tower to attẽd the king, with diuerſe worſhipfull Citizens clothed all in red, and from the Tower the king ridde through the Citie vnto Weſtminſter, where he was ſa|cred, annoynted, and crowned king by the Arch|biſhop of Canterburie with all ceremonies and royall ſolemnitie as was due and requiſite.
[1] The Earle of [...] carried [...]ngs pre| [...] Though all other reioyſed at his aduaunce|ment, yet ſurely Edmonde Mortimer Earle of March, which was couſin and heyre to Lionell duke of Clarence, the thirde begotten ſonne of king Edwarde the thirde, and Richard Earle of Cambridge, ſonne to Edmonde duke of Yorke, whiche had maried Anne ſiſter to the ſame Ed|mond, were with theſe doings neither pleaſed nor contented: Inſomuch that now the deuiſion once begon, the one linage ceaſſed not to perſecute the other, till the heyres males of both the lynes were clearly deſtroyed and extinct.
[1] At the day of the coronation, to the intent hee ſhoulde not ſeeme to take vpon him the crowne & ſcepter royall by plaine extort power, and iniuri|ous intruſion,Edward erle [...] [...]er vn [...]ly fa [...]d [...] [...]amed [...]ack. he was aduiſed to make his tytle as heyre to Edmond, (ſurnamed or vntruly fey|ned) Crouchbacke, ſonne to king Henry the third, and to ſay that the ſaid Edmond was elder bro|ther to king Edward the firſt, and for his defor|mitie put by from the crowne, to whõ by his mo|ther Blanch, daughter & ſole heyre to Henry duke of Lancaſter, he was next of bloud, and vndoub|ted heyre. But bycauſe not only his friends, but alſo his priuie enimies, knew that this was but a forged title, conſidering they were ſurely enfor|med, not onely that the ſayde Edmonde was yonger, ſon to king Henrie the thirde, but alſo had true knowledge, that Edmõd was neither crooke backed, nor a deformed perſõ, but a goodly gentle|man, & a valiant captain, & ſo much fauored of his louing father, that he to preferre him in mariage to the Queene Dowager of Nauarre, hauing a great liuelode, gaue to him the countie Palatine of Lancaſter, with many notable honours, high ſeigniories, and large priuiledges: Therefore they aduiſed him to publiſh it, that hee chalenged the realme not onely by conqueſt, but alſo bycauſe he was by king Richarde adopted as beyre, and de|clared by reſignation as his lawfull ſucceſſor, be|ing next heyremale to him of the bloud royall.
[1] But to proceede to other doings, the ſolemni|tie of the coronation being ended, the morrow af|ter being Tueſday, the Parliamẽt began again,Sir Iohn Che|ny ſpeaker of the parliamẽt diſmiſsed and Wil. Durward admitted. and ye next day ſir Iohn Cheyny that was ſpea|ker, excuſing himſelfe by reaſon of his infirmitie & ſickneſſe, not to be able to exerciſe that roumth, was diſmiſſed, and one William Durward eſ|quire was admitted: herewith were the acts eſta|bliſhed in the Parliament of the .xxj. yere of king Richardes raigne repealed and made voyde,Acts repealed. and the ordinances deuiſed in the Parliament, holden the .xj. yeare of the ſame king, confirmed,Acts cõfirmed & againe eſtabliſhed for good and profitable.
[1] The ſame day the kings eldeſt ſonne the Lord Henrie, by aſſent of all the ſtates in the Parlia|ment, was created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Erle of Cheſter, then being of the age of .xij. yeares.
[1] Vpon the Thurſday, the commons came and reherſed all the errors of the laſt Parliament hol|den in the .xxj. yeare of king Richard, and name|ly in cetaine fiue of them.
[1] Firſt, that where the king that nowe is, was readie to arraigne an appeale agaynſt the Duke of Norffolke, he doing what apperteyned to hys dutie in that behalf, was yet baniſhed afterwards without any reaſonable cauſe.
[1] Secondly, the Archbiſhop of Canterburie, Metropolitane of the Realme, was foreiudged without anſwere.
[1] Thirdly, the duke of Glouceſter was murthe|red, and after foreiudged.
[1] Fourthly, where the Earle of Arundell alled|ged his Charter of pardon, the ſame might not be allowed.
[1] Fifthly, that all the power of that euill Par|liament, was graunted and aſſigned ouer to cer|taine perſons, and ſithe that ſuch heynous errors coulde not be cõmitted (as was thought) without [page 1120] the aſſent and aduice of them that were of the late kings counſaile, they made ſure that they might be put vnder arreſt, and committed to ſafe keping till order might be further taken for them.
[1] Thus much adoe there was in this Parlia|ment, ſpecially about them that were thought to be guiltie of the duke of Glouceſters death, and of the condemning of the other Lords that were ad|iudged traytors in the foreſayde late Parliament holden in the ſayde .xxj. yeare of king Richardes raigne: Fabian. Sir Iohn bagot diſcloſeth ſe|cretes. Sir Iohn Bagot knight then priſoner in the tower, diſcloſed many ſecrets, vnto the which he was priuie, and being brought one day to the barre, a bill was read in Engliſhe whiche hee had made, conteyning certaine euill practiſes of king Richard, and further what great affection ye ſame king bare to the duke of Aumarle, inſomuch that he heard him ſay, that if he ſhuld renounce the go|uernment of the kingdom, he wiſhed to leaue it to the ſaid duke, as to the moſt able mã, for wiſdome and manhood of all other: for though he could like better of the duke of Hereford,Henry the fourth ſuſpec|ted not to be wel affected towards the church before his comming to the crowne yet he ſayde that he knew if he were once king, he would proue an ex|treme enimie, and cruell tyrant to the Church.
[1] It was further conteyned in that Byll, that as the ſame Bagot rode one daye behinde the Duke of Norffolke in the Sauoy ſtreete toward Weſtminſter, the duke aſked him what he knew of the maner of the duke of Glouceſter his death, and he anſwered that hee knewe nothing at all: But the people (quoth he) doe ſay that you haue murthered him. Wherevnto the Duke ſware great othes that it was vntrue, and that hee had ſaued his life contrarie to the will of the king, and certain other Lords, by the ſpace of three weekes, and more, affyrming with all, that he was neuer in all his life time more affrayde of death, than he was at his comming home againe from Calais at that time, to the kings preſence, by reaſon hee had not put the duke to death. And then (ſayd he) the king appoynted one of his owne ſeruants, and certaine other that were ſeruauntes to other Lords to goe with him to ſee the ſayde duke of Gloceſter put to death, ſwearing that as he ſhuld anſwere afore God, it was neuer his mind that he ſhould haue died in yt ſort, but only for feare of the king, and ſauing of his owne life. Neuertheleſſe there was no man in the realme to whom King Richard was ſo much beholden,The D. of Au|marle accuſed. as to the duke of Aumarle, for he was the man that to fulfill hys minde, had ſet hym in hande wyth all that was done againſt the ſayd duke, and the other Lords.
[1] There was alſo conteyned in that Byll, what ſecrete malice king Richarde had conceyued a|gaynſte the Duke of Hereforde beeing in exile, whereof the ſame Bagot had ſent intelligence vnto the Duke into Fraunce, by one Roger Smart, who certified it to him by Peeree Buck|ton, and others, to the intent he ſhould the better haue regard to himſelfe.
[1] There was alſo conteyned in the ſayde Bill, that Bagot had heard the Duke of Aumarle ſay, that he had leauer than twentie thouſand pounds that the Duke of Hereforde were dead not for a|ny feare hee had of him, but for the trouble and myſchiefe that hee was like to procure within the realme.
[1] After that the Byll had beene read and heard,The Duke of Aumerles [...] an [...]ſwere to [...]gou byl. the Duke of Aumarle roſe vp and ſayde, that as touching the poynts conteyned in the bill concer|ning him, they were vtterly falſe & vntrue, which he would proue with his body, in what maner ſo|euer it ſhould be thought requiſit. Therewith alſo the duke of Exceter roſe vp, & willed Bagot that if he could ſay any thing againſt him to ſpeake it opẽly. Bagot anſwered, that for his part he could ſay nothing agaynſt him:Iohn Hal a yeman. but there is (ſaide he) a yeoman in Newgate one Iohn Hall that can ſaye ſomewhat.
Well then (ſayde the Duke of Exceter,) this that I do and ſhall ſay is true, that the late king, the duke of Norffolk, and thou being at Woodſtocke, made me to goe with you into the Chapell, and there the doore being ſhutte, ye made mee to ſweare vpon the aulter, to keepe counſayle in that ye had to ſay to mee, and then yee rehearſed that we ſhould neuer haue our pur|poſe, ſo long as the Duke of Lancaſter liued, and therefore ye purpoſed to haue a Councell at Lichfield, and there you woulde arreſt the duke of Lancaſter, in ſuch ſort as by colour of his diſ|obeying the arreſt, hee ſhoulde be diſpatched out of life. And in this maner ye imagined his death, to the which I anſwered, that it were co [...]|ent that the King ſhoulde ſende for his counſaile, and if they agreed herevnto, I would not bee a|gaynſt it, & ſo I departed:to this Bagot made no anſwere.
[1] After this, the King commaunded that the Lordes, Berkley, and Louell, and ſixe knights of the lower houſe, ſhoulde goe after dinner to exa|mine the ſayd Hall. This was on a Thurſday being the .xv. of October.
[1] On the Saterday next enſuing.Bagot and [...] brought to the barre. Sir Wil|liam Bagot, and the ſayde Iohn Hall, were brought both to the barre, and Bagot was exa|mined of certaine poynts, & ſent againe to priſon.
[1] The Lord Fitz Water herewith roſe vp, and ſayd to the king, that where the duke of Aumarle excuſeth himſelf of the duke of Glouceſters death, I ſay (quoth he) that he was the very cauſe of his death and ſo hee appealed him of treaſon,The Lord [...] Water appe [...]+le [...] the Du [...] of Aumarle [...] treaſon. offring by throwing downe his hoode as a gage to proue it with his bodie. There were .xx. other Lordes alſo that threw downe the [...]e hoodes, as pledges to proue ye like matter againſt the duke of Aumarle.
[1] The Duke of Aumarle threwe downe hys [page 1121] hoode to trie it agaynſt the Lorde Fitz Water, as agaynſt him that lyed falſly, in that hee charged him with, by that his appeale. Theſe gages were deliuered to the Coneſtable & Marſhal of Eng|land, and the parties put vnder arreſt.
[1] The duke of Surrey ſtood vp alſo agaynſt the L. Fitzwater, auouching that where he had ſayd that the appellants were cauſe of ye duke of Glou|ceſters death, it was falſe for they were conſtrey|ned to ſue the ſame appeale, in like maner as the ſayd Lorde Fitz Water was compelled to gyue iudgement againſt the duke of Gloceſter, and the Earle of Arundell, ſo that the ſuing of the ap|peale was done by cohe [...]tion, and if he ſayd con|trary he lied: & therwith he threw down his hood.
[1] The Lorde Fitz Water anſwered here vnto, that he was not preſent in the Parliament houſe when iudgement was giuen againſt them, and al the Lordes bare witneſſe thereof.
[1] Moreouer, where it was alledged that the duke of Aumarle ſhould ſend two of his ſeruants vnto Calais to murther the duke of Glouceſter, ye ſayd duke of Aumarle ſaid, that if the duke of Norffolk affyrme it, he lyed falſly, and that he would proue with his bodie, throwing downe an other hoode which he had borowed.
[1] The ſame was likewiſe deliuered to the Co|neſtable and Marſhall of England, and the king licenced the Duke of Norffolke to returne, that hee might arraigne his appeale.
[1] Fabian.After this was Iohn Hal cõdemned of treaſon by authoritie of the Parliament, for that hee had confeſſed himſelfe to be one of them that put the duke of Glouceſter to death at Calais,Iohn Hal exe|cuted. and ſo on the Monday following, he was drawne from the Tower to Tiburne, and there hanged, bowelled, headed, & quartered: his head being ſent to Calais there to be ſe [...] vp, where the duke was murthered.
[1] [...] Stew.On Wedneſday folowing, requeſt was made by the commons, that ſith king Richard had re|ſigned,The requeſt of the cõmons. and was lawfully depoſed from his royall dignitie, he might haue iudgemẽt decreed againſt him, ſo as the realme were not troubled by him, and that the cauſes of his depoſing might be pub|liſhed through the realm for ſatiſfying of the peo|ple, which demaund was graunted. Wherevpon the Biſhop of Carleil, E [...]. And biſhop [...] faithful. a man both learned, wiſe, & ſtoute of ſtomacke, boldly ſhewed forth his opini|on concerning that demaunde, affyrming that there was none amongſt them worthie or meete to giue iudgement vpõ ſo noble a prince as king Richard was, whom they had taken for their ſo|ueraigne and liege Lorde, by the ſpace of .xxij. yeares and more, and I aſſure you (ſayd he) there is not ſo ranke a traytor, nor ſo errant a theef, nor yet ſo cruell a murtherer apprehended or deteyned in priſon for his offence, but hee ſhall be brought before the Juſtice to heare his iudgement, and ye will proceede to the iudgement of an annoynted K. hearing neither his anſwere nor excuſe: and I ſay, that the duke of Lancaſter whom ye cal king, hath more treſpaſſed to king Ric. and his realme, than king Richard hath done either to him, or to vs: for it is manifeſt and well knowne, that the Duke was baniſhed the realme by king Richard and his counſayle, and by the iudgement of hys owne father, for the ſpace of tenne yeres, for where cauſe ye know, and yet without licence of King Richard, he is returned againe into the Realme, and that is worſe, hath taken vpõ him, the name, tytle, and preheminence of a King. And therefore I ſay, that yee haue done manifeſt wrong, to proceede in anye thing agaynſt king Richarde, without calling him openly to his aunſwere and defence.
[1] As ſoone as the Biſhop had ended this tale, he was attached by the Earle Marſhal, & cõmit|ted to warde in the Abbey of S. Albons.
[1] Moreouer, where the king had graunted to the Erle of Weſtmerland the Countie of Riche|mond,The Duke of Britaine. the Duke of Brytaine pretending a right thereto by an olde tytle, had ſent his letters ouer vnto the eſtates aſſembled in this Parliament, offring to abide ſuch order as the law would ap|poynt in the like caſe to anye of the Kings ſub|iects. Wherepon the Commons for the more ſuretie of the entercouſe of Marchants, beſought the king, that the matter myght bee committed to the ordering of the Counſaile of eyther of the parties, and of his Counſaile, ſo as an end might be had therein, whiche requeſt was lykewyſe graunted.
[1] After this, the recordes of the laſt Parliament were ſhewed, with the appeales, and the commiſ|ſion made to .xij. perſons to determin things that were motioned in the ſame laſt Parliamẽt. Here|vpon the commons prayed that they might haue Iuſtice Markham, and maiſter Gaſcoigne a ſer|geant at the lawe ioyned with them for counſaile touching the peruſing of the recordes, which was graunted them, and day giuen dare till the next morow in the White hall, where they far aboute theſe matters three dayes togither.
[1] On the Monday following, being the [...] of Simon and Iude the Apoſtles, the commons re|quired to heare the iudgement of king Richarde. Wherevpon the Archbiſhop of Ganterburye ap|poynted to ſpeake,King Richard appointed to be kept in per|petual priſon, Hall. declared how that the K. that now is, had graunted King Richard his lyfe, [...]is in ſuche wyſe as hee, ſhoulde remayne in perpe|tuall priſon, ſo ſafely kept, that neyther the King nor realme ſhould be troubled with hym.
[1] It was alſo concluded, that if any man went about to deliuer him, that then he ſhoulde bee the firſt that ſhould die for it.
[1] After this, the Commons prayed that the [page 1124] Lordes and other that were of king Richardes counſaile, might be put to their anſwers for their ſundrie miſdemeanors, which was graunted.
[1] [2] On Wedneſday following, being the mor|row after the feaſt of Simon and Iude, all the proceſſe of the Parliament holden the .xxj. yeare of king Richards raign was red openly, in which it was founde howe the Earle of Warwike had confeſſed himſelfe guiltie of treaſon,The Earlẽ of Warwicke. and aſked pardon and mercie for his offence: but the Earle denied, that euer he acknowledged any ſuch thing by worde of mouth, and that he would proue in what manerſoeuer ſhould bee to him appoynted. Therin was alſo the appeale founde of the dukes of Aumarle, Surrey, and Exceter, the Marques Dorſet, the Earles of Saliſburie, and Gloceſter, to the whiche eche of them anſwered by himſelfe, that they neuer aſſented to that appeale of theyr owne free willes, but were compelled thereto by the king: and this they affyrmed by their othes & offred to proue it by what maner they ſhould bee appoynted.Sir Walter Clopton. Sir Walter Cloptõ ſaid then to the commons, if ye will take aduauntage of the pro|ceſſe of the laſt Parliament, take it, and ye ſhall be receyued thervnto. Then roſe vp the Lord Mor|ley, and ſayde to the Erle of Saliſburie, that he was chiefe of counſail with the duke of Gloceſter, and likewiſe with king Richarde, & ſo diſcouered the dukes counſail to the king as a traytor to his maſter, & that he ſaid he wold with his body proue againſt him, throwing down his hood as a pledge
[1] The L. Murley appelleth the E. of SaliſburyThe Erle of Saliſburie ſore amooued herewith, told the Lorde Morley, that he falſly belied him, for he was neuer traytor, nor falſe to his maiſter all his life time, and therewith threw downe hys Gloue to wage battaile agaynſt the Lord Mor|ley. Their gages were taken vp, and deliuered to the Coneſtable and Marſhall of Englande, & the parties were arreſted, and day to them giuen till another time.
[1] On Monday following, being the morow af|ter al Soules day, the cõmons made requeſt, that they might not be entred in the Parliamẽt rolles, as parties to the iudgement giuen in this Parli|ament, but there as in verie truth they were pri|uie to the ſame: for the iudgement otherwiſe be|longed to the king, except where any iudgement is giuen by ſtatute enacted for the profite of the common wealth, which requeſt was graunted: diuerſe other petitions were preſented on the be|halfe of the Commons, part whereof were gran|ted, and to ſome there was none anſwere made at that time.
[1] Finally, to auoyde further inconuenience, and to qualifie the minds of the enuious, it was final|ly enacted, that ſuch as were appellants in ye laſt Parliament againſt the duke of Glouceſter and other, following ſhould in this wiſe be ordred:
[1] The dukes of Aumarle, Surrey, and Ex [...]ter,Dukes and o|ther depriued of their titles. there preſent, were iudged to loſe their names of dukes, togither with the honors, titles and digni|ties therevnto belonging.
[1] The Marques Dorſet beeyng likewy [...] there preſent, was adiudged to loſe his tytle and dignitie of Marques, and the Erle of Glou|ceſter being alſo preſent, was in ſemblable ma [...]ter iudged to loſe his name, title & dignitie of Earle.
[1] Moreouer, it was further decreed agaynſt the,Tho. VV [...]. that they and euery of them ſhoulde loſe and for|feyt all thoſe Caſtels, Lordſhips, manors, lands, poſſeſſions, rents, ſeruices, liberties and reuenues, whatſoeuer had bin giuen to them, at or ſince the laſt Parliament, belonging aforetime to anye of thoſe perſons whome they had appealed, and all other theyr Caſtels, Manours, Lordſhips, lands, poſſeſſions, rentes, ſeruices, liberties, and reue|nues whatſoeuer, whiche they helde of the late kings gyft, the day of the arreſt of the ſayd Duke of Glouceſter, or at any tyme after, ſhoulde alſo remaine in the kings diſpoſition from thence|forth, and al letters patents and Charters, which they or any of them had of the ſame names, Ca|ſtels, Manours, Lordſhips, landes, poſſeſſions, and liberties, ſhould bee ſurrendred vp into the Chauncerie, there to be cancelled. Diuerſe other things were enacted in this Parliament, to the preiudice of thoſe high eſtates, to ſatiſfie mennes myndes that were ſore diſpleaſed with their doings in the late kings dayes, as nowe it mani|feſtly appeared:The hatred which the co|ment had com|mitted againſt the appell [...]. for after it was vnderſtoode that they ſhould be no further puniſhed than as before is mentioned, great murmuring roſe among the people agaynſt the king, the Archbiſhop of Can|terburie, the Earle of Northumberlande, and o|ther of the Counſaile, for ſauing the liues of men whome the commons reputed moſt wicked, and not worthie in any wiſe to liue. But the King thought it beſt, rather with curteſie to reconcile them, than by cutting them off by death, to pro|cure the hatred of theyr friendes and allyes, which were many, and of no ſmall power.
[1] After that the foreſayde iudgement was de|clared with proteſtation by Sir William Thir|ning Iuſtice,The Earle of Saliſbury has requeſt. the Earle of Saliſburie came and made requeſt, that he myght haue his proteſtati|on entred agaynſte the Lorde Morley, whiche Lorde Morley ryſing vp from his ſeate, ſayde, that ſo hee myght not haue, bycauſe in hys firſte aunſwere he made no proteſtation, and therefore he was paſt it nowe.Sir Mathew Gourney. The Earle prayed daye of aduiſement, but the Lorde Morley prayed that hee might loſe his aduauntage, ſith he had not en|tred ſufficient plea agaynſt him. Then ſir Ma|thew Gourney ſitting vnderneath the king ſaid, to the Earle of Saliſburie, that forſomuch as at the fyrſt daye in your aunſweres, yee made no [page 1125] proteſtation at all, none is entred of recorde, and ſo you are paſt that aduauntage, and therfore aſ|ked him if he would ſay any other thing. Then the Earle deſired that he might put in mainpriſe, which was graunted:The erle of Sa+lisbury main|priſed. and ſo the Erle of Kent, ſir Rauf Ferrers, ſir Iohn Roche, & ſir Iohn Dray|ton knightes, mainpriſed the ſayd Erle, bodie for bodie. For the Lord Morley, all the Lorde [...] and Barons offred to vndertake, and to be ſureties for him, but yet four of them had their names entred, that is to wit,The L. Morlei mainpriſed. the Lordes Willoughbie, Beau|champe, Scales and Berkley: they had day till the Friday after to make theyr libell.
[1] The Lord Fitz Walter.After this came the Lorde Fitzwater, and prayed to haue day and place to arraigne his ap|peale agaynſte the Erle of Rutland.
[1] The king ſayde he woulde ſend for the Duke of Norffolke, to returne home, and then vpon his returne he ſayde he woulde proceede in that mat|ter. Many ſtatutes were eſtabliſhed in this Par|liament, as well concerning the whole bodie of the common wealth, (as by the booke thereof im|printed maye appeare) as alſo concerning diuerſe priuate perſons then preſently liuing, which part|ly we haue touched, and partly for doubt to be o|uer tedious,The Archb. of Canterbury re+ſtored to his ſee we doe omit: but this among other is not to be forgottẽ, that the Archbiſhop of Can|terburie, was not onely reſtored to his former dignitie, being remoued from it by king Richard, who had procured one Roger Walden to be pla|ced therein (as before ye haue hearde) but alſo the ſayde Walden was eſtabliſhed Byſhop of Lon|don, wherewith he ſeemed very well contented.
[1] Tho. VValſ. Hall.Moreouer, the kings eldeſt ſonne Henry alre|die created (as heyre to his father, & to the crown) Prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall, and Erle of Cheſter, was alſo intituled Duke of Aquitaine: & to auoyde all tytles, claymes, and ambiguities, there was an act made for the vniting of ye crown vnto king Henrie the fourth,The crowne i [...]iled. and to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten, his foure ſonnes, Henrie, Thomas, Iohn, and Humfrey, being na|med, as to whom the right ſhould diſcend ſucceſ|ſiuely by way of intaile, in caſe where heyres fay|led to any of them. By force of this act king Hẽ|rie thought himſelfe firmely ſet on a ſure foun|dation, not needing to feare any ſtorme of aduerſe fortune. But yet ſhortly after he was put in dan|ger to haue bene ſet beſides the ſeate, by a conſpi|racie begon in the Abbot of Weſtminſters houſe, as after ſhall appeare.
[1] But now to make an ende with this Parlia|ment, after that things were cõcluded and gran|ted, ſo as was thought to ſtande with the ſuretie of the king, and good quiet of the realme, the king graunted a free pardon to all his ſubiects, thoſe excepted that were at the murther of the Duke of Glouceſter, and ſuche as had committed wilfull murther, or rape, or were knowne to be notori|ous the ones. And thoſe that were to take benefite by this pardon, were appoynted to ſue forth the Charters thereof, betwixt that preſent and the feaſt of all S [...]ts next inſuing: and ſo was this Parliamẽt diſſowed. Immediately after the king (according to an order take [...]in the ſame Par|liament, to giue (to vnderſtand vnto all Princes and Countreys about him,Tho. VValſ. by what title and oc|caſion bee hadde taken to him (the kingdome) ſent Ambaſſadours vnto them to ſignifie the ſam [...] [figure appears here on page 1125] Vnto Rome were ſent, Iohn Treneuant,Ambaſſadours ſent to forrain princes. By|ſhop of Hereforde, ſir Iohn Cheyney knight, and Iohn Cheyney Eſquier. Into France, M. Wal|ter Skyrlow Biſhop of Durham, and Thomas Percey Erle of Worceſter. Into Spaine, Iohn Trenour Biſhop of Saint Aſaph, and ſir Wil|liam Parre knight. Into Almaine the Biſhop of Bangor, and two others.
[1] The Scottes in time of the late Parliament, taking occaſion of the abſence of the Northern Lords, and alſo by reaſon of great mortalitie that afflicted the northren people that yeare,The caſtel of wark taken by the Scots. Sir Tho. Gray. inuaded the borders, tooke the Caſtel of Warke, that was aſſigned to the ſafe keeping of ſir Thomas Grey knight, who then was at the Parliament, as one of the knights of the ſhire, by incanes of whoſe ab|ſence, the enimies the ſooner (as is to be thought) obteyned theyr deſire, and ſo kept that Caſtell a certaine time, and finally ſpoyled it, & ouerthrew it to the ground.
[1] Beſides this, they did many other miſchiefes in the Countrey,The death of the Duke of Norfolke to the vndoing of many of the kings ſubiects.
[1] This yeare Thomas Mowbray Duke of Norffolke dyed in exile at Venice, whoſe death might haue beene worthily bewayled of all the realme, if he had not bene conſenting to the death of the Duke of Glouceſter.
[1] The ſame yeare deceaſſed the duches of Glo|ceſter, through ſorrow as was thought,The duches of Gloceſter deceaſeth. which ſhe [page 1126] conceyued for the loſſe of hir ſonne and heyre the Lorde Humfrey, who being ſent for forth of Ire|land (as before ye haue heard) was taken with the peſtilence, and died by the way.
[1] But now to ſpeake of the conſpiracie whiche was contriued by the Abbot of Weſtminſter as chiefe Inſtrument thereof. Ye ſhall vnderſtande, that this Abbot (as it is reported) vppon a tyme hearde king Henrie ſay when hee was but Earle of Darbie,Nall. and yong of yeares, that Princes had too little, and religious men too muche. He there|fore doubting nowe,What moued the Abbot of Weſtminſter to conſpire a|gainſt the K. leaſt if the king continued long in the eſtate, hee woulde remoue the greate beame that then grieued his eyes, and pricked his conſcience, became an Inſtrument to ſearch oute the mindes of the Nobilitie, and to bring them to an aſſemble and counſaile, where they myght cõ|ſult and cõmen togither, how to bring that to ef|fect which they earneſlly wiſhed and deſired, that was the deſtruction of king Henry, and the reſto|ring of king Richard. For ther were diuers lords that ſhewed themſelues outwardly to fauor king Henry, where they ſecretly wiſhed and ſought his confuſion. The Abbot after he had felt the minds of ſundrie of them, called to his houſe on a day in the terme time, all ſuch Lords and other perſons which he eyther knew or thought to be as affecti|onate to king Richard, as enuious of the proſpe|ritie of king Henrie,The lords that conſpired a|gainſt the king whoſe names were, Iohn Holland Erle of Huntingdon late duke of Exe|ter, Thomas Holland Erle of Kent late duke of Surrey, Edward Erle of Rutland late Duke of Aumalle, ſonne to the duke of York, Iohn Mon|tagew Erle of Saliſburie, Hugh Lord Spencer late Erle of Glouceſter, Iohn the Biſhop of Car|leill, Sir Thomas Blount, and Magdalen a Prieſt one of King Richardes Chapell, a man as lyke to hym in ſtature and proportion in all lyniaments of bodie, as vnlyke in byrth, dignitie, and conditions.
[1] The Abbot highly feaſted theſe Lords, hys ſpeciall friendes, and when they had well dyned, they withdrewe into a ſecrete Chamber, where they ſate downe in counſaile, and after much talk and conference had aboute the bringing of theyr purpoſe to paſſe cõcerning the deſtruction of king Henrie, at length by the aduice of the Earle of Huntingdon,A iuſtes de|uiſed to be holden at Ox|ford. it was deuiſed that they ſhould take vpon them a ſolemne iuſtes to be enterpryſed be|tweene him and twentie on his part, and the erle of Saliſburie, and twentie with him at Oxford, to the which triumph king Henrie ſhoulde be de|ſired, and when hee ſhould hee moſt buſily regar|ding the Martiall paſtime, hee ſodainly ſhoulde bee ſlaine and deſtroyed, and ſo by that meanes king Richard, which as yet liued, might be reſto|red to libertie, and to his former eſtate & dignitie.
[1] It was further appointed, who ſhould aſſẽble the people, the number and perſons which ſhould accompliſh & put in execution their deuiſes enter|price.And In [...] fe [...]. Herevpon was an Indenture fe [...] made, ſealed with their ſeales, and ſignes wyth theyr handes, in the whiche eche ſtoode [...] to other, to do their whoſe endeuor for the accom|pliſhing of their purpoſed exployts.
[1] Moreouer they ſware on thẽ holye Euange|liſtes to be true and ſecrete eche to other, euen ſo the houre and poynt of death.
[1] When all things were thus appoynted,He is deſired no t [...] [...] ſee the king the Erle of Huntingtõ came to the king vnto Wind|ſore, earneſtly requiring him, yt he would vauch|ſafe to be at Oxford at the day appoynted of their iuſtes, both to behold the ſame, and to be the diſco|uerer and indifferent iudge (if anye antiquitie ſhould riſe of theyr couragious actes and doing.
[1] [2] The king being thus inſtantly required of hys brother in law, and nothing leſſe imagining [...]hẽ that which was pretended, gently graunted to fulfill his requeſt. Which thing obteyned, all the Lords of the conſpiracie departed home to theyr houſes, as they noyſed it, to ſet armorers on work about the trimming of their armour againſt the iuſtes and to prepare all other furniture & things redy, as to ſuch an high & ſolemne triumph apper|teyned. The Erle of Hũtingdõ came to his houſe and rayſed men on euery ſide, & prepared horſe & har [...]s for his compaſſed purpoſe, and when he had all things redy, he departed towards Oxford, and at his cõming thither, he found all his mens and confederates there, well appointed for theyr purpoſe, except the Earle of Rutlande, by whoſe folly their practiſed conſpiracie was brought to light & diſcloſed to king Henry. For this Earle of Rutland departing before frõ Weſtm. to ſee hys father the duke of Yorke, as he ſate at dinner, had his counterpane of the Indenture of the confede|racie in his boſome. The father eſpying it,The Duke of Yorke ta [...] thẽ Inde [...] from his [...] would needes ſee what it was: and though the ſonne hũ|bly denied to ſhow it, the father beeing more ear|neſt to ſee it, by force tooke it out of his boſome, & perceyuing the contents thereof, in a great rage cauſed his horſes to be ſadled out of hande, and ſpitefullye reprouing his ſonne of treaſon, for whom he was become ſuretie and mainpernour for his good abraring in open Parliament, he in|continently moũted on horſback to ride towards Winſore to the king, to declare vnto him the ma|licious intent of his ſonne and his compliers.
[1] The Erle of Rutlande ſeeing in what daun|ger he ſtood, tooke his horſe, and rode another way to Windſore in poſt, ſo that he got thither before his father, and when he was alighted at the Ca|ſtell Gate, hee cauſed the Gates to be ſhat [...], ſay|ing that hee muſt needes delyuer the keyes to the King.
[1] When he came before the kings preſence, hee [page 1127] he kneeled downe on his knees, beſeeching him of mercie and forgiueneſſe,The earle of Rutland vt| [...]th the whole conſpi|racy to the K. and declaring the whole matter vnto him in order as euery thing had paſ|ſed, obteyned pardon, and therewith came his fa|ther, and being let in, deliuered the indẽture which he had taken from his ſonne, vnto the king, who thereby perceyuing his ſonnes wordes to bee true, chaunged his purpoſe for his goyng to Ox|forde, and diſpatched Meſſengers forth to ſigni|fie vnto the Earle of Northumberlande his highe Coneſtable, and to the Erle of Weſtmerland hys high Marſhall, & to other his aſſured friends, of al the doubtfull daunger and perillous ieopardie.
[1] The conſpirators being at Oxford, at length perceyued by the lacke of the Earle of Rutlande that their enterpriſe was reuealed to the king, and therevpon determined now openly with ſpeare & ſhield, to bring that to paſſe which before they co|uertly attempted, and ſo they adorned Magda|lene,Magdalen con [...]erfeited to be king Richarde. a man moſt reſembling king Richarde, in royall and princely veſture, and named him to be king Richard, affirming that by fauor of his kee|pers he was eſcaped out of priſon, & ſo they came forwards in order of warre, to the intent to de|ſtroy king Henrie.
[1] [2] Whileſt the confederators with their newe publiſhed Idoll, accõpanied with a ſtrong armie of men, tooke the direct way towards Windſore, K. Henry admoniſhed thereof,The K. cõmeth to the Tower of London. with a few horſmẽ in the night came to the tower of London about xij. of the clocke, where in the morning he cauſed the Maior of the Citie to apparell in armor, the beſt and moſt couragious perſons of the Citie, which brought to him three thouſande archers, & three. M. vil men, beſides them that wer appoin|ted to defende the Citie. The conſpirators com|ming to Windſore, entred the Caſtell,The Lords come to Win|ſore. and vn|derſtanding that the king was gone from thence to London, determined with all ſpeede to make towards the Citie: but chaunging that determi|nation as they were on their way, they turned to Colbroke, and there ſtayed.The K. goeth forth againſt them. King Henrie iſſuing out of Londõ with .xx.M. men came ſtreight to Hunſlo heath, and there pitched his campe, to a|bide [figure appears here on page 1127] the cõming of his enimies: But when they were aduertiſed of the kings puiſſaunce, amazed with feare,They [...]tire. & forthinking their begon enterpriſe, as men miſtruſting their owne companie, depar|ted from thence to Barkamſteed, and ſo to Cir|ceſter,They come to [...]ter. and there the Lords tooke their lodging. The Erle of Kent, and the Erle of Saliſburie in one Inne, and the Erle of Huntingdon, and lord Spencer in an other, and all the hoſt lay in the fieldes,The [...]life of [...]er ſet [...] vpon thẽ [...] their lod|gings. wherevpon in the night ſeaſon, the baylife of the towne with foureſcore Archers ſet on the houſe, where the Erle of Kent, and the other lay, which houſe was mãfully aſſaulted and ſtrong|ly defended a great ſpace, the Earle of Hunting|don,The lords ſet [...] in their [...]gings. being in an other Inne with the lord Spen|cer, ſet fire on diuerſe houſes in the towne, thin|king that the aſſaylants woulde leaue the aſſault and reſcue their goods, which thing they nothing regarded. The hoſt lying without, hearing noyſe,Hall. Froiſſart. and ſeeing fire in the towne, thought verily that king Henry had bin come thither with his puiſ|ſance, and thervpon fled without meaſure, euery man making ſhift to ſaue himſelfe, and ſo that which the lords deuiſed for their helpe, wrought their deſtructiõ: for if the army that lay wtout the town had not miſtakẽ ye matter, whẽ they ſaw ye houſes on fire, they might eaſily haue ſuccoured their chieftaines in the towne that were aſſailed, but with a few of the townes mẽ, in compariſon of the great multitude ye lay abrode in the fields. But ſuch was the ordinance of the mightie Lord of Hoſtes, who diſpoſeth things at his pleaſure.
[1] The Erle of Huntingdon and his cõpany ſee|ing the force of the towneſmen to encreaſe, fledde [page 1128] out on the backeſide, entending to repayre to the armie which they found diſperſed & gone. Then the erle ſeeing no hope of comfort fled into Eſſex.
[1] The other [...]ues which were left fighting in the towne of Circeſter, were wounded to death and taken, and their heads ſtricken off and ſent to London.
[1] Thus wryteth Hal of this conſpiracie, in fol|lowing what authour I know not:Tho. VVal. But Tho|mas Walſingham and diuerſe other ſeeme ſom|what to diſſent from him in relation of this mat|ter: for they write that the conſpiratours mente vpon the ſodaine to haue ſet vpon the king in the Caſtell of Windſore,A maske. vnder colour of a Maſke or Mummerie, and ſo to haue diſpatched him, and reſtoring king Richarde vnto the kingdome, to haue recouered their former titles of honor, wt the poſſeſſions whiche they had loſt by iudgement of the laſt Parliamẽt. But the king getting know|ledge of theyr pretenſed treaſon, got him with all ſpeede vnto London.
[1] Iohn Holland Erle of Huntington,The Lordes be headed. (as Tho. Walſ. writeth) was not with the Lordes at the Caſtell of Windſore, but ſtayed about London to beholde the end of this buſineſſe: and hearing how the matter went, farre contrarie to that hee wiſhed, hee ſought to flie by ſea, but not able to gette away, by reaſon the winde being contrarie would not permit him, he tooke his horſe, and ha|uing a knight with him called ſir Iohn Shelley, he roade into Eſſex,Chron. S. [...] attempting to haue fled from thence by Sea, but ſtill the winde was ſo a|gaynſt him, that he was continually driuen back when hee was about to make ſaile, and ſo com|ming againe to lande, he was taken one euening at Pitwell in Eſſex,The erle of Hunting [...] taken. in a Mill (that belonged to one of his truſtie friendes) as he ſate there at ſup|per, togither with the ſayde ſir Iohn Shelley. The Commons of the Countrey that toke him, brought him firſt to Chelmeſforde, and after to Plaſhie, where on the day of S. Maure, that is ye xv. of Ianuarie, about Sunne ſetting he was be|headed in the verie place in whiche the Duke of Glouceſter was arreſted by king Richarde.He is be head [...] Hee confeſſed wyth lamentable repentaunce (as wry|ters do record) that many wayes forth, he had of|fended god & his prince, bycauſe yt vnderſtanding [page 1129] the purpoſe of the other Lordes, hee had not re|uealed the ſame.
[1] The Lorde Hugh Spencer, otherwiſe called Earle of Glouceſter, as he would haue fledde in|to Wales, was taken and carried to Briſtowe, where according to the earneſt deſires of ye com|mons,H [...]ll. he was beheaded. Magdaleine fleeing in|to [figure appears here on page 1129] Scotland, was taken by the way, [...] brought to the Tower. Many other that were priuie to this conſpiracie, were taken, and put to deathe, ſome at Oxforde, as Sir Thomas Blunt, Sir Benet Cilie Knight, [...]tion. and Thomas Wintercell Eſquier, but ſir Leonard Brokas, and ſir Iohn Shelley Knights,Th [...] VValſ. Hal. Iohn Magdalene, and Wil|liam Ferby Chapleynes, were drawen, hanged, and beheaded at London. There were nineteene in all executed in one place and other, and the heads of the chiefe cõſpirators were ſet on polles ouer London bridge, to the terror of others.
[1] Shortly after, the Abbot of Weſtminſter, in whoſe houſe the conſpiracie was begonne (as is ſayde) goyng betweene his monaſterie and manſion, for thought fell into a ſuddayne, pa [...]|ſey,The Abbot of Weſtminſter dieth ſodeinly Th [...] VValſ. and ſhortly after, without ſpeech, ended thys life. The Biſhop of Careleill was impeached, and condenmed of the ſame conſpiracie, but the King of his mercifull clemencie, pardoned hym of that offence,The biſhop of Carleile dieth through feare, [...] rather tho| [...]gh grief of [...]ede, to ſee [...]e wicked [...]per, as he [...] it, Hal. although hee dyed ſhortly after, more through feare than force of ſickneſſe, as ſome haue written. Thus all the aſſociates of this vnhappie conſpiracie taſted the paynefull penaunce of theyr pleaſant paſtime.
[1] Thus haue ye hearde, what writers haue re|corded of this matter, with ſome difference be|twixt them that write, howe the King ſhoulde haue bin made away at a Iuſtes, and other that teſtifie, howe it ſhoulde haue beene at a maſke or mummerie, but whether they meante to haue diſpatched him at a mumming, or at a I [...]ſtes, their purpoſe beeyng reuealed by the Earle of Rutlande, they were broughte to confuſion (as before yee haue heard.) And immediately after, King Henry, to ridde himſelfe of any ſuch lyke daunger to be attempted againſt him thereafter, cauſed King Richard to dye of a violent death, that no man ſhoulde afterwarde fayne hymſelfe to repreſent his perſon, though ſome haue ſayde, he was not priuie to that wicked offence.The ſundrye reports of K. Richards deth The common fame is, that he was euery day ſerued at the table with coſtly meate, like a Kyng, to the intente that no creature ſhould ſuſpecte anye thing done, contrarie to the order taken in the Parliament, and when the meate was ſet before him, he was forbidden once to touche it, yea, hee was not permitted ſo muche as to ſmell to it, and ſo he dyed of famine.
[1] [2] One writer,Some write, that hee pined himſelfe to death, & wold receyue no foode after he knewe howe his frends had ſpedde, and ſo ended his lyfe on S. Valen|tines day. Tho. VValſ. Sir Piers de Extõ, the mur|derer of kyng Richard. whiche ſeemeth to haue greate knowledge of Kyng Richardes doings, ſayeth, that King Henry, ſitting one daye at his table, ſore ſighing, ſayde, haue I no faithfull friende which will deliuer me of him, whoſe life will bee my death, and whoſe death will be the preſerua|tion of my life. This ſaying was muche noted of them whiche were preſent, and eſpecially, of one, called ſir Piers of Exton. This Knighte incontinently departed from the Courte, with eight ſtrong perſons in his company, and came to Poumfret, commaunding the Eſquier that was accuſtomed, to ſew and take the aſſay be|fore Kyng Richarde, to doe ſo no more, ſaying, let him eate nowe, for hee ſhall not long eate. K. Richarde ſate downe to dinner, and was ſerued without courteſie or aſſay, wherevppon, muche maruelling at the ſuddaine chaunge, he deman|ded of the Eſquier, why he did not his duetie, ſir (ſayd he) I am otherwiſe commaunded by Sir Piers of Exton, which is newly come from K. Henry: when King Richard heard that worde, he tooke the keruing knife in his hand, and ſtrake the Eſquier on the head ſaying, the Deuil take Henry of Lancaſter, and thee togither, and with that worde, ſir Piers entered the chamber, well armed, with eight tall men likewiſe armed, euery of them hauing a bill in his hand. King Richard perceiuing this, put the table from him, and ſtep|ping to the formoſt man, wrong the bill out of his handes, and ſo valiantly defended himſelfe, that hee ſlewe foure of thoſe that thus came to aſſayle hym:The deſperate manhoode of King Richard Sir Piers beeing halfe diſmayed herewith [...]pt into the chayre, where King Ri|charde was wone to ſitte, while the other foure perſons fought with him, and chaſed him about the chamber: and in cõcluſion, as King Richard trauerſed his ground, from one ſide of the cham|ber to an other, and comming by the chayrs, where ſir Piers ſtoode, hee was felled with a ſtroke of a pollax, which ſir Piers gaue hym vp|pon the head, and therewith ridde him out of life,King Richard murthered. without giuing him reſpite, once to call to God for mercie, of his paſſed offences.
[1] [page 1130] It is ſayd, that ſir Piers of Exton, after hee had thus ſlayne him, wept right bitterly, as one ſtriken with the pricke of a giltie conſcience, for murthering him, whome he had ſo long a tyme obeyed, as King.
[1] After hee was thus dead, his body was em|baulmed, and ſeared, and couered with leade, all ſaue the face, to the intente that all men myghte ſee him, and perceyue, that he was departed this life: for as the corps was conueyed from Pont|fret to London, in all the Townes and places where thoſe that had the conueyance of it dyd ſtay with it all nighte, they cauſed Dirige to bee ſong in the euening, and Maſſe of requiem in the morning, and as well after the one ſeruice as the other, his face diſcouered, was ſhewed to all that coueted to behold it.
[1] The dead bo|dy of K. Ri|chard brought to the Tower.Thus was the corps firſte broughte to the Tower, and after through the Citie, to the Ca|thedrall Churche of Sainte Paule bare faced, where it laye three dayes togither, that all men might behold it. There was a ſolemne obſequie done for him, both at Poules, & after at Weſt|minſter, at the which, both at dirige ouernighte, and in the morning at the Maſſe of Requiem, the King and the Citizens of London were pre|ſent. When the ſame was ended, the corps was commaunded to be had vnto Langley,He is buryed at Langley. there to be buried in the Church of the Friers Preachers. The Byſhop of Cheſter, the Abbots of Sainte Albons, and Waltham, celebrated the exequies for the buriall, none of the nobles, nor any of the commons to accompt of being preſent: neyther was there anye to bid them to dinner after they had leyde him in the grounde, and fyniſhed the funerall ſeruice. Hee was after by King Henry the fifth remoued to Weſtminſter, and there ho|norably entombed with O. Iune his wife, al|though the Scottes vntruely write, that he eſca|ped out of priſon, and ledde a vertuous and a ſo|litarie life in Scotlande, and there dyed, and is buried as they hold, in the blacke Friers at Ster|ling.
[1] [2] Forayne prin|ces not with|out cauſe, ab|ho [...]re to heare of the ſhame|full murther of King Rich.When the newes of King Richardes depo|ſing, was reported in Fraunce, King Charles and all his Court wondered, deteſted, and ab|borred ſuche an iniurie done to an annoynted Kyng, to a Crowned Prince, and to the head of a Realme: but in eſpeciall, Waleran, Earle of Saint Paule, which hadde married King Ri|chardes halfe ſiſter, moued of high diſdayne to|wards King Henry, ceaſſed not to ſtirre Kyng Charles and his counſaile, to make warres a|gainſt the Engliſhmen, and he himſelfe ſent let|ters of defiance into Englande. The Erles ſute was eaſily agreed vnto, and an army royall ap|poynted with all ſpeede, to muade Englande. This army was come down into Picardie, rea|die to be tranſported into England: but when it was certainely knowen, that K. Richarde was dead, and that the enterpriſe of his deliueraunce, (whiche was chiefly meante) was fruſtrate and voyde, the army was diſſolued: but when ye cer|taintie of King Richards death was intimate to the Gaſcoignes,How the Gaſ|coignes [...] the death of K. Richard. ye moſt part of the wiſeſt mẽ of ye countrey were right penſife: for they iudged verily, that heereby the engliſh nation ſhoulde be brought to diſhonor, and loſſe of their auntiente fame & glory, for committing ſo heinous an of|fence againſt their K. and Soueraigne Lord, ye memorie wherof, they thought would neuer die: and chiefly, the Citizens of Burdeaux tooke the matter very ſore at the ſtomacke: for they bare exceding fauour to K. Richard, bycauſe he was borne and brought vp in their Citie, & therefore more than al the reſidue, they ſhewed themſelues to abhorre ſo hainous a deede. The Frenchmen hauing vnderſtanding hereof, thought with thẽ|ſelues, that nowe was ye time for thẽ to practiſe with the Gaſcoignes, to reduce them from the engliſh obeyſance, vnder their ſubiection. Heere|vpon,The Duke of Burbon. came Lewes Duke of Burbon vnto A|gen, & wrote to diuers Cities and townes, on ye confines of Guienne, exhorting them with large promiſes, & faire ſugred words, to reuolt from ye Engliſhmen, & to become ſubiects to the crowne of Fraunce, but his trauaile preuayled not: for the people vnderſtanding that the engliſhe yoke was but eaſie in compariſon to the French bon|dage, determined to abide rather in their old ſub|iection, than for a diſpleaſure irrecouerable, to aduenture themſelues on a new doubtfull perill,Froiſſart. yet it was doubted, leaſt the Cities of Burde|aux, Dax, and Bayonne, would haue reuolted, if the Lordes of the marches about thoſe places, had leaned to them in that purpoſe, for they ſent their commiſſioners vnto Agen, to treate with the Duke of Burbon: but for ſo muche as the Lordes, Pomiers, Mucident, Duras, Landu|ras, Copane, Roſem, and Langurante, were mynded to continue ſtill Engliſhe, thoſe Ci|ties durſt not well without them turne to the Frenche obeyſance, for they could not haue ſtir|red out of theyr gates, but thoſe Lordes woulde haue beene readye at theyr elbowes, to haue caught them by the ſleeues.
[1] Kyng Henrye beyng aduertiſed of the Frẽch|mennes couerte meanyngs, and alſo of the wauering myndes of the Gaſcoignes, ſente Thomas Percie Earle of Worceſter with two hundred menne of armes, and foure hun|dred archers into Guyenne, to ayde and aſ|ſiſt Sir Roberte Knolles, hys Lieutenaunte there. The chiefeſt Captaynes that accompa|nyed the Earle in this iourney, were theſe,Polidor. fyrſte, hys Nephewe Sir Hugh Haſtings,Froiſſart. Sir [page 1131] Thomas Colleuille, Sir William Liſle, Iohn de Grailly, baſe ſonne to the Captall de Boeuf, Sir William Drayton, Sir Iohn Daubreti|court: alſo there went with him the Byſhoppe of London; and maſter Richarde D [...]alle, or Dolley.The Earle of Worceſt. ſent into Gaſcoyn. The Earle at his arriuall, ſo wiſely en|treated the noble men, ſo grauely perſwaded the magiſtrates of the Cities and Townes, and ſo gently and familiarly vſed and treated ye com|mons, that he not onely appeaſed their f [...]t and malice, but broughte them to louing and vni|forme obeyſance, receyuing of them othes of o|bedience, and loyall fealtie, whiche done, hee re|turned agayne into Englãd with great thãkes.
[1] The Frenche King perceyuing he coulde not bring his purpoſe aboute, neyther by inuading England,Ambaſſadours frõ the French king. nor by practiſing with ye Gaſcoignes, ſent a ſolemne Ambaſſade into England, requi|ring to haue his daughter ye Lady Iſabel, ſome|time eſpouſed to King Richard, reſtored to him agayne. King Henry gently receyued thoſe that were ſente to him aboute this meſſage, and for aunſwere, promiſed to ſende his commiſſioners vnto Calais, whiche ſhoulde further commune and conclude with them.
[1] It was not ynough that King Henry was thus troubled now in the firſt yere of his raigne, with ciuill ſedition, and the couert practiſes of the Frenchmen, but that the Scottes alſo tooke vpon them to make open warre againſt him: it chaunced,George Earle of Marche fle|eth into En|glande. (as in the Scottiſh Chronicles more at large appeareth) that George of Dunbarre, Earle of the marches of Scotland, being in diſ|pleaſure with Robert King of Scottes, fledde into Englande, to Henry Earle of Northum|berland, wherevppon, the Scottiſhe King de|priued him of all his dignities and poſſeſſions, and cauſed his goodes to bee confiſcate, and after wrote to the King of England, requiring hym if he would haue the twice any longer to conti|nue, either to deliuer into his poſſeſſion the Erle of Marche, and other T [...]tors to his perſon, or elſe to baniſhe them out of his Realme and do|minions:The [...]ſwere of K. Henry to the Scottiſhe ambaſſadours. King Henry diſcretely aunſwered the Herrault of Scotland, that ye words of a Prince oughte to bee kepte, and his writing and Seale ought to bee [...] plate, and conſidering that hee had graunted a ſafeconduct to the Earle and his company, he would neyther without cauſe rea|ſonable breake his promiſe, nor yet deface hys honor, which aunſwere declared to the King of Scottes, hee incontin [...]lye proclaymed open warre againſt the King of Englande,Open war pro+claymed by the kyng of Scots agaynſte Englande. Tho. VValſ. with fyre and ſword: Heerevpon, one ſir Robert Logon, a Scottiſhe Knight, with certayne Shippes well appoynted for the warre, meant to haue deſtroy|ed the Engliſhe fleete, that was come on the coaſtes of Scotlãd, aboue Abirdent, to fiſh there: but as it chaunced, he mette with certaine ſhips of Lynne, that fought with him, and tooke hym priſoner, with the reſidue of hys companye,Robert Logon takẽ priſoner. ſo that hee quite fayled of his purpoſe, and came to the loſſe himſelfe.
[1] The ſame time,The Iles of Okeney ſpoy|led by Engliſh men. Mortalitie of, people. the Engliſhmen ſpoyled alſo certaine of the Iles of Orkeney.
[1] This ſommer, great deathe chaunced in thys lande, manye dying of the peſtilence, wherewith ſundry places were infected.
[1] Kyng Henry perceyuing that policie often|times preuenteth perill, and vnderſtanding the naughtie purpoſes of the Scottes, gathered a great army, and entred into Scotland,K. Henry in|uadeth Scot|lande. burning Townes, Villages, and Caſtels, with a greate parte of the Townes of Edenburgh and Lith, & [figure appears here on page 1131] beſieged the Caſtell of Edenburgh, in the ende of September, whereof was Captaine, Dauid Duke of Rothſay, and Prince of the Realme,The duke of Rotheſay. with Archebalde Earle of Dowglas, hauyng [page 1132] with them many hardy men of warre: Roberte Duke of Albany,The duke of Albanie. that was appoynted gouer|noure of the Realme, bycauſe the King was ſicke, and not meete to rule, ſent an Herrault vn|to K. Henry, promiſing him battayle, within 6. dayes at the furtheſt, if he would ſo long tarrie, which K. Henry promiſed to doe right gladly, & gaue to the Herrault for bringing him ſo accep|table newes, a gowne of ſilke, & a cheine of gold. But K. Henry ſtayed 6. dayes,An. reg. 2. and 16. to, with|out hearing any word of the gouernours com|ming. Thẽ the winter beginning to waxe cold, and foule weather ſtil encreaſing, cauſed the K. to breake vp his ſiege, and ſo returned withoute battaile, or ſkirmiſh offered.
[1] King Henrie returneth home. The Scottes [...]enne in Northumber|lande. Iuſts at York.In the meane time that the K. was thus in Scotland, the Scottes made a roade into Nor|thumberlande, and brenned diuers Townes in Bambourrough ſhire. At the Kings comming backe to Yorke, there were two ſtraungers, the one a Frenchman, & the other an Italian, requi|ring to accompliſh certayne feates of armes, a|gainſt ſir Iohn Cornewall, & Ianico de Artois, their requeſt was graunted, & the ſtrangers were put to the worſt, whereby ſir Iohn Cornewall obteined the kings fauor ſo farforth, that he mar|ried the kings ſiſter,Sir Io. Corne|wall marrieth the kinges ſiſter. the widdowe of Iohn Hol|land, Earle of Huntington. Some ſaid yet, that the Knighte and the Counteſſe were agreed a|forehand, without the kings conſent.
[1] [2] In the kings abſence, whileſt he was forth of the realme in Scotland againſt his enimies,The Welche|men rebell by the ſetting on of Owen Glen+douer. the Welchmen tooke occaſion to rebell, vnder ye con|duct of their Captaine, Owen Glendouer, doing what miſchiefe they could deuiſe, vnto their eng|liſh neighbours. Stowe. Owen Glen|douer what he was. This Owen Glendouer was ſon to an eſquier of Wales, named Griffith Vi|chan: he dwelled in the pariſh of Conway, with|in the Countie of Merioneth in Northwales, in a place ye hight Glindourwy, which is as muche to ſay in Engliſh, as the valley, by the ſide of the water of Dee, by occaſion whereof, he was ſur|named Glindour Dewe, he was firſte ſet to ſtu|die the lawes of the Realme, & became an vtter barreſter, or an apprentice of the lawe (as they terme him) and ſerued K. Richard at Flint Ca|ſtel, when he was taken by Henry Duke of Lã|caſter, though other haue written, that hee ſerued this K. Henry the fourth,Tho. VValſ. before he came to at|teine the Crowne, in roome of an Eſquier, and after, by reaſon of variãce that roſe betwixt him, and the L. Reginold Grey of Ruthin, aboute landes which he claymed to be his by righte of inheritance: when he ſaw that he might not pre|uaile, finding no ſuche fauour in his ſute, as hee looked for, he firſte made warre againſt the ſayde L. Grey,The occaſion that moued him to rebell. waſting his lands and poſſeſſiõs with fire and ſword, cruelly killing his ſeruauntes and tenauntes. The K. aduertiſed of ſuche reb [...] exploites, enterpriſed by the ſaid Owen,The K [...] into Wales, meaning to chaſtiſe the rebelles, and his vnruly complices, determined to chaſtice them, as diſturbers of his peace, and ſo with an armye entred into Wales, but the Wel [...] menne with their Captaine, withdrew into the mountaines of Snowdone, ſo to eſcape the reuenge, whyche the K. meant towardes them. The K. therefore did muche hurte in the Countreys with fire aid ſword ſleaing diuers, that with weapon in hand came for the to reſiſt him, and ſo with a greate bootie of beaſts and cattaile he returned.
[1] The Emperor of Conſtantinople comming into England to ſue for aide againſt ye Turkes,The Emperor of Conſtanti|nople c [...] into England. was met by the K. on blacke heath, vpon ye feaſt day of S. Thomas the Apoſtle, & broughte vnto London with great honor. The K. bare all hys charges, preſenting him with giftes at his de|parture, meete for ſuch an eſtate.
[1] After ye feaſt of the Epiphanie,1401 a Parliamente was holdẽ, in which an Acte was made,A parliament agaynſt thoſe yt held opinions in religion, contrary to the receiued doctrine of the Church of Rome, ordey|ning, yt whereſoeuer any of thẽ were found and proued to ſet forth ſuch doctrine, they ſhoulde bee apprehẽded, & deliuered to ye B. their dyocefane, & if they ſtood ſtiffely in their opiniõs, and would not be reformed, they ſhould be deliuered to ye ſe|cular power, to be brent to aſhes. The firſt yt ta|ſted the ſmart of this Statute, was one Wil [...] Hawtree, or Sawtree a prieſt,One brench Smithfield. ye being apprehẽ|ded, was brẽt in Smithfield, in time of this Par|liament.
[figure appears here on page 1132]
[1] About the ſame time, K. Henry according to promiſe made, as ye haue heard,Addition [...] the ch [...] of Fla [...] vnto the French Ambaſſadors, ſente ouer into the Countrey of Guiſnes, Edward Earle of Rutland, otherwiſe in king Richards dayes entituled Duke of Au|marle, ſonne to Edmond Duke of Yorke,There wa [...] al|ſo the E [...] Deu [...] Froi [...] Elie [...]ck Fro [...] Hẽry Earle of Northumberlande, and his ſonne the Lord Henry Percy, the Lord Yuan Fitzwaren, the Biſhops of Wincheſter and Lincolne, where the Duke of Burbon, the Lordes Charles d Al|bert, [page 1133] Charles de Hangeſt,Cõmiſſioners [...] treate [...] peace. Iohn de Chaſtelmo|rant, the Patriarke of Ieruſalem, and the By|ſhops of Paris, and Beauuois, were ready there to commune with them, and ſo they aſſemblyng togither at ſundry tymes and places, the French men required to haue Queene Iſabell to them reſtored, but the Engliſhmen ſeemed loth to de|parte with hir, requiring to haue hir married to Henry Prince of Wales, one in bloud and age in all things to hir equall, but the French [...]e woulde in no wiſe condiſcende thereto, wi [...]te their Kings conſente,The frenche [...]ng [...]abled [...] [...]enſ [...] who at that preſente was not in caſe to vtter his mind, being troubled with his wonted diſeaſe. The commiſſioners then be|gan to treate of peace, and at length, renewed the truce to endure for ſixe and twentie yeares yet to come, [...]or. 25. [...]res. wherevnto, the foure yeares paſſed beeyng added, made vp the number of thirtie yeares, ac|cording to the concluſion agreed vpon, in the life time of King Richard.
[1] E [...] Some Authors affirme, that ther was a new league concluded, to continue, during the lyues of both the Princes.The frenche|men demaũde [...] for Queene Iſabel. The Frenchmenne dyuers times required to haue ſome dower aſſigned forth for Queene Iſabell, but that was at all times vtterly denyed, for that the marriage betwixte hir and King Richard was neuer conſummate, by reaſon whereof, ſhe was not dowable. Neuer|theleſſe, ſhee was ſhortly after ſente home, vnder the conduct of the Earle of Worceſter, aſſociate with dyuers other noble and honorable perſona|ges, both men and women, hauing with hir all the iewels, ornamẽts, and plate which ſhe brou|ght into England, with a great ſurphiſage be|ſides,Additions of the Chro. of [...]rs. [...]he is deliue [...] [...]me giuen to hir by the King. She was delyue|red betwixte Bulloigne and Calais, vnto Vale|ran Earle of S. Pol, the French Kings Lieute|nant in Picardie, who being accompanyed with the Byſhop of Chartres the Lord de Hugueuile, the Lady of Monpenſier, ſiſter to the Earle of Marche, the Lady of Lucenburgh, ſiſter to the ſaide Earle of S. Pol and diuers other Ladyes and Gentlewomenne, whiche receyued hir with greate ioy and gladneſſe, and taking leaue of the Engliſhe Lordes and Ladies, they conueyed hir vnto the Dukes of Burgoigne and Burhunne, that attended for hir, not far off, vpon a hill, with a great number of people. They firſt conueyed hir to Bulleigne, and after to Abuile, frõ whence the Duke of Orleyaunce conueyed hir to Paris,She is conuei|ed to Paris. vn|to the preſence of the K. hir father,Hir ſeconde marriage. and the Q. hir mother: She was after giuen in marriage vnto Charles, ſon to Lewis Duke of Orleaunce.
[1] About the ſame time, An. reg. 3. Owen Glen|dower. The daunger of the king to haue bene de|ſtroyed. Owen Gleindouer and his Welchmen did much hurt to the Kings ſub|iects. One night as the King was going to bed, he was in danger to haue bin deſtroyed, for ſome naughtie traiterous perſons hadde conueyed into his bed a certaine iron, made with ſmithes crafte, like a Caltroppe, with three long prickes, ſharpe, and ſmall, ſtanding vpright, in ſort, that when he had laid him downe, and that the weighte of hys body ſhould come vpon the bed, he ſhuld haue bin thruſt in with thoſe prickes, and peraduenture ſlayne: but as God would, the K. not thinking of any ſuch thing, chanced yet to feele and perceyue the inſtrument, before he layde him downe, and ſo eſcaped the daunger.
[1] This yere, the eight day of Aprill,1402 deceaſſed ye Lord Thomas Beauchamp, Earle of War|wike. In the moneth of Marche,The Erle of Warwike de|parteth this life. A blaſing Starre. appeared a bla|ſing ſtarre, firſt betwene the Eaſt part of the fir|mament, and the North, flaſſhing forth fier and flames round about it, and laſtly, ſhooting foorth fierie beames towardes the North, foreſhewing as was thought, the great effuſion of bloud that followed, about the parties of Wales and Nor|thumberland: for much what about ye ſame time, Owen Glendouer with his Welchmen, fought with the Lord Grey of Ruthin, cõming forth to [figure appears here on page 1133] [page 1134] defende his poſſeſſions, whiche the ſame Owen waſted and deſtroyed: and as the fortune of that dayes worke fell out,The L. Grey of Ruthin taken in fight by Owen Glen|dower. the Lorde Grey was taken priſoner, and many of his mẽ were ſlayne. This happe lifted the Welchmen into high pride, and encreaſed maruellouſty their wicked & preſump|tuous attemptes.
[1] About Wh [...]tfontide, a conſpiracie was deui|ſed by certayne perſons, that wiſhed the Kings deathe,A brute was ſpred abrode that K. Rich. was liuing. mainteyning and bruting abroade, that King Richarde was aliue, and therefore exhor|ted men to ſtand with him, for ſhortly he would come to light, and reward ſuch as tooke hys part with iuſt recopence: herewith, there was a prieſt takẽ at Ware,A prieſt taken. or as ſome bookes haue, at War|wike, who had a Kalender or rolle, in whyche a great number of names were written, moe than were in any wiſe giltie to the fact, as afterwards appeared by the ſame prieſts confeſſion, for being examined, whether he knew ſuch perſons as hee had ſo enrolled, & were there preſent before him, he ſayd, he neuer knewe them at all, and beeyng demaunded wherefore hee had then ſo recorded their names, he aunſwered, bycauſe hee thoughte they would gladly doe what miſchief they could againſt King Henry, vpon any occaſion offe|red, in reuenge of the iniuries done to King Ri|charde, by whome they had bin aduaunced, and princely preferred. When therefore there appea|red no more credite in the man, he was condem|ned,He is executed drawen, hanged, and quartered, and dyuers that had bin apprehẽded about that matter, were releaſſed,The Priour of Launde appre|hended. and ſet at libertie. Shortly after, ye Pri|or of Launde (who for his euill gouernemement had bin depriued of his ſtate and dignitie) was likewiſe executed, not for attempting any thing of himſelfe, but only for that he confeſſed, that he knew euill counſaile, and concealed it. His name was Walter Baldocke, a Chanon ſometyme in Dunſtable, and by King Richarde promoted to the Priorſhip of Laund.
[1] [2] [3] Grey Friers apprehended.Alſo the ſame time, certayne grey Friers were apprehended for treaſon which they had deuiſed to bring to paſſe, and one of them, whoſe name was Richarde Friſeby, beeing aſked what hee would do if King Richarde had bin aliue, & pre|ſent with them, anſwered ſtoutly, that he would fighte againſte any man in his quarrell, euen to death, heerevpon, he was condemned, drawen, & hanged in his Friers weede,A gray Fryer hanged in his habite. to the great confu|ſion of his breethren, but they made earneſt in|ſtance to haue his body taken downe, and buried with Diriges, and exequies, and had theyr ſute graunted.Sir Roger Cla+ringdon. Sir Roger of Claringdon Knighte was alſo put to deathe aboute this conſpiracie, with two of his ſeruants, the one an eſquier, the other a yeman. Hee was baſe ſonne as was re|ported, vnto Edward, eldeſt ſonne to King Ed|ward the thirde, ſurnamed the blacke prince. On Corpus Chriſti daye, at euenſong time,The deui [...] prepare [...] [...]lykeneſſe of a Grey Frier. the De|uill as was thought appeared in a towne of Eſ|ſex called Danburie, entring into the Church vn|likeneſſe of a grey Frier, behauing himſelfe very outragiouſly, playing his partes like a Deuil in|deede, ſo that ye pariſhioners were put in a mar|uellous great fright. At the ſame inſtante, there chan [...]ed ſuche a tempeſt of wind, thunder, and lig [...] [...]g, that the higheſt part of ye roofe of that Church was blowen bowne, and the Chancell was all to ſhaken, rent,Eight [...] executed. & torne in peece [...] With|in a ſmall while after, righte of thoſe grey Friers that had practiſed treaſon againſt the king, were brought to open iudgement, and conuicted were drawen, and headed at London, and two other ſuffered at Leiceſter, all whiche perſons had pu|bliſhed K. Richarde to be aliue. Owen Glendo|fier, according to his accuſtomed manner, rob|bing and ſpoyling within the Engliſh bordures, cauſed all the forces of the ſhire of Hereforde, to aſſemble togither againſte them, vnder the con|duct of Edmond Mortimer Earle of Marche, but comming to trie the matter by battayle, whether by treaſon or otherwiſe, ſo it fortuned, that the Engliſhe power was diſcomfited,The Earle of Marche taken priſoner in [...]|taile by Owen Glendow [...]. the Earle taken priſoner, and aboue a thouſande of his people ſlayne in the place. The ſhameful vil|lanie vſed by the Welchwomen towardes the dead carcaſes, was ſuche, as honeſt eares woulde be aſhamed to heare, and therefore we omitte to ſpeake thereof. The dead bodies might not be bu|ried, without great ſummes of money giuen for libertie to conuey them away.The ſuſpi [...] of king He [...] groũded vpon a guiltie con|ſcience. The K. was not haſtie to purchaſe the deliuerance of the Earle of Marche, bycauſe his title to the Crowne was well inough knowen, and therefore ſuffered him to remaine in miſerable priſon, wiſhing both the ſaide Earle, and all other of his lignage out of this life, with God and his Sainctes in Heauen, ſo they had bin out of the way, for then all hadde bin well inough as he thought.The kings daughter [...]|ried into G [...]+manie. But to lette theſe things paſſe, ye K. this yere ſent his eldeſt daugh|ter Blaunche, accompanyed with the Earle of Somerſet, the Byſhop of Worceſter, the Lorde Clifford, and other, into Almaigne, which brou|ght hir to Colein, and there with great triumph, ſhe was married to Wil. Duke of Baui [...] ſon and heire to Lewes the Emperor. About midde Auguſt, the King, to chaſtice the preſumptuous attemptes of the Welchmen, went with a great power of men into Wales, to purſue the Cap|taine of the Welch Rebels, Owen Glendower, but in effect he loſt his labor, for Owen conuey|ed himſelfe out of the way, into his knowen lur|king places, and as was thoughte, through arte magike, he cauſed ſuch foule weather of windes,Intempera [...] weather. tempeſt, raine, ſnowe, and haile to be rayſed, for [page 1135] the annoyance of the Kings army, that the lyke had not bin heard of, in ſuch ſort, that the Kyng was con [...]ned to returne home, hauing cau|ſed his people yet to ſpoyle, and brenne firſte a great part of the Countrey. The ſame time, the Lord Edmonde of Langley Duke of Yorke de|parted this life,The deceſſe of the Duke of Yorke. and was buried at Langley with his breethren. The Scottes vnder the leading of Patricke Hepborne, of the Hales the yonger, en| [...]ing into England,Scottes ouer|throwens. were ouerthrowen a [...] Neſ|bet, in the marches as in the Scottiſh Chroni ye may finde more at large.
[1] This battell was fought the two and twen|tith of Iune, in this yeare of our Lord .140 [...].
[1] [2] Archebald Earle Dowglas ſore diſpleaſed in his mind for this ouerthrowe, procured a com|miſſion to inuade Englãd, and that to his coſt, as ye may likewiſe reade in the Scottiſhe hiſto|ries,Scottes van| [...]ſhed at [...]on. for at a place called Homildon, they were ſo fiercely aſſayled by the Engliſhmen, vnder the leading of the Lorde Percye, ſurnamed Henrie Hoteſp [...]e, and George Earle of Marche, that with violence of the Engliſhe ſhotte, they were quite vanquiſhed, and put to flight, on the Rood day in harueſt, with a greate ſlaughter mad [...] by the Engliſhmen. We know that the Scottiſhe writers note this battell to haue chaunced in the yeare .140 [...]. but wee following Thomas Wal|ſingham in this place, and other Engliſhe wri|ters, for the accompt of times, haue thought good to place it in this yeare .1402. as in the ſame wri|ters we find it.The number [...]ayne. There were ſlaine of men of eſti|mation, ſir Iohn Swinton, ſir Adam Gordon, Sir Iohn Leuiſton, Sir Alexander Ramſey of Dalehouſy, and three and twentie Knights, be|ſides ten M. of the commons: and of priſoner [...]|mongſt other were theſe, [...]ſoners [...]ke [...]. Mordack Erle of Fife, ſon to the gouernour Archembalde Erle D [...]|glas, which in the fight loſt one of his eyes, Tho|mas Earle of Murrey, Robert Erle of Angus, and as ſome writers haue, the Earles of Atholl, and Menteith, with fiue hundred other of mea|ner degrees. After this, the Lord Percy, hauing beſtowed the priſoners in ſure keeping, entered Tiuidale, waſting and deſtroying the whole Countrey, and then beſieged the Caſtell of Coc|klawes,The Caſtell of Cocklawes [...]ed by [...] L. Percy. wherof was Captaine one Sir Iohn Grenlow, who compounded with the Engliſh|men, that if the Caſtel were not ſuccoured with|in three monethes, then he woulde deliuer it into their hands. The firſt two monethes paſſed, and no likelihood of reſcue appeared, but crothes thi [...]d moneth was expired, the Engliſhmen being ſent for to go with the K. into Wales, reyfed theyr ſiege, and departed, leauing the noble men priſo|ners, with the Earle of Northumberlande, and with his ſon the L. Percye, to keepe them to the kings vſe. In this meane while, ſuch as miſliked with the doctrine and Ceremonies then vſed in the Church, ceaſſed not to vtter their conſciẽces,The proſeſ|ſors of Wick|clafes doctrine though in ſecret, to thoſe in whome they had af|fiance, but as in the like caſes it commonly hap|peneth, they were bewrayed by ſome that were thought chiefly to fauour their cauſe, as by Sir Lewes Clifford knight, who hauing leane [...] to ye doctrine a long time,Sir Lewes Clifford be|wrayeth his fellowes. did nowe as Tho. Walſ. writeth, diſcloſe al that he knew vnto ye Archchb. of Caunterburie, to ſhewe himſelfe as it were to haue erred, rather of ſimpleneſſe and ignorance, than of frowardneſſe or ſtubborne malice. The names of ſuche as taughte the articles and con|cluſions maynteyned by thoſe whiche then they called Lollards or Heretikes, the ſaid ſir Lewes Clifforde gaue in writing vnto the ſaid Archb.
[1] [2] Edmond Mortimer Earle of Marche, priſo|ner with Owen Glendouer, whether for irke|ſomneſſe of cruell captiuitie, or feare of death, or for what other cauſe, it is vncertaine,The Earle of March marri|eth the daugh|ter of Owen Glendouer. agreed to take parte with Owen, againſte the King of Englande, and tooke to wife the daughter of the ſaid Owen. Straunge wonders happened as men reported at the natiuitie of this man, for the ſame night hee was borne, all his fathers horſes in the ſtable were founde to ſtand in bloud vp to the belyes.
[1] The morow after the feaſt of Saint Micha|ell, a Parliament began at Weſtminſter, An. reg. 4. A Parliament. which continued the ſpace of ſeauen wekes, in the [...]ame was [...]tently and a halfe graunted by the Clear|gie, and a fiftenth by the comunaltie.
[1] Moreouer, the commons in this Parliament beſought the King to haue the perſon of George Earle of Marche a Scottiſhman,George Earle of March re|commended to the King by Parliament. 1403 recommended to his [...], for that the ſame Earle ſhewed himſelfe faithfull to the King and his Realme.
[1] There was alſo a ſtatute made, that the Fri|ers beggers ſhould not receiue any into their or|der, vnder the age of fourteene yeares.
[1] In th [...] fourth yere of King Henries raigne,Ambaſſadors. Ambaſſadors were ſent ouer into Britaine; to bring from thence: the Duches of Britaine, the Lady Iane de Nauarre, the widdowe of Iohn de Montford, late Duke of Britaine, ſurna|med [...] Conqueror, with whome by procu [...]|tors the king had contracted matrimonie.
[1] In the beginning of Februarie, thoſe that were frute, returned with [...] in fa [...]etie, but not without [...] the [...] ſtormes of the winde and weather that toſſed them ſore too and fed, before they could get to lande. The Kyng meete hir at Wincheſter, where the ſeuenth of Febru|arye; the marriage was ſolemnized betwixte them.
[1] Whileſt theſe thyngs were thus a doing in Englande, Val [...]an Earle of Sainct Paule, bearing, ſtill a deadelye and malitious hatred [page 1136] toward King Henry, hauing aſſembled ſixteene, or ſeuentene hundred men of warre, embarqued them at Harflew, and taking the Sea,The Earle of [...] in the Iſle of Wight. landed in the Iſle of Wight, in the whiche he burned two [figure appears here on page 1136] villages, and foure ſimple cottages, and for a tri|umph of ſo noble an acte, made foure knightes, but when hee hearde that the people of the Iſle wer aſſembled, and approched to fight with him, he haſted to his ſhips, and returned home, where|with the noble menne of his company were diſ|pleaſed, cõſidering his prouiſion to be great, and his gaine ſo ſmall.
[1] The Earle of Cleremont in Gaſcoigne.In the ſame very ſeaſon. Iohn Earle of Cle|remont, ſonne to the Duke of Bourbon, wanne in Gaſcoigne out of the Engliſhmens poſſeſſion, the Caſtels of Saint Peter, Sainte Marie, and the newe Caſtell, and the Lord de la Bret wanne the Caſtell of Carla [...]fin, whyche was no ſmall loſſe to the Engliſh nation.
[1] [2] Henry Earle of Northumberland, with hys brother Thomas Earle of Worceſter, and hys ſonne the Lorde Henry Percy, ſurnamed hote|ſpurre, which were to King Henry in the begin|ning of his raigne, both faithfull friendes, and earneſt aydors, began now to enuie his wealthe and felicitie, and ſpecially, they were greeued, by|cauſe the King demaunded of the Earle and hys ſonne, ſuch Scottiſhe priſoners as were taken at Homeldon, and Neſhit, for of all the Captiues whiche were taken in the conflictes foughten in thoſe two places, there was deliuered to ye kings poſſeſſion only Mordake Erle of Fife, the Duke of Albanies ſonne, though the King did dyuers and ſundry times require deliuerance of the re|ſidue, and that with greate threatnings: where|with the Percies beeing ſore offended, for that they claymed them as their owne proper priſo|ners, and their peculiar prayes, by the counſell of the Lord Thomas Percie Earle of Worceſter, whoſe ſtudy was euer (as ſome write) to pro|cure malice, and ſet things in a broyle, came to the King vnto Windeſor (vppon a purpoſe to proue him) and there required of him,The requeſt of the P [...]. that either by raunſome or otherwiſe, he would cauſe to be deliuered out of priſon, Edmõd Mortimer Erle of Marche, their Couſin Germaynt, whome as they reported, Owen Glendor kepte in fylthie priſon, ſhakeled with irons, only for that he tooke his part, and was to him faithfull and true. The King began not a little to muſe on this requeſt, and not withoute a cauſe, for in deede, it touched him ſomewhat neere, for this Edmond was for to Roger Earle of Marche, ſonne to the Lady Phillip, daughter of Lyonell Duke of Cla [...]net, the third ſonne of King Edward the thirde, whi|che Edmond at king Richards going into Ire|lande, was proclaymed heire apparant to the Crowne and Realme, whoſe Aunt called Ele|anor, the Lord Henrie Percie had married, and therefore King Henry could not well heare that any man ſhoulde be earneſt, about the aduance|ment of that lignage. The King when hee had ſtudied on the matter, made aunſwere, that the Earle of Marche was not taken priſoner for his cauſe, nor in his ſeruice, but willingly ſuffered himſelfe to be taken, bicauſe he would not with|ſtand the attemptes of Owen Glendor, and hys complices, and therfore he would neither raun|ſome him, nor relieue him.
[1] The Percies with this aunſwere and frau|dulent excuſe, were not alitrie fumed in ſo much that Henrie Hoteſpurre ſaid openly: Behold,The ſaying of the L. Percy. the heire of the Realme is robbed of his righte, and yet the robber with his owne, will not rede [...] him. So in this furie the Percies departed, no|thing more minding, than to depoſe King Hen|ry, from the high tipe of his regality, and to p [...]t in his feate, their couſin Edmõd, Erle of March, [page 1137] whome they did not onely deliuer out of Capti|uitie,The conſpira|cie of the Per|cies with Owẽ Glendower. An indenture tripartite. but alſo to the high diſpleaſure of Kyng Henry, entred in league with the foreſayde O|wen Glendouer. Heerewith, they by their depu|ties in the houſe of the Archedeacon of Bangor, deuided the Realme amongſt them, cauſing a tripartite Indenture to be made and ſealed with their ſeales, by the couenauntes wherof, al Eng|land from Seuerne and Trent,A deuiſion of that whiche they had not. South, & Eaſt|ward, was aſſigned to the Earle of Marche. All Wales, and the landes beyond Seuerne Weſt|ward, were appoynted to Owen Glendor: and all the remnaunt from Trent Northewarde, to the Lorde Percy.
[1] A vayne pro|phecie.This was done (as ſome haue ſayd) through a fooliſhe credite giuen to a vayne prophecie, as though King Henry was the Moldewarp, cur|ſed of Gods owne mouth, and they three were the Dragon, the Lion, and the Wolfe, whyche ſhould deuide this Realme betwene them. Such is the deuiation (ſayth Hall) and not diuination of thoſe blinde and fantaſticall dreames of the Welch propheſiers.
[1] King Henry not knowing of this newe con|federacie, and nothing leſſe minding, than that which after happened, gathered a great army to goe againe into Wales, whereof the Earle of Northumberlande, and his ſonne were aduerti|ſed by the Earle of Worceſter,The Percies [...]ayſe their po| [...]ers. and with all di|ligence reyſed all the power they coulde make, and ſent to the Scottes, whiche before were ta|ken priſoners at Homeldon, for ayde of menne, promiſing to the Earle Dowglas the Towne of Berwike,The craue aid of the Scots. and a parte of Northumberlande, and to other Scottiſh Lordes, greate Lordſhips and ſeigniories, if they obteined the vpper hand. The Scottes in hope of gaine, and deſirous to be reuenged of their olde greefes, came to ye Erle with a great company.
[1] The Archbiſh. of Yorke of [...] ſell with [...] Percies in [...] conſpi| [...]cie.The Percies to make theyr part ſeeme good, deuiſed certayne articles, by the aduice of Ri|chard Scrope, Archebyſhoppe of Yorke, brother to the Lorde Scrope, whome King Henry had cauſed to be beheaded at Briſtowe.
[1] Th [...]. VValſ.Theſe articles being ſhewed to dyuers noble men, and other ſtates of the Realme, moued thẽ to fauoure theyr purpoſe, in ſo muche that ma|nie of them did not onely promiſe to the Percies ayde and ſuccoure by woordes, but alſo by theyr writings and ſeales confirmed the ſame. How|beit when the matter came to tryall, the moſte parte of the confederates abandoned them, and at the day of the conflict left them alone.
[1] Thus after that the conſpirators had diſ|couered themſelues, the Lorde Henry Percy de|ſirous to proceede in the enterprice, vpon truſte to be aſſiſted by Owen Glendor, the Earle of Marche and other, aſſembled an armye of men of armes and archers forthe of Cheſhire and Wales,The earle of Worceſter go|uernour to the prince ſlippeth from him. Hall. and incontinently hys Vncle Tho|mas Percie Earle of Worceſter, that hadde the gouernement of the Prince of Wales, who as then laye at London in ſecrete manner, con|ueyed hymſelfe out of the Princes houſe, and commyng to Stafforde (where hee mette hys nephewe) they encreaſed theyr power by all wayes and meanes they coulde deuiſe. The Earle of Northumberlande hymſelfe was not with them, but being ſicke, hadde promiſed vpon hys amendmente to repayre vnto them (as ſome write) with all conueniente ſpeede.
[1] [2] [3] Theſe noble men to make theyr conſpiracie to ſeeme excuſable, beſides the Articles aboue mentioned, ſente letters abroade,The pretence of the Percies, as they publi|ſhed it abrode wherein was conteyned, that theyr gathering of an armye tended to none other ende, but onely for the ſafegarde of theyr owne perſons, and to putte ſome better gouernemente in the common wealthe. For whereas taxes and tallages were daylye leuyed, vnder pretence to bee em|ployed in defence of the Realme, the ſame were vaynely waſted, and vnprofitably conſumed: and where through the ſlaunderous reportes of their enimies, the King hadde taken a greeuous diſpleaſure with them, they durſt not appeare perſonally in the Kings preſence, vntill the Pre|lates and Barons of the Realme hadde obteined of the King licence for them to come and purge themſelues before him, by lawfull tryall of theyr peeres, whoſe iudgemẽt (as they pretended) they would in no wiſe refuſe. Many that ſaw & heard theſe letters, did commend theyr diligence, and highly praiſed theyr aſſured fidelitie and truſti|neſſe towardes the common wealthe. But the King vnderſtanding theyr cloked drift, deuiſed (by what meanes he might) to quiet and appeaſe the commons, and deface theyr contriued forge|ries,The kings an|ſwere to the Percies libell. and therefore he wrote an aunſwere to their Libelles, that he maruelled muche ſith the Earle of Northumberland, and the Lord Henry Per|cie his ſonne, had receyued the moſt parte of the ſummes of money graunted to him by ye Clear|gie and cõmunaltie, for defence of the marches, as he could euidently proue, what ſhoulde moue them to compleyne and reiſe ſuch manifeſt ſlan|ders. And where as he vnderſtood, that the Erles of Northumberlande and Worceſter, and the Lorde Percy hadde by their letters ſignified to their friends abroade, that by reaſon of the ſlan|derous reportes of their enimies, they durſt not appeare in his preſence, without the mediation of the Prelates and nobles of the Realme, ſo as they required pledges, whereby they might ſafe|ly come afore him, to declare and alledge what they had to ſay in proofe of their innocencie, hee proteſted by letters ſente forthe vnder his ſeale, [page 1138] that they mighte ſafely come and goe, without all daunger, or any manner of indempnitie to be offered to their perſons: but this coulde not ſatiſ|fie thoſe men, but that reſolued to goe forwardes wyth their enterpriſe, they marched towardes Shreweſburie, vppon hope to be ayded (as men thought,) by Owen Glendour, and his Welch|men, publiſhing abroade through out the Coun|treys on eache ſide,Poore K. Ri|charde is ſtill alyue with thẽ that wiſh king Henries ouer|throwe. that King Richarde was a|liue, whome if they wiſhed to ſee, they willed thẽ to repaire in armour vnto the Caſtel of Cheſter, where without all doubt, he was at that preſent, and ready to come forwarde. This tale beeyng reyſed, though it were moſt vntrue, yet it bredde variable motions in mens minds, cauſing them to wauer, ſo as they knewe not to whiche parte they ſhoulde ſticke, and verily, diuers were well affected towardes King Richard, ſpecially ſuche as had taſted of his princely bountifulneſſe (of which ther was no ſmall number) and to ſpeake a troth, no maruell it was, if many enuyed the proſperous ſtate of King Henry, ſith it was e|uident inough to the world, that hee hadde with wrong vſurped the Crowne, and not only vio|lently depoſed King Richarde, but alſo cruelly procured his death, for the whiche vndoubtedly both he, and his poſteritie taſted ſuch troubles, as put them ſtill in daunger of their ſtates, till their direct ſucceeding line was quite rooted out, by the contrarie faction, as in Henry the ſixth, and Ed|ward [...]e fourth it may appeare.
[1] [2] But now to returne where we lefte, Kyng Henry aduertiſed of the proceedings of the Per|cies, forthwith gathered about him ſuche power as hee mighte make, and beeing earneſtly called vppon by the Scotte, the Earle of Marche, to make haſt and giue battell to his enimies, before their power by delaying of time ſhould ſtill too muche encreaſe, hee paſſed forwarde with ſuche ſpeede,The kinges ſpeedy dili|gence. that he was in ſight of his enimies, lying in camp neere to Shreweſburie, before they were in doubt of any ſuch thing, for the Percies thou|ght, that he would haue ſtayed at Burton vppon Trent, till his Counſell had come thither to him to giue their aduice what he were beſt to do.The P [...]reyes troubled with the kinges ſo|dayn cõming. By reaſon of the Kings ſuddaine comming in thys ſort, they ſtayed from aſſaulting the Towne of Shreweſburie, which enterpriſe they were rea|dy at that inſtante to haue taken in hande, and forthwith,The L. P [...]rcye exhorteth his complices to ſticke to their tackle. the Lorde Percie, as a Captaine of high courage. began to exhorte the Captaynes and Souldiers to prepare themſelues to battell, ſith the matter was growen to that poynt, that by no meanes it could be auoyded, ſo that (ſayde hee) thys daye ſhall eyther bring vs all to ad|uauncement and honor, or elſe if it ſhall chaunce vs to bee ouercome, ſhall deliuer vs from the Kings ſpitefull malice and cruell diſdeyne, for playing the menne as we ought to doe, [...] is to dye in battell for the common [...] cauſe, than through cowardlike feare to pro|long life, whiche after ſhall be taken from vs, by ſentence of the enimie.
[1] Heerevpon,The [...] of the Pe [...] armye. the whole armie being in num|ber about a fourteene thouſande choſen menne, promiſed to ſtande with him ſo long as life li|ſted.
[1] There were with the Percies as Chief [...] of this armie, the Earle of Dowglas, a Scot|tiſhe man, the Baron of Kinderton, ſir Hugh Brone, and Sir Richarde Vernon Knightes, with dyuers other ſtout and right valiãt Cap|taines.
[1] Nowe when the two armies were en|camped, the one againſte the other,The Percie [...] ſente their ar+ticles to the [...] the Earle of Worceſter and the Lord Percy with their com|plices ſente the Articles, (whereof I ſpake before) by Thomas Cayton, and Thomas Sal [...] Eſquiers to King Henry, vnder their hands and ſeales, which Articles in effect charged him with manifeſt periurie, in that contrary to his oth [...]+ned vpon the Euangeliſts at Doncaſter,King Henrie charged wyth per [...]ie. When he firſte entred the Realme after his exile, he had taken vpon him the Crowne and royall digni|tie, empriſoned King Richard, cauſed him to re|ſigne his title, and finally to be murthered. Dy|uers other matters they layde to his charge, as leuying of taxes and tallages, contrary to hys promiſe, infringing lawes and cuſtomes of the Realme, and ſuffring the Erle of Marche to re|main in priſon, without trauelling to haue him deliuered, al which things they as Proctors,Procu [...] Protecto [...] the common wealth. and protectors of the common wealthe, tooke vppon them to proue againſt him, as they proteſted to the whole world.
[1] King Henry after he had redde their articles, with the defiãce which they annexed to ye ſame, anſwered the Eſquiers, that he was ready with dint of ſword and fierce battell, to proue theyr quarrell falſe,The king [...] [...]+ſwer to the meſſenge [...] that b [...] the article [...] and nothing elſe than forged mat|ter, not doubting, but that God woulde ayd and aſſiſt him in his righteous cauſe, againſt the di|ſloyall and falſe forſworne traytors.
[1] The next day in the morning earely, beeyng the euen of Mary Magdalene, they ſet their bat|tels in order on both ſides, and nowe whileſt the warriers looked when the token of battell ſhould bee giuen, the Abbot of Shreweſburie,The [...] treth to [...] his [...]+ſaries. and one of the Clearkes of the priuie ſeale, were ſent from the King vnto the Percies, to offer them par|don, if they woulde come to anye reaſonable a|greemente.
[1] By theyr perſwaſions, the Lord Henry Per|cie began to giue care vnto the kings offers, and ſo ſent with them his vncle the Earle of Wor|ceſter, to declare vnto the K. the cauſes of thoſe [page 1139] troubles, and to require ſome effectuall reforma|tion in the ſame.
[1] It was reported for a troth, that now when the King hadde condiſcended vnto all that was reaſonable at his hands to bee required, and ſee|med to humble himſelfe more than was meete for his eſtate, the Earle of Worceſter vppon hys returne to his nephewe, made relation cleane cõ|trarie to that the King had ſayde,The Earle of Worceſters double dea| [...]ing in wrong [...]porting the kings wordes. in ſuche ſorte, that he ſet his nephewes hearte more in diſplea|ſure towardes the King, than euer it was be|fore, driuing him by that meanes to fighte why|ther he would or not: then ſuddaynely blewe the trumpettes, the Kings part cried Saint George vpon them, the aduerſaries cried Eſperance Percy, and ſo the two armies furiouſly ioyned. The archers on both ſides ſhot for the beſt game, lay|ing on ſuch loade with arrowes, that many died, and were driuen downe, that neuer roſe againe.
[1] E [...]. The Scottes.The Scottes (as ſome write) which had the fore warde on the Percies ſide, intending to bee reuenged of their olde diſpleaſures done to them by the Engliſh natiõ, ſet ſo fiercely on the kings fore warde, ledde by the Earle of Stafforde, that they made the ſame to drawe backe, and had al|moſt broken their aduerſaries aray.
[1] The Welchmen alſo which before had laine, lurking in the woddes, mountaines, and mari|ſhes, hearing of this battell towarde,The Welche|men come to ayde the Per|cies. came to the ayde of the Percies, and refreſhed the weery peo|ple with new ſuccours.
[1] The King perceyuing that his men were thus put to diſtreſſe, what with the violente im|preſſion of the Scottes, and the tempeſtuous ſtorme of arrowes, that his aduerſaries diſchar|ged freely againſt him and his people, it was no neede to will him to ſtirre, for ſuddainely with his freſhe battell, hee approched and relieued hys men, ſo that the battell beganne more fierce than before. Heere the Lord Henry Percy, and ye Erle Dowglas, a righte ſtoute and hardy Captayne, not regarding the ſhot of the kings battayle, nor the cloſe order of the rankes, preaſſing forwarde togither, bente their whole forces towardes the kings perſon, comming vpon him with ſpeares,The Erle of Marche. Tho. VValſ. and ſwords ſo fiercely, that the Earle of March the Scot, perceyuing their purpoſe, withdrewe ye King from that ſide of the fielde as ſome write, (for his great benefite & ſafegard as it appeared) for they gaue ſuch a violent onſet vpon thẽ, that ſtood about the Kings ſtandert, that ſlaying his ſtandert bearer ſir Blunt, and ouerthrowing the ſtandert, they made ſlaughter of all thoſe that ſtoode about it, as the Earle of Stafforde, that day made by the king Conneſtable of ye realme, and diuers other.
[figure appears here on page 1139]
[1] E [...]. The valiancie [...] the young [...]nce.The Prince that daye holp his father lyke a luſtie yong Gentleman, for although hee was hurt in the face with an arrowe, ſo that dyuers noble men that were about him, would haue cõ|ueyed him forth of the fielde, yet he would in no wiſe ſuffer them ſo to doe, leaſt his departure frõ among his men, might happely haue ſtrikẽ ſome feare into their hartes: and ſo without regarde of his hurt, hee continued with his men, and neuer ceaſſed, either to fight where the battel was moſt hotteſt, or to incourage his men, where it ſeemed moſt neede.A ſore battaile and wel main|teyned. This batayle laſted three long houres, with indifferent fortune on both partes, till at length, the King crying Sainct George victorie, brake the aray of his enimies, & aduẽtu|red ſo far, ye as ſome write, the Earle Dowglas ſtrake him down, & at that inſtãt,The valyaunt doings of the Erle Douglas. ſlew ſir Wal|ter Blunt, and three other, apparelled in ye kings ſute and clothing, ſaying, I maruel to ſee ſo ma|ny kings thus ſuddainely to ariſe, one in ye necke of an other. The king indeede was reiſed, and did that daye manye a noble feate of armes, for [page 1140] as it is written,The high mã|hoode of the king. The lord Per|cie ſlayne. he ſlew that day with his owne handes ſixe and thirtie perſons of his enimies. The other on his parte encouraged by his do|ings, fought valiantly, and ſlew the Lord Per|cy, called ſir Henry Hoteſpurre. To conclude, the Kings enimies were vanquiſhed, and put to flight,The erle Do [...]+glas takẽ pri|ſoner. in whiche flighte, the Earle of Dowglas, for haſt, falling from the cragge of a mountaine, brake one of his genitalles, and was taken, and for his valiantneſſe, of the King frankely & freely deliuered.
[1] [2] The Earle o [...] Worceſter ta|ken.There was alſo taken the Earle of Wor|ceſter, the procurer and ſetter forthe of all thys miſchiefe, Sir Richard Vernon, and the Baron of Kynderton, with diuers other. There were ſlayne vpon the Kings part, beſide the Earle of Stafford,Knights ſlaine on the kynges parte. to the number of tenne Knightes, Sir Hugh Shorly, ſir Iohn Clifton, ſir Iohn Co|kayne, ſir Nicholas Gauſell, ſir Walter Blunt, ſir Iohn Caluerley, ſir Iohn Maſſy of Poding|ton, ſir Hugh Mortimer, and ſir Roberte Gau|ſel, all the which, receyued the ſame morning the order of Knighthoode, ſir Thomas Wendeſley was wounded to death, and ſo paſſed out of this life ſhortly after. There dyed in all vpon ye kings ſide ſixteene C. and foure M. were greeuouſlye wounded. On the contrarie ſide were ſlaine, beſides the L. Percy, the moſt part of the knights and eſquiers of the countie of Cheſter,The ſlaughter of Cheſhire|men at this battayle. to ye nũ|ber of two C. beſides yeomen and footemẽ, in all there dyed of thoſe that fought one ye Percies ſide, about fiue M. This battell was fought on Ma|ry Magdalene euen, being Saterday. Vpon the Monday following, the Earle of Worceſter, the Baron of Kinderton, and ſir Richarde Vernon knightes,The Earle of Worceſter & other behea|ded. were condemned and beheaded. The Earles head was ſent to London, there to be ſet on the bridge. The Earle of Northumberlande was now marching forward with a greate po|wer which he had got togither, either to ayde his ſonne and brother as was thought, or at ye leaſt towardes the King, to procure a peace: but the Earle of Weſtmerlande, and ſir Roberte Wa|terton knight,The Earle of Weſtmerland reyſeth a po|wer agaynſte the Earle of Northumber|lande. had got an army on foote, & meant to meete him. The Earle of Northumberlande, taking neither of them to bee his friende, turned ſuddainely backe, and withdrewe himſelfe into Warkeworth Caſtell. The King hauing ſet a ſtay in things aboute Shreweſburie, wente ſtraight to Yorke,The K. goeth to Yorke. from whence hee wrote to the Earle of Northumberland, willing him to diſ|miſſe his companies that hee had with him, and to come vnto him in peaceable wiſe.The Earle of Northumber|land commeth to the king. The Earle vpon receipt of the kings letters came vnto him the morrow after Saint Laurence day, hauyng but a few of his ſeruauntes to attend him, and ſo excuſed himſelfe, that the King (bycauſe ye Erle had Berwike in his poſſeſſion, and further, had his Caſtels of Alnewike, Warkeworth, and o|ther, fortified with Scottes) diſſembled the mat|ter, gaue him faire wordes, and ſuffered him (as ſaith Hall) to departe home, although by other it ſhoulde ſeeme, that hee was committed for a time to ſafe cuſtodie.
[1] [2] The King returning forthe of Yorkeſhire, determined to goe into Northwales, to chaſtiſe the preſumptuous doings of the vnruly Welch|men,The Welch|men moleſt the Engliſhe ſubiectes. who (after his comming from Shrewſbu|rie, and the marches there) had done much harme to the Engliſh ſubiects. But now where the K. wanted money to furniſhe that enterprice, and to wage his Souldiers, there were ſome that counſelled hym to be bolde with the Biſhoppes, and ſupply his wante of their ſurpluſage: but as it fortuned, the Archebyſhoppe of Caunterburie was there preſente, who in the name of all the reſt boldly made aunſwere, that none of hys prouince ſhoulde bee ſpoyled by anye of thoſe naughtie diſpoſed perſons,It wa [...] ſpoken like a Prelate. but that firſte with harde ſtripes they ſhoulde vnderſtande the price of theyr raſhe enterprice. But the King neuer|theleſſe ſo vſed the matter with the Byſhoppes for their good willes, that the Archebyſhoppe at length to pleaſure hym, calling the Cleargie to|gither, gote a graunte of a tenth,A tenth le [...]ied of the Clear|gie. towards the kings neceſſarie charges. The Britaines vnder the conduct of the Lorde of Caſſils, ſpoyled and brente the Towne of Plimmouth, and returned without receyuing anye domage, but immedi|ately therevppon, the Weſterne men manning forthe a fleete, vnder the gouernemente of one William Wilforde Eſquier,Wil. Wilford. made ſaile ouer to the coaſtes of Britaine, where they tooke aboue fortie Shippes laden with oyle, ſope,Ships taken. and Rochel wine, to the quantitie of a thouſande tunne.
[1] In returning homewardes, they brente for|tie other veſſels, and landing at Pennarch, they brente townes and villages ſixe leagues within the Countrey, togither with the Towne of S. Mathewe, and all the buildings there, three leagues round about the ſame towne.
[1] About the feaſt of all Saincts, a Parliament beganne at Couentrie, An. reg. 5. A Parliament at Couentrie. and continued there tyll Sainte Andrewes tyde, but at length, bycauſe vittailes waxed deere, and lodging was ſteight, it was adiorned from thence vnto London,Adiurned to London. there to begin againe in the Octaues of the E|piphanie.
[1] The ſame time,A pardon. a pardon was graunted and proclaymed, for all ſuche as hadde taken parte with the Percies againſte the Kyng, and lyke|wiſe for all other offendors, thoſe excepted that hadde conſented to betraye Calais, whome the King ſente thyther to ſuffer for theyr offen|ces.
[1] A little before Chriſtmas, the Frenchmenne [page 1141] meante to haue robbed and ſpoyled the Ile of Wight,Frenchmẽ in|uade the Iſle of Wight. but when a thouſande of them were ſet on lande, and had gote togither a great bootie of Cattell, ſuddainely there came vpon them ſuche number of people, that they were conſtreyned to withdrawe to their Shippes, leauing their pray behinde them, and no ſmall number of theyr mẽ to pay for theyr ſhotte,They are re|puſed. ſo that they wanne little by that iourney, returning home with ſhame and diſhonor.
1404 The Parlia|ment begin|neth againe The Earle of Northumber|land
[1] A ſubſidie.A ſubſedie was alſo graunted to the Kyng, of euery Knightes fee twentie ſhillings, whether the ſame were holden of hym by menaltie, or o|therwiſe.
[1] Moreouer, euery man and woman that myghte diſpende in landes the valew of twentie ſhillings and ſo vpwarde, aboue the reprices, whether the ſame landes belonged to the laye fee, or to the Churche, payed for euery pounde twelue pens, and thoſe that were valued to bee worth in goodes twentie poundes and vpwards, payd alſo after the rate of lands, yt is twelue pẽce for euery pounde.
[1] The Frenche|men demaũd of the Iſle of Wight.The Frenchmen aboute the ſame time, came before the Iſle of Wighte, with a greate nauie, and ſent certaine of theyr men to the ſhore, to de|maunde in name of King Richarde, and of hys wife Queene Iſabell, a tribute, or a ſpeciall ſub|ſedie in money, of the inhabitantes of that Ile, who aunſwered, that King Richard was dead, and Queene Iſabell ſometime his wife,The anſwere [...]f the Ilande [...]es. hadde bin ſent home to hir parents and countrey, with|out condition of any dower or tribute, wherfore, they aunſwered reaſonable, that none they woulde giue, but if the Frenchmen hadde deſire to fighte, they willed them to come on land, and there ſhoulde bee none to reſiſt them, and after they were a lande, they promiſed to giue them reſpite for ſixe houres ſpace to refreſhe them|ſelues, and that tyme beeyng once expired, they ſhould not fayle to haue battell.
[1] When the Frenchmen hearde of this ſtoute aunſwere made by the Ilandmen, they had no luſt to approch neerer to the lande, but returned without further attempt.
[1] About this ſeaſon, the Duke of Orleaunce, brother to the Frenche Kyng, a man of no leſſe pride than hawtineſſe of courage,The duke of Orleance his chalenge. wrote lettres to Kyng Henry, aduertiſing him, that for the loue he bare to the noble feates of Cheualrie, hee coulde imagine nothyng eyther more hono|rable or commendable to them both, than to meete in the fielde eache parte with an honored Knyghtes and Eſquiers, all beeyng Gearle|menne, bothe of name and armes, armed at all poyntes, and furniſhed with Spears, axes, ſwordes, and daggers, and there to fyghte and combate to the yeeldyng, and e|uery perſon to whome God ſhoulde ſende vic|torie, to haue hys priſoner, and hym to raun|ſome at hys pleaſure, offeryng hymſelfe with hys companye, to come to hys Citie of An|guleſme, ſo that the Kyng woulde come to the laundes of Burdeaux, and there defende this chalenge.
[1] The Kyng of Englande grauely aunſwe|red heerevnto,The anſwere of king Hen|rye. that hee maruelled why the Duke vnder couloure of doyng deedes of armes for a vayne glory, woulde nowe ſeeke to breake the peace betwixte the Realmes of Englande and Fraunce, hee beeyng ſworne to mayne|teyne the ſame peace, ſithe hee myghte further vnderſtande, that no Kyng annoynted, of ve|rie duetie, was bounde to aunſwere any cha|lenge, but to his peere of equall ſtate and dig|nitie: and further declared, that when opor|tunitie ſerued, hee woulde paſſe the Sea, and come into hys Countrey of Gaſcoigne, with ſuche companie as hee thoughte con [...]eniente, and then myghte the Duke ſette forwarde with hys bande, for the accompliſhing of hys couragious deſire, promiſing hym in the word of a Prince, not thence to depart, til the Duke eyther by fulfulling his owne deſyre in man|ner aforeſayde, or by ſingular combate be|tweene them two onely, for auoyding of more effuſion of Chriſtian bloud, ſhoulde thynke hymſelfe fully ſatiſfyed.
[1] To this and muche more conteyned in the Kynges aunſwere, the Duke replied, and the Kyng agayne reioyned, not withoute tauntes and checkes vnfitting for theyr eſtates.
[1] The Duke of Orleaunce offended hyghly (as hee myghte ſeeme) agaynſte the Kyng of Englande,The duke of Orl [...]ance be|ſiegeth Vergi in Guyenne. with an armye of ſixe thouſande menne, entred into Guyenne, and beſieged the Towne of Vergy, whereof was Capitaine Sir Roberte Antelfielde, a right hardye and va|liante Knyghte, hauyng with hym onely three hundred Engliſhmenne, whyche defended the fortreſſe ſo manfully, that the Duke after hee hadde layne there three monethes, and loſt ma|ny of his men, without honor or ſpoyle, retur|ned into Fraunce.
[1] [page 1142] After this, the Admirall of Britaine, highly encouraged, for that the laſt yeare he had taken certaine Engliſh Shippes laden with wines, a|companyed with the Lord du Chaſtel, a valiant Baron of Britaine, and twelue hundred men of armes, ſayled forth with thirtie Shippes from Saint Malos, and came before the Towne of Dartemouth, and woulde haue landed, but by the puiſſance of the Towneſmen, and ayde of the countrey, they were repulſed, in the whiche con|flict,The Lord du Chaſtel ſlaine. the Lorde du Chaſtel, and two of his bree|thren, with foure hundred other were ſlayne, and aboue two hundred taken priſoners, and put to their raunſomes, amongſt whome, the Lorde of Baqueuille, the Marſhall of Britaine was one.
[1] Owen Glen|douer, waſted the Engliſh marches.All this Sommer, Owen Glendouer and his adherents, robbed, brent, and deſtroyed the Coũ|treys adioyning, neere to the places where hee haunted, and one while by ſleight and guilefull policie, an other while by open force, he tooke and ſlew many Engliſhmen, brake downe certaine Caſtels, which hee wanne, and ſome he fortified and kept for his owne defence. Iohn Trenor Byſhop of Aſſaph, conſidering with himſelf how things proſpered vnder the hãds of this Owen, fledde to him, and tooke his parte againſte the King.
[1] About the ſame tyme, the Britaines and the Flemings tooke certayne Shippes of ours la|den with merchandice,Crueltie of the Britaines and Flemings. and ſlewe all the Marri|ners, or elſe hanged them.
[1] The Countes of Oxforde.Alſo, the olde Counteſſe of Oxford, mother to Robert Vere, late Duke of Ireland, that dy|ed at Louaine, cauſed certain of hir ſeruaunts, and other ſuche as ſhe durſt truſt, to publiſh and brute abrode,K. Rich. once againe aliue. through all the parties of Eſſex, that Kyng Richarde was aliue, and that hee woulde ſhortlye come to lighte, and clayme hys former eſtate, honor, and dignitie. She procured a greate number of Hartes to be made of ſiluer and golde, ſuche as King Richarde was wonte to giue vnto his Knightes, Eſquiers, & friendes, to weare as cogniſances, to the ende that in be|ſtowing them in King Richardes name, ſhee might the ſooner allure men to further hir lewde practiſes: and where the fame wente abroade, that King Richarde was in Scotlande with a great power of Frenchmen and Scottes, readie to come to recouer his Realme, many gaue the more lightly credite vnto this brute thus ſette forth by the ſaid Counteſſe.
[1] Serlo one of K. Richardes chamber.The perſwaſions alſo of one Serlo, that in times paſt was one of king Richards chamber, greatly encreaſed this error, for the ſame Serlo, hearing in Fraunce, whither he was fledde, that his maſter King Richarde was in Scotland a|liue, conueyed himſelfe thither, to vnderſtand the troth of that matter, and finding there one in|deede that greatly reſembled him in all linia|ments of body, but yet was not the man him|ſelfe, as he well perceyued, vppon malice that hee bare to King Henry, aduertiſed by letters ſente vnto diuers of King Richards friendes, that hee was aliue indeede, and ſhortly woulde come to ſhew himſelfe openly to the world, when he had once made his way ready to recouer his King|dome, to the confuſion of his enimies, and com|fort of his friends. Theſe forged inuentions cau|ſed many to belieue the brute reiſed by ye Coun|teſſe of Oxforde, for the whiche they came into trouble, were apprehended, and committed to priſon. The Counteſſe hir ſelfe was ſhut vp in cloſe priſon, and all hir goodes were confiſcate,The Countes of Oxforde committed to priſon. and hir Secretarie drawen and hanged, that had ſpred abroade this fained reporte, in going vppe and downe the Countrey, blowing it into mens eares, that King Richard was aliue,His ſecretarie executed. affirming that he had ſpoke with him in ſuche a place, and ſuche a place, apparrelled in this raymente, and that rayment, with ſuch like circumſtances.
[1] About the feaſt of Sainte Iohn Baptiſt, at the kings commaundement, the Earle of Nor|thumberlande came to Ponfret,The Earle of Northumber|lande cometh to the king. and broughte with him his nephewes, & his nephewes ſonnes, whereby hee cleared himſelfe of a greate deale of ſuſpition, many doubting before his comming, that he had giuen euill counſell to the yong mẽ, whereby to moue them to Rebellion,Sir William Clifford br [...]|geth Serlo to the king. and to withſtand the King. Sir William Clifford al|ſo came with the Earle, and brought the foreſaid Serlo with him, whome he had apprehended vp|pon hys comming to hym at Berwike, in hope to haue founde ſuccoure at his handes: in conſi|deration whereof, the King pardoned the ſayde Sir William Clifforde of his diſobedience ſhe|wed, in keeping the Caſtell of Berwike againſt hym, in whyche doing, he had committed ma|nifeſt treaſon.
[1] This Serlo beeing knowen to bee the men that had beene the chiefe murtherer of the Duke of Glouceſter,Serlo exami|ned for the duke of Glo [...]|ceſters death. when he was made away at Ca|lais, was diligently examined, who were helpers with hym in the execution thereof, and after what ſorte they made him away: Serlo kno|wing there was no way with him but deathe, would not vtter and other, but confeſſed for hys owne parte, hee was worthy for the wicked deede, to dye tenne thouſande deathes, and ſhe|wed ſuche outward appearance of repentaunce, that many ſore lamented his caſe, and promiſed to hyre Prieſtes to ſing Maſſes, as the manner was, for hys ſoule, of theyr owne coſtes and charges. He was condemned to dye at Ponfret, and was drawen from thence through euery good Towne, through whiche thoſe that hadde [page 1143] the conueyance of him,He is drawen through euery good towne. He is executed at London. paſſed with him, till they came to London, where hee was executed, and con|feſſing euery thing to be true, cõcerning his wic|ked pretence, as before is recited: and further, that when he perceyued how their counterfaite prac|tiſe would come to light and be openly reuealed, he meant to haue retourned into Fraunce, but wanting money, he thoughte to haue bin relie|ued with ſome portion at the hande of the ſayde Syr William Clyfforde, and this cauſed hym to come vnto Berwyke, to ſhewe hym his ne|ceſſitie, who to make his owne peace, didde ap|prehende hym, and preſent hym to the king, as before ye haue heard.
[1] An. reg. 6. King Henrie wantyng moneye in the feaſte of Saint Faythe the Virgin, aſſembled at Co|uentrie, hys hyghe Courte of Parliamente, in the whiche, the Lorde Stephen Scrope of Ma|ſham, and the Lorde Henry Fitz Hugh obtey|ned firſt to haue places of Barons.
[1] Moreouer, it is to bee noted, that thys was called the lay mannes Parliamente,The lay mens Parliament. by|cauſe the Sheriffes were appoynted to haue a ſpeciall regarde, that none ſhoulde bee choſen Knightes, for the Counties, nor burgeſſes for the Cities and Townes, that hadde anye ſkill in the lawes of the lande. Thys was done, and when they came togither to talke of the waigh|tie affayres of the Realme, ſpecially howe the King mighte bee relieued with money, to beare ſuche charges as hee was knowen to bee at, as well in defending the Realme from the Scottes and Welchmenne at home, as from the Bri|taines, Flemings, and Frenchmen abroade, it was thoughte moſt expediente, that the Spiri|tualtie ſhoulde bee depriued of theyr temporall poſſeſſions,Strife betwixt the laitie and ſpiritualtie. to the reliefe of the Kings neceſſitie. Heerevpon, roſe great altercation betwixt the Cleargie and the laitie, the Knightes affirming, that they had oftentimes ſerued the King, not onely with theyr goodes, but alſo with their per|ſons, in great daungers and ieoperdies, whyleſt the Spiritualtie ſate at home, and help the king nothing at all.The Archbi|ſhop of Caun|terbury aun|ſwereth for his breethren. Thomas Arundell Archebyſhop of Caunterburie ſtoutely aunſwered heerevnto, that the Cleargie hadde alwaye gyuen to the King, as muche as the laytie hadde done, con|ſidering they had oftner gyuen theyr tenthes to hym, than the laytie theyr fifteenes: alſo, that more of theyr tenauntes wente forthe into the Kyngs warres, than the tenauntes of them of the lay fee.
[1] Beſide thys, they prayed daye and night for the Kyngs good ſucceſſe agaynſte his enimies.
[1] Sir Iohn Cheyny ſpea|ker of the Parliament. The Archb. [...]eth.When the ſpeaker named ſir Iohn Cheynie, in replying by playne ſpeache, ſeemed little to e|ſteeme ſuche prayers of the Church, the Archbi|ſhoppe was ſette in a great chafe, and with ſharp wordes, declaring what hee thoughte muſt needes followe, both of the Kyng and Kyng|dome, when prayers, and ſuffrages of Church|menne, came to be ſo little ſette by, hee grewe to ſuche impatiencie, that hee flatly tolde the ſpea|ker, that although hee ſeemed little to eſteeme of the Religion of the Cleargie, hee woulde not haue him to thynke, that hee ſhoulde take awaye the poſſeſſions of the Churche, without fyndyng ſuche as woulde ſeeke to withſtande hym,He ſpake like a Lorde. for if (ſayde hee) the Archebyſhoppe of Caunterburie maye liue, thou ſhalte haue here takyng awaye of any manner thyng that hys is.
[1] After this when the Archebyſhoppe percey|ued, that the Kyng winked at theſe matters, hee roſe from hys place, and comming before the Kyng, kneeled downe, and beſought hym to conſider howe through the fauour and grace of the almightye God, hee hadde atteined to the Kyngdome, and therefore hee ought to re|member hys firſte purpoſe and intente, whyche was, to ſaue vnto euery man hys ryght, ſo farre as in hym laye.
[1] [2] [3] Hee willed hym lykewiſe to haue in conſide|ration, the othe which he willingly hadde recey|ued, that is, that hee ſhoulde aduaunce the ho|nor of the Churche, and the Miniſters thereof cheriſhe and maynteyne. Alſo, to haue in mynde the daunger and diſhonor that redounded to ſuche as brake their othes, ſo that hee beſoughte hym to permitte and ſuffer the Churche to en|ioye the priuiledges and liberties, whyche in tyme of hys predeceſſors it hadde enioyed, re|queſting hym to ſtande in a [...]e of that Kyng, by whome all Kyngs dyd raigne, and to feare the cenſures and condemnation that thoſe in|curred, whyche tooke and deteſte from the Churche anye good or right belonging to it, who moſt certaynely (ſayde hee) are accurſed. When the Archebyſhoppe hadde vſed this, or the lyke ſpeeche,The Kings aunſwere to the Archb. the Kyng commaunded hym to goe to hys feate againe, aſſuring hym, that his intente and purpoſe was, to haue the Churche in as good ſtate or better, than hee founde it. The Archebyſhoppe herewith turning to the Knightes and burgeſſes of the Parliamente, ſayde vnto them: you, and ſuche other as you bee, haue gyuen counſayle vnto the Kyng and his predeceſſors, to confiſcate, and take into theyr handes, the goodes and poſſeſſions of the celles, whyche the Frenche|menne and Normans poſſeſſed heere in Eng|lande, and affirmed, that by the ſame, hee and they ſhoulde heape vp greate riches, nad indeede, thoſe goodes and poſſeſſions as is to be prooued, were worth many thouſandes of golde, and yet it is moſt true, that the King at thys day is not [page 1144] halfe one marke of ſiluer the richer thereby, for you haue begged and gotten them out of hys handes, and haue appropriated the ſame vnto your ſelues, ſo that we may coniecture very wel, that your requeſt to haue our temporalties, not to aduaunce the K [...]s profit, but to ſatiſfie youre owne greedy couetouſneſſe, for vndoubtedly if the King (as God forbid hee ſhoulde) did accom|pliſh your wicked purpoſes and minds, he ſhould not be one farthing the richer the yere next after: and truely, ſooner will I ſuffer this head of mine to bee cutte off from my ſhoulders, than that the Church ſhould loſe the leaſt right that appertey|ned to it. The Knightes ſayd little, but yet they proceeded in their ſute to haue their purpoſe for|ward, whiche the Archbyſhop perceyuing (as an other Argus, hauing his eye on ech ſide, to marke what was done) laboured ſo to diſappoynt theyr doyngs, that hee wanne the fauor of certayne of the temporall Lordes to aſſiſt him, who con|ſtantly auouched by theyr conſentes, that the Church ſhoulde neuer bee ſpoyled of the tempo|ralties and heerein, they acquitte the Archby|ſhoppe and Prelates, one pleaſure for an other, whiche they hadde done for them before, when the commons in this Parliamente required, that all ſuche landes and reuenewes as ſometyme belonged to the Crowne, and hadde beene giuen away, eyther by the Kyng, or by his predeceſ|ſors King Edward, and King Richard, ſhould be agayne reſtored to the Kyngs vſe, vnto whi|che requeſt, the Archbyſhoppe and other the Prelates woulde in no wiſe conſente: thus by the ſtoute diligence of the Archbyſhoppe Arun|dell, that petition of the commons, touching the Spirituall temporalties, came to none effecte.
[1] Two fifteenes graunted.Two fifteenes were graunte by the com|mons, with condition, that the ſame ſhoulde bee payde vnto the hands of the Lorde Furniuall, who ſhould ſee that money employde, for main|tenaunce of the Kings warres.
[1] Moreouer, at the importunate ſute of ye com|mons,Letters paten|tes reuoked. the letters pattents that had bin made to diuers perſons of Annuities to them granted by King Edward, and King Richard, were called in, and made voyde, not withoute ſome note of diſhonor to the King.
[1] A tenth and a halfe graun|ted by the clergie.The Cleargie graunted to the King a tenth and a halfe, notwithſtandyng, that the halfe of one tenth lately graunted was yet behinde, and appoynted to bee payde vppon Saint Martins day now next comming.
[1] Ouerflowings of the ſea.Aboute this ſeaſon, greate loſſe happened in Kente, by breaking in of warres, that ouerflo|wed the Sea bankes, as well in the Archbyſhop of Caunterburies groundes, as other mennes, whereby much Cattell was drowned. Neyther did Englande alone bewayle hir loſſes, by ſuche breaking in of the Sea, but alſo Zelande, Flan|ders, and Hollande taſted of the like domage.
[1] William Wickham Byſhoppe of Winche|ſter, beeyng a man of great age,The death of Williã Wick|ham. deceaſſed thys yeare, leauing behind him a perpetuall memorie of hys name, for the notable monumentes whi|che he erected, in building two Colledges, one at Wincheſter for Grammarians, and the other at Oxforde called the newe Colledge, purcha|ſing landes and reuenewes, for the mayntenãce of Studentes there, to the great commoditie of the common wealthe, for from thence, as out of a good nurcerie, haue come foorthe dyuers men in all ages excellently learned in all ſciences.
[1] [2] And heere I haue not thought it impertinent to ſpeake ſomewhat of hys worthy prelate (cõ|ſidering that by him ſo greate a benefyte hathe returned to the common wealthe) according to ſuche notes as I haue ſeene collected, by ye paine|full traueller in ſearche of antiquities, Iohn Le|lande, who ſayth, that as ſome haue ſuppoſed, the ſayde Wickham, otherwiſe called Perot, was baſe ſonne to one Perot, the Towne Clearke of Wickham in Hampſhire, of whyche place he tooke his ſurname, an that one maſter Wodall a Gentleman, dwelling in the ſayde Towne, brought hym vppe at Schoole, where hee learned his Grammer, and to write very fayre, in ſo much, that the Conneſtable of Win|cheſter Caſtell, a greate ruler in thoſe dayes in Hampſhire, gote hym of maiſter Wodall, and reteyned hym to be his Secretarie, with whome hee continued, till Kyng Edwarde the thyrde, comming to Wincheſter, conceyued ſome good lyking of the yong man, and tooke hym to his ſeruice, and withall vnderſtanding that hee was minded to bee a Churchman, he firſt made him perſon, and Deane of Sainte Martins in London, then Archdeacon of Buckingham, but for ſo muche, as his ſeruice was right acceptable to the Kyng, as hee that with greate dexteri|tie coulde handle ſuche affayres of the ſtate, or other matters of charge as were committed to hys handes, the Kyng ſtill kepte hym aboute hys perſon, as one of hys chiefe Chapleynes of houſholde, and employed hym in ſundrye offi|ces, as occaſions ſerued: and firſt, he made hym ſurueyor of hys workes and buyldings, name|lye at Windeſor, in repayring of that Caſtell, and alſo at Quinbourrough, where by ye kings appoyntmente, a ſtrong fortreſſe was reyſed, for defence of the Realme of that ſide.
[1] [2] After this, hee was aduanced to the keeping of the priuie ſeale,He was alſo a one time tre|ſourer of En|gland (is Ley|lande gathe|reth.) made ouerſeer of the wardes and forreſtes, alſo treaſorer of the Kings reue|newes in Fraunce, and at length was made Byſhoppe of Wincheſter. The blacke Prince yet dyd not greatly fauoure him, wherevppon, [page 1145] Wickham procured to keepe him occupied in warres beyonde the ſeas. But at length Iohn duke of Lancaſter, and Alice Perers king Ed|wards concubine, conceiuing ſome great diſplea|ſure againſt him, found mean to procure the king to baniſh him the realme, and then hee remayned in Normandie, and Picardie for the ſpace of .vij. yeares, or thereabout, and might not bee reſtored ſo long as king Edward liued. But after his de|ceaſſe, aboute the ſeconde yeare of king Richarde the ſecondes raigne, hee was reſtored home, and purchaſed a generall pardon for all matters paſt, that might be furmiſed agaynſt him, or layde to his charge. And afterwardes hee hate himſelfe ſo vprightly in that daungerous tyme, when ſuche miſlyking and priuie enuie raigned betwixt the king and his Nobles, that both partes ſeemed to like of him, inſomuch, that when the king made him Lorde Chauncelor, there was not any that greatly repined therat, and verily in that the king made choyſe of him before others to occupie that place, it argueth there was not ſo euill a diſpoſi|tion in the king, nor lack of diſcretion in order of gouernment, as writers ſeeme to charge hym with. But where other could not ſo well heare in|iuries at others hands as happely Wickhã could, the fire of diſſention chiefly kindled therof. For if the Duke of Irelande, and the Earle of Suffolk, with thoſe of that faction coulde haue refrayned to ſhewe theyr diſpleaſures, when the Duke of Glouceſter and other his complices pinched at them (for that they ſawe the king haue them in more eſtimation thã they wiſhed) matters might haue bene qualified peraduenture with leſſe adoe, and withoute daunger to haue enſued to eyther part. But howſoeuer it went with them, it maye doubtleſſe be eaſily coniectured, that Wickham was a man of ſingular wiſedome, and politike forecaſt, that coulde from meane degree in ſuche wiſe climbe aloft, and afterwards paſſe through the chaunces and chaunges of variable fortune, keeping himſelfe euer ſo in ſtate, that he grewe at length to be able to furniſh the chargeable expen|ſes of two ſuch notable foundations which he left behind him, to make his name immortall. But leauing the conſideration hereof to others, I will returne to the purpoſe from whence I haue thus farre ſtepped.
1405 The erle of Marches ſons. T [...]. VValſ.
[1] The Smith that counterfeyted the keyes, by the which they that conueyed them thence got in|to the chamber where they were lodged, had firſt his hands cut off, and after his head ſtriken from his ſhoulders.
[1] The Ladie Spencer,The lady Spẽ|cer committed to warde ſiſter to the duke of York and widow of the Lorde Thomas Spencer, exe|cuted at Briſtow (as before haue hearde being apprehended and committed to cloſe priſon,She accuſeth hir brother the Duke of Yorke. ac|cuſed hir brother the Duke of yorke, as chiefe au|thour in ſtealing away the ſayde Earle of Marche his ſonnes, and further, that the ſayde Duke ment to haue broken into the Manor of [...]ltham the laſt Chriſtmaſſe, by ſcaling the walles in the night ſeaſon, the king being there the ſame time, to the intent to haue murthered him.
[1] [2] For to proue hir accuſation true, ſhe offred that if there were any knight, in eſquier, that woulde take vpon him to fight in hir quarell, if he were o|uercome, ſhe woulde be comented to be burnt for it.William maid+ſton eſquire of fred to fight, in his ladies quarel. One of hir eſquiers named William Maid|ſton, hearing what offer his Ladie and Miſtreſſe propounded, caſt downe his hoode, and proffered in hir cauſe the combate. The Duke likewiſe caſt downe his hoode, readie by battaile to cleare hys innocencie. But yet the kings ſonne Lord Tho|mas of Lancaſter arreſted him, and put him vn|der ſafe keeping in the Tower, till it were fur|ther knowen what order ſhoulde bee taken wyth him, and in the meane time were all hys goodes confiſcate.
[1] The ſame time was Thomas Mowbray Earle Marſhall accuſed,The erle Mar|ſhal accuſed. as priuie to the purpoſe of the Duke of Yorke, touching the withraw|ing of the Erle of Marche his children, who con|feſſed in deede, that hee knewe of the dukes pur|poſe. But in no wiſe yet gaue his conſent there|vnto, and therefore beſought the king to bee good and gracious Lorde vnto him for concaling the matter, and ſo hee obteyned pardon of that of|fence.
[1] The King had aſſembled the ſame tyme the moſt part of the nobilitie at London, to conſult with them for dyuerſe weightie matters, concer|cerning the ſtate of the common wealth, and a|bout ſome ayde of money which he required: but the Lordes ſhewed themſelues not willing to ſa|tiſfie his requeſt.The king wan|teth money & cã get none of the Lordes. He therefore cauſed the ſpiritual Lordes as well as the temporall, to meete at S. Albones in the Lent ſeaſon, about the ſame mat|ter, but yet obteyned not hys purpoſe, by reaſon barons were ſore agaynſte him, and ſo at length on Palme Sunday they went theyr way eche man to his home, hauing gratified the king in nothing concerning his demaunde.
[1] In the meane time, to witte the .xv. of March at a place in Wales called Huſke,A battel fought at huske in wales & Owen Glen|douers ſonne taken priſoner in a conflicte fought betwixt the Welche men and certaine of the Princes companie, the ſonne of Owen Glendouer was takẽ, and fiftene hundred Welch [page 1146] men taken and ſlaine.
[1] Alſo in May, about the feaſt day of S. Dun|ſtane, was the Chancellor of the ſayd Owen ta|ken priſoner, and a great number of other taken and ſlaine. The priſoners were brought vp to London, where the Chancellor was committed to ſafe keeping in the Tower.
[1] Valeran Erle of S. Paule, by the aſſent of the French king, aſſembled fiue .C. mẽ of armes, fiue C. Genewais with croſſebowes, and a .M. Fle|mings on foote,The Caſtell of Mark beſieged about the mid+deſt of May as Iames Mayr hath. Sir Philip Hal with the which he layde ſiege to the Caſtell of Marke, three leagues from Ca|lais, vpon the .xv. day of Iuly. Captaine of the Caſtell as then for the king of England, was one ſir Philip Hall, hauing with him .lxxx. archers, and .xxiiij. other ſouldiers, whiche defended the place ſo manfully, that the Earle retyred into the towne, and there lodged, fortefying it, for feare of reſkues that might come from Calais.
[1] The next day he gaue an other aſſault to the Caſtell, and tooke the vtter Court, wherein was founde a greate number of horſe, kine, and other cattell.
[1] The next day there iſſued forth of Calais two hundred men of armes, two hundred archers, and three hundred footmen, with ten or .xij. wagons laden with vitaile and artillarie, conducted by ſir Richard Aſton knight, lieutenant of the Engliſh pale for the Erle of Somerſet captaine generall of thoſe Marches.
[1] The Frenchmen aduertiſed that the Engliſh men were comming to remoue the ſiege, iſſued not forth of their lodgings, but kept them within their cloſure. Neuertheleſſe the Engliſhmen ſhot ſo ſharpely and cloſely togyther, that the Fle|mings & footmen began to flie:The Erle of Saint Pol put to flight. the men of armes fearing the ſlaughter of their horſes, ranne awaye with a light gallop. The Genewais whiche had ſpent the moſt part of their ſhotte at the aſſaultes made to the Caſtell, ſhewed ſmall reſiſtance, and ſo all the number of the Frenche part were ſlaine and put to flight.
[1] Ia. Mair.The Erle of S. Paule and diuerſe other eſca|ped away, and by S. Omers got to Therouẽne, or as others haue to Saint Omers. But there were taken to the number of three or foure ſcore, and amongſt other the Lord de Dampierre, Se|neſhall of Ponthieu, Monſeur de Weriners, Monſiur de Vineles, Mõſeur de Noielles, Mõ|ſeur Iohn de Hangeſtes captain of Bollongne, the Lord de Rambures, Monſ. Lioneel Darreis captaine of Graueling, Monſeur Peter Raſſer captaine of Arde: alſo Combernarde captaine of Tirouanne, Boid Chanon captain of Montoire, Iohn Chanon captaine of Liſle, Stenebeck cap|taine of Ralingham, the baſtarde of Burneuille captaine of Burbourgh. There were ſlain about lx, & among them as chiefe ſir Robert Berengue|uille, the Lord of Quercos, Morell de S [...]coſes the Lord Courbet de Rempeupret, and others.
[1] The Engliſhmen had the ſpoyle of the Erles campe, and being returned to Calais, within fiue days after, there iſſued forth about .v. C. mẽ,Arde aſſaulted by Engliſhmẽ. mea|ning to haue woonne the towne of Arde wyth a ſodaine aſſault, whiche they gaue to it in the nyghte tyme. But ſir Manſed de Bois, and the Lorde Kigme, did ſo valiantly defend it, that the Engliſhmen with loſſe of fortie of their menne were conſtrayned to returned vnto Calays, af|ter they had burnt the deade bodyes in an olde houſe, for that the enimyes ſhoulde not per|ceyue what loſſe the Engliſhmen had ſuſteyned.
[1] After this, the French king to auoyde perils,The Marques de Pount. layd in garniſon at Bollongne, and in other pla|ces, the Marques of Pount, ſonne to the Duke of Bar, the Earle of Dampney, and ſir Iohn Har|padan, a Knight of great renoume and eſti|mation.
[1] The duke of Burgoine likewiſe ſent a num|ber of ſoldiers vnto Graueling, vnder the leading of one Iohn Vandẽwalle, and to other fortreſſes alongſt the coaſt he ſent newe ſupplies, for doubt of the Engliſh mens inuaſions.
[1] The king of England in deede hearing of the preparation made for warre by the Frenchmen,An army ſente to Caleys and to the ſea. leuied foure thouſande men whiche hee ſent vnto Calais, and to the ſea, of the which three thouſãd vnder the conduct of the kings ſonne, the Lorde Thomas of Lancaſter, and the Erle of Kent,Chro. of Fla. Ia. Mar. the xxij. of May (as ſome write) came vpon the coaſt of Flaunders, and entring the hauen of Sluſe, burnt four great ſhippes which they founde there lying at ancre.
[1] The fifth day after theyr comming into that hauen they went a land, thinking to haue fought with the duke of Burgoigne.Chro. of Fla. Iacob. Mar. But as other write after they had beſieged the Caſtel that ſtood in the mouth of the hauen, and loſing .lx. of their men,The Engliſh+men beſieged the Caſtel of Sluys. amongeſt whiche they name one to beare the tytle of Earle of Pembroke (whome they bu|ryed for the tyme in the Churche of Mude) fiue dayes after theyr comming thither they determi|ned to depart from thence, perceyuing the Caſtel would not eaſily be wonne, but firſt they ſpoyled the Countrey about them, and burnt Heys fleet, otherwiſe called Condekyrke, and diuerſe other places thereabout.
[1] This done, they tooke vp the bodie of him whõ the Flemiſhe wryters call the Earle of Pem|broke, and got them againe to the Sea, for that they were aduertyſed howe the Duke of Bur|goigne ment to beſiege Calais. Whereuppon rayſing their ſiege thus from Sluyſe Caſtel, they returned to the defence of the towne of Caleys, ſo muche deſyred of the Frenche Nation. As they returned homewards, they mette with three [page 1147] Caricks of Genoa, of the which one hauing the winde with hir, ment to haue ouerthrowne the ſhip wherein the Lorde Thomas of Lancaſter was abourde: but by the good foreſight of the ma|ſter of the ſhippe that ruled the ſterne, ſodenly tur|ning the ſame, the violent ſway of that huge veſ|ſell comming ſo vpon them, was auoided, but yet the Carick ſtroke off the noſe of the Engliſh ſhip, and bruyſed hir on the ſide. Then began the fight very cruell, till the Erle of Kent came to the re|ſkue: and ſo finally after a great conflict & bloudy battaile betwixt the Carickes and Engliſh ſhips, [...]ſore fight by [...]. the victorie remayned with the Engliſhmẽ, who taking the Cariekes, [...]ree Caricks [...]e taken. turned their ſayles towards Normandie, where they arriued and burnt the townes of Hoggue, Mountburg, Berflie, S. Pe|trouilles and other, [...]o [...]es in [...]ormandy [...] to the number of .xxxvj. paſ|iſng forth into the Countrey without reſiſtance, the ſpace of .xxx. myles, ſpoyling all that came in theyr way.
[1] This done, they returned, and brought the Carickes into the Camber at Ric, where one of them by miſfortune of fire periſhed, to the loſſe & no gaine of either of the parties.
[1] The D. of Bur| [...]oine prepareth [...] beſiege Calays.Iohn Duke of Burgoyne hauing obteyned licence to beſiege Calais, prepared an armie of ſixe thouſande men of armes, xv. hundred Croſ|bowes, and .xij. thouſand footmen, the whiche be|ing aſſembied, and all neceſſarie prouiſion readie at Saint Omers, hee was by the Frenche king countermaunded, and not ſuffred to proceed any further in that weightie enterprice.The chiefe [...]o [...]e of the [...]alice betwixt [...]he Dukes of [...]urgoyne and Orleans. And this was thought to be partly the cauſe of the malice that he conceyued agaynſt the duke of Orleans, ſup|poſing that through him (enuying his glorie) he was thus diſappoynted of his purpoſe.
[1] [2] Whileſt ſuch doings were in hande betwixt the Engliſhe and Frenche, as the beſieging of Mark Caſtell by the Earle of Saint Poll, and the ſending forth of the Engliſh fleete, vnder the gouernance of the Lorde Thomas of Lancaſter, and the Earle of Kent, the king was mynded to haue gone into Wales agaynſt the Welche Re|bels, that vnder their Chieftaine Owen Glen|douer, ceaſſed not to doe much miſchiefe ſtill a|gaynſt the Engliſh ſubiectes. But at the ſame time, to his further diſquieting, there was a con|ſpiracie put in practice agaynſt him at home by the Earle of Northumberlande, [...] new conſpi| [...]cie againſte H [...]ry by the Erle of Northumber| [...]nd & others who had conſpi|red with Richarde Scrope Archbiſhop of Yorke, Thomas Mowbray Earle Marſhall, ſonne to Thomas Duke of Norffolke, who for the qua|rell betwixt him and King Henrie had beene ba|niſhed (as before ye haue herd) the lords, Haſtings, Fauconbridge, Berdolfe, and diuerſe others. It was appoynted that they ſhould meete all togy|ther wyth theyr whole power, vpon Yorkeſwold, at a day aſſigned, and that the Earle of Northũ|berlande ſhould be Chieftain, promiſing to bring with him a great number of Scots.
[1] The Archbiſhop accompanied with the Erle Marſhall, deuiſed certaine articles of ſuch mat|ters as it was ſuppoſed, that not onely the com|munaltie of the Realme, but alſo the Nobilitie, founde themſelues agrieued with: which articles they ſhewed firſt vnto ſuch of their adherents as were neare aboute them, and after ſent them a|brode to theyr friendes further of, aſſuring them that for redreſſe of ſuch oppreſſions they woulde ſhedde the laſt droppe of bloud in theyr bodyes, if need were.
[1] The Archbiſhop not meaning to ſtay after he ſaw hymſelfe accompanied with a great num|ber of men,The Archbi. of Yorke one of the cheefe conſpiratours. that came flocking to Yorke to take his parte in this quarell, forthwith diſcoue|red his enterprice, cauſing the articles aforeſayde to be ſet vp in the publike ſtreetes of the Citie of York, and vpon the gates of the monaſteries, that eche man might vnderſtande the cauſe that mo|ued him to riſe in armes agaynſt the king, the re|forming whereof did not yet apperteyne vnto him. Herevpon knights, eſquiers, gentlemen, yeo|men, and other of the commons, as wel of the ci|tie, townes and countries about, being allured ei|ther for deſire of change, or elſe for a deſire to ſee a reformation in ſuch things as were mẽtioned in the articles, aſſembled togither in great numbers,The Archbi. in armour. and the Archbiſhop comming forth amongſt thẽ clad in armor, encouraged, exhorted, & by al mea|nes he coulde, pricked them forth to take the en|terprice in hand, and manfully to continue in the begon purpoſe, promiſing forgiueneſſe of ſinnes to all thẽ, whoſe hap was to die in the quarel: and thus not only all the Citizens of York, but all o|ther in the countries about, that were able to bear weapon, came to the Archbiſhop, and to the Erle Marſhal. In deed the reſpect that men had to the Archbiſhop,The eſtimatiõ which men had of the Archbi. of Yorke. cauſed them to like the better of the cauſe, ſince the grauitie of his age, his integrity of life, and incomparable learning, with the reuerend aſpect of his amiable perſonage, moued al men to haue him in no ſmall eſtimation.
[1] The king aduertiſed of theſe matters, meaning to preuent them, left his iourney into Wales, and marched with al ſpeed towards the north partes. Alſo Raufe Neuill Erle of Weſtmerlande,The Erle of weſtmerland & the L. Iohn of Lancaſter the kings ſon prepare thẽ|ſelues to reſiſt the kings e|nemies. that was not farre off, togither with the lorde Iohn of Lãcaſter the kings ſonne, being enformed of this rebellious attempt, aſſembled togither ſuch power as they might make, & togither with thoſe which were appoynted to attend on the ſaid Lord Iohn to defend the borders agaynſt the Scottes, as the Lord Henry Fitz Hugh, the Lord Raufe Euers, the Lorde Robert Vmfrevill, and others, made forward agaynſt the rebels,The foreſt of Galtree. and comming into a plaine within the foreſt of Galtree, cauſed theyr [page 1148] ſtandarts to bee pight downe in like ſort as the Archbiſhop had pight his, ouer agaynſt them, be|ing farre ſtronger in number of people than the other, for (as ſome write) there were of the rebels at the leaſt .xx. thouſand men.
[1] The ſubtil po|licy of the erle of weſtmerlãdWhen the Erle of Weſtmerlande perceyued the force of the aduerſaries, and that they lay ſtill and attempted not to come forwarde vpon him, he ſubtilly deuiſed how to quail their purpoſe, and foorthwith diſpatched Meſſengers vnto the Arch|byſhoppe to vnderſtande the cauſe as it were of that greate aſſemble, and for what cauſe con|trary to the kings peace they came ſo in armor.
[1] [2] The Archbi. proteſtation where he had on him armesThe Archbiſhop anſwered, that he tooke no|thing in hande agaynſt the kings peace, but that whatſoeuer he did, tended rather to aduaunce the peace and quiet of the common wealth, than o|therwiſe, and where he and his companie were in armes, it was for feare of the king, to whom hee could haue no free acceſſe by reaſon of ſuche a multitude of flatterers as were about him, and therefore hee mainteyned that his purpoſe was good and profitable, as well for the king himſelfe, as for the realme, if men were willing to vnder|ſtand a truth: and herewith hee ſhewed forth a ſkroll in whiche the articles were written, wher|of before ye haue heard. The Meſſengers retur|ning vnto the Earle of Weſtmerlande ſhewed him what they had heard and brought from the Archbiſhop. When he had read the articles, hee ſhewed in worde and countenaunce outwardly that he lyked of the Archbyſhoppes holy and ver|tuous intent and purpoſe, promiſing that he and his woulde proſecute the ſame in aſſyſting the Archbiſhop, who reioycing hereat, gaue credite to the Earle, and perſwaded the Earle Marſhall agaynſt hys will as it were to go with him to a place appoynted for them to common togy|ther.
[1] Here when they were mette with like number on eyther part, the articles were tead ouer, and without any more adoe, the Earle of Weſtmer|lande and thoſe that were with him, agreed to doe theyr beſt to ſee that a reformation might be had, according to the ſame.
[1] The Erle of Weſtmerlands politicke dea|ling.The Earle of Weſtmerlande vſing more po|licie than the reſt: well (ſayde he) then our tra|uaile is come to the wiſhed ende: and where oure people haue beene long in armour, let them de|part home to their wonted trades and occupati|ons: in the meane time let vs drinke togyther, in ſigne of agreement, that the people on bothe ſydes may ſee it, and know that it is true, that we be light at a poynt.
[1] They had no ſooner ſhaked handes togither, but that a knight was ſent ſtreight wayes from the Archb. to bring worde to the people that there was peace concluded, commaunding eche man to lay aſide armes, & to reſort home to their hou|ſes. The people beholding ſuch tokens of peace, a [...] ſhaking of handes, and drinking togither of the Lordes in louing maner, they being alreadie a|wearied with the vnaccuſtomed trauaile of war, brake vp their fielde and returned homewardes: but in the meane time whileſt the people of the Archbiſhops ſide withdrew away, the number of the contrarie part increaſed, according to order giuen by the Earle of Weſtmerland, and yet the Archbiſhop perceyued not that he was deceyued,The Archbi [...] Yorke and [...] erle Marſhal arreſted. [...]yton. till the Erle of Weſtmerland arreſted both him & the Erle Marſhall, with diuerſe other.
[1] [2] Thus hath Walſingham: But other write ſomewhat otherwiſe of this matter, affyrming that the Erle of Weſtmerland in deed; & the lord Raufe Evres, procured the Archbiſhop, and the Erle Marſhall, to come to a comunication wyth them, vpon a ground iuſt in the midway betwixt both the armies, where the Erle of Weſtmerland in talke declared to them, how perillous an enter|priſe they had taken in hand, ſo to raiſe the people, & to moue warre againſt the king, aduiſing them therfore to ſubmit themſelues without further de|lay vnto the kings mercie, and his ſonne the lorde Iohn, who was preſent there in the field with ba|ners ſpred, readie to trie the matter by dynte of ſworde, if they refuſed this counſaile: and therfore hee willed them to remember themſelues well, and if they woulde not yeelde and craue the kings pardon, he badde them doe theyr beſt to defende themſelues. Herevppon as well the Archbiſhop as the Erle Marſhall, ſubmitted themſelues vn|to the king, and to his ſonne the Lorde Iohn that was there preſent, and returned not to theyr ar|my. Wherevpon their troupes ſkaled and fledde their wayes: but being purſued, many were ta|ken, many ſlaine, and many ſpoyled of that they had aboute them, and ſo permitted to goe theyr wayes: howſoeuer the matter was handled, true it is that the Archbiſhop, and the Earle Marſhall were brought to Pomfret to the king, who in this meane while was aduaunced thither wyth hys power, and from thence he went to Yorke, why|ther the priſoners were alſo brought,The Archb [...] Yorke [...] Marſhal and other put to death. and there beheaded the morrowe after Whitſunday in a place without the Citie, that is to vnderſtand, the Archbiſhop himſelfe, the Earle Marſhal, ſir Iohn Lampley, and ſir Robert Plompton.
[1] The Archbiſhoppe tooke his death verie con|ſtantly, inſomuche as the common people tooke it, hee dyed a Martyr,The Archb. puted a [...] affyrming that certaine myracles were wrought as wel in the field where he was executed, as alſo in the place were hee was buryed: and immediately vpon ſuch bruytes, both men and women beganne to worſhip hys dead carkaſſe, whom they loued ſo much when he was aliue, tyll they were forbydden by the Kinges [page 1149] friendes, and for feare gaue ouer to viſit the place of his ſepulture.
[1] The Earle Marſhals bodie was buried in the Cathedrall Church, but his head was ſet on a pol aloft on the walles for a certaine ſpace, till by the king permiſſion it was taken downe and buried togither with the bodie.
[1] After the king accordingly as ſeemed to him good, had raunſomed and puniſhed by grieuous ſines the Citizens of Yorke (which had borne ar|mor on theyr Archbiſhops ſide agaynſt hym) he departed from York with an army of .xxxvij.M. fighting men, furniſhed with all prouiſion neceſ|ſarie, marching Northwards agaynſt the Earle of Northumberland. At his comming to Durhã the Lord Haſtings, the Lord Fauconbridge, ſir Iohn Colleuille of the Dale, & ſir Iohn Griſ [...],The lordes executed. being cõuicted of ye cõpiracy were there beheded.
[figure appears here on page 1149]
[1] The Earle of Northumberland, hearing that his counſail was bewrayed, and his confederates brought to confuſion,The Erle of Northũberlãd [...]eth. through too much haſte of the Archbiſhop of York, with three hundred horſe got him to Berwicke. The king comming for|warde quickly, wan the Caſtell of Warkworth. Whervpon the Erle of Northumberlande, not thinking himſelf in ſuretie at Berwicke, fled with the Lord Berdolfe into Scotlande, where they were receyued of Dauid Lord Fleming.
[1] The king comming to Berwicke, cõmaunded them that kept the Caſtell againſt him, to render it into his handes, and when they flatly denied ſo to doe, he cauſed a peece of artillerie to be planted agaynſt one of the Towres, and at the firſt ſhot ouerthrowing part thereof, they within were put in ſuch feare, [...]wick caſtel [...]dded to the [...]g. that they ſimplie yeelded themſelues without any maner of condition, wholy to re|maine at the kings pleaſure.
[1] Herevpon the chiefeſt of them, to wit ſir Wil|liam Greyſtock, ſonne to Raufe Baron of Grey|ſtocke, [...]e ſonne of [...]. Grey| [...] and o| [...] put to [...]h. [...]ton. ſir Henrie Beynton, and Iohn Blenkin|ſoppe, with foure or fiue other were put to death, and diuerſe other were kept in priſon.
[1] Some write that the Earle of Northumber|lande at his entring into Scotland, deliuered the towne of Berwike vnto the Scots, who hearing of king Henries approch, & diſpairing to defende the town againſt him, ſet fire on it, and departed. There was not one houſe that was left vnburnt, except the Friers and the Church.
[1] After that the king had diſpoſed things in ſuch conuenient order as ſtoode with his pleaſure at Berwicke, he came backe,The Caſtel of Alnewicke yelded to the King. and had the Caſtell of Alnewike deliuered vnto him, with all other the Caſtels that belonged to the Earle of Northum|berland in the north parts, as Prodhow, Lãgley, Cockermouth, Alnham, and Newſteed.
[1] Thus hauing quieted the north parts,The K. paſſeth into Wales. he tooke his iourney directly into Wales, where he found fortune nothing fauourable vnto him, for all hys attemptes had euill ſucceſſe,He loſſeth his cariages. inſomuche that lo|ſing a fiftie of his cariages through aboundaunce of raine and waters, he returned, and comming to Worceſter,He returneth. he ſent for the Archbiſhop of Can|terburie, and other biſhops, declaring to them the miſfortune that had chaunced to him, in conſide|ration whereof he requeſted thẽ to helpe him with ſome portion of mony, towards the maintenance of his warres, for the taming of the preſumpteous and vnquiet Welchmen.
[1] In the meane time, Hall. The Marſhal Mountmerãcy ſent to ayd O|wen Glẽdouer the Frenche king had ap|pointed one of the Marſhals of Fraunce called Montmerancie, & the maſter of his Croſbowes, with .xij.M. men to ſaile into Wales to ayd O|wen Glendouer. They tooke ſhipping at Breſt, and hauing the wind proſperous, landed at Mil|ford hauen, with an. Cxl ſhips, as Tho. Walſ. hath, though Engnerant de Monſtrellet maketh mention but of 120. The moſt part of their horſes [page 1150] were loſt by the way for lack of freſh water. The Lord Berkley, and Henry Pay, eſpying their ad|uantage, burnt .xv. of thoſe French ſhips as they lay at road there in the hauen of Milford: & ſhort|ly after the ſame L. Berkley, and ſir Thomas Swymborne, with the ſayde Henrie Pay, tooke other .xiiij. ſhippes, as they came that way with prouiſion of vitails and munition forth of France to the ayde of the other.
[1] [2] In the meane while, the Marſhall Montme|rancie, with his army beſieged the towne of Car|marden,Carmarden wonne by the French. and wanne it by compoſition, graunting to the men of warre that kept it againſt him, ly|cence to depart whither they woulde, and to take with them all their moueable goodes: The Ca|ſtell of Pembrooke they attempted not, eſteeming it to be ſo wel manned, that he ſhuld but loſe their labor in attempting it. Notwithſtanding they beſieged the towne of Hereforde weſt,Hereford weſt manfully defended. Engeret Mon|ſtrellet ſayth they brent the townes but coulde not win the Caſtel. which ne|uertheleſſe was ſo well defended by the Earle of Arundel and his power, that they loſt more than they wan, & ſo they departed towards the towne of Denhigh, where they founde Owen Glẽdouer abiding for their comming, with ten .M. of hys Welchmen. Here were the Frenchmen ioyfully receyued of the Welch rebelles, and ſo when all things were prepared, they paſſed by Glamorgan ſhire towards Worceſter,The ſuburbes of worceſter burnt. and there burnt ye ſub|urbes: but hearing of the kings approche, they ſo|denly returned towards Wales. The king with a great puiſſance followed, and founde them em|battailed on a high mountain, where there was a great valley betwixt both ye armies, ſo that either army might plainly perceiue the other, and eyther hoſt loked to be aſſayled of his aduerſarie, & there|fore ſought to take the aduantage of ground.
[1] Thus they continued for the ſpace of eyght dayes from morning to night, readie to abide, but not to giue battaile. There were manye ſkirmi|ſhes, and diuerſe proper feates of armes wrought that meane while,French Lordes ſlaine. in the which the Frenche loſt many of theyr nobles and gentlemen, as the lord Patroullars de Tries, brother to the Marſhall of Fraunce, the Lorde Matelonne or Martelonne, the lord de la Valle, and the baſtard of Bourbon, with other to the number (as ſome haue writtẽ) of fiue .C. But Enguerant de Monſtrellet affir|meth, that vpon their returne into Fraunce, there wãted not aboue .lx. perſons of all their cõpanies.
[1] After they had lain thus one againſt an other ye ſpace of .viij. dayes (as before is ſayde) vitails be|gan to fail, ſo that they were enforced to diſlodge The Frẽch & Welchmẽ withdrew into Wales, and though the Engliſhe men followed, yet em|peached with the deſart grounds and barren coũ|try, through which they muſt paſſe, as ouer felles and craggie mountaines, from hill to dale, from mariſh to wood, from naught to worſe (as Hall ſayth) without vitailes or ſuccor, the king was of force conſtrained to retire with his army, and re|turne againe to Worceſter, in which returne the enimies took certaine cariages of his laden with vytayles. The French men after the armies were thus withdrawne, returned into Britain,The French men returne home. making ſmall bragges of their painfull iourney.
[1] This yeare at London,An. reg. [...] the Earle of Arundell maried the baſtard daughter of the king of Por|tingale, the king of Englande and the Queene, with theyr preſence honouring the ſolemnitie of that feaſt, whiche was kept wyth all ſumptuous royaltie, the morrowe after Saint. Katherines daye.
[1] And on the day of the Conception of our La|die, the Ladie Philip King Henries daughter was proclaymed Queene of Denmarke. Nor|wey, and Sweden, in preſence of ſuche Ambaſſa|dours, as the laſt Sommer came hither from the king of thoſe Countreys, to demaund hir in ma|riage for him, and had ſo trauayled in the matter, that finally they obteyned.
[1] This yeare the firſt of Marche,
1406 A parliament.
[1] Moreouer,A new kind [...] of ſubſidie g [...]+ted by the clergie. by the Clergie a new kinde of ſub|ſidie was graunted, to the King, to bee leuied of ſtipendarie prieſts and Friers mẽdicants, & other ſuch religious men as ſung for the dead, celebra|ting as they termed it Anniuarſaries: euery of thẽ gaue halfe a marke, in reliefe of other of the Cler|gie, that had ſtill borne the burthen for them be|fore. Whervpon now they murmured and grud|ged ſore, for that they were thus charged, at that preſent. The ſame time the Erle of Northum|berland, and the Lorde Bardolfe, warned by the Lord Dauid Fleming, that there was a conſpi|racie practiſed to delyuer them into the King of Englandes hands, fledde into Wales to Owen Glendouer.
[1] [2] This coſt the Lorde Fleming his life:The l. Fle+ming left [...] life for g [...] knowledge the erle of [...]+thumberland of that wh [...] was m [...] [...]+galeſt him. for af|ter it was knowne that hee hadde diſcloſed to the Earle of Northumberlande what was ment a|gaynſt him, and that the Earle therevpon was ſhyfted awaye, certaine of the Scottes fiue the ſaid Lord Fleming. Whervpon no ſmall grudge roſe betwixt thoſe that ſo ſlue him, and the ſayde lord Flemings friends. For this & other matters, ſuch diſſention ſprung vp amongſt the Scottiſh Nobilitie, that one durſt not truſt another,Deſſenti [...] [...]+mõg the [...]+tiſh nobilitie ſo that they were glad to ſue for a truce betwixt Englande and them, whiche was graunted to [page 1151] endure for one yeare, as in ſome bookes we finde recorded.
[1] [2] This truce being obteyned, Robert King of Scotland (vpon conſiderations, as in the Scot|tiſh hiſtorie ye may read more at large) ſent hys eldeſt ſonne Iames intituled prince of Scotland) a childe not paſt nine yeres of age to be conueyed into Fraunce, [...]ewen yeares ſayth Hard. vnder the conduct of the Earle of Orkency,The prince of Scotland ſtayd here in Englãd and a Biſhop, in hope that hee myght there both remayne in ſafetie, and alſo learne the French tongue. But it fortuned, that as they ſayled neare to the Engliſhe coaſt about Flam|brough heade in Holderneſſe, their ſhippe was ta|ken and ſtayed by certaine Mariners of Claye (a towne in Norffolke) that were abrode the ſame time, and ſo he and all his companie being appre|hended, the xxx. of Marche, was conueyed to Wyndſore, where though he had letters from his father, which he preſented to the king, conteyning a requeſt in his ſonnes behalfe for fauour to bee ſhewed towardes him, if by chaunce hee landed within any of his dominions: yet was he detey|ned, and as wel he himſelfe as the Earle of Ork|ney was committed to ſafe keeping in the tower of London, but the Byſhop got away and eſca|ped (as ſome write) by what means I know not.
[1] [2] By the Scottiſhe writers were finde that thys chaunced in the yeare .1404. that is two yeares before the time noted in diuerſe Engliſh writers, as Tho. Walſ. and other. But Harding ſayth it was in the .ix. yere of king Henries raigne, to wit in An. 1408, but whenſoeuer it chanced, it is to be thought that there was no truce at that pri [...]nt betweene the two realmes, but that the war to as rather open, ſithe diuerſe Engliſhe rebelles ſtyll remayned in Scotlande,Hall. and were there ſuccored to the high diſpleaſure of King Henrie.
[1] By authoritie of the Parliament that all this time continued, the Braytons that ſerued the Queene, with two of his daughters were bani|ſhed the realme.
[1] Robert Halome Chauncellor of Oxforde,Rob. Holome Archbiſhop of Yorke. as then beeing in the Popes Court of Rome, was created Archbiſhop of Yorke.
[1] Moreouer the ſame time, the Pope gaue vn|to Thomas Langley the biſhoprike of Durham, which by the death of Walter Skirlaw was thẽ voyde.
[1] In the ſommer of this yeare, the Ladie Philip the kings yonger daughter was
ſent ouer vnto hir affianced huſband, Erick king of Dẽmark,
The K. and the Queene brought hir to Lyane where ſhe toke
Tho. VValſ.
[1] There was a Iuſtes held at London, betwixt the Earle of Kent, and the Earle of Marre a [figure appears here on page 1151] Scottiſh manne. Alſo ſir Iohn Cornewall, and the Lord Beaumound, againſt other two Scot|tiſh Knightes, whereof the honour remayned with the Engliſh men.
An. reg. 8. The Duke of Yorke reſto|red a [...] liberty.
[1] Edmond Holland Erle of Kent was in ſuche fauour with king Henrie,The erle of kent in fauour with the king. that he not onely ad|uanced him to high offices, and great honors, but alſo to his great coſts & charges obteyned for him the ladie Lucy, eldeſt daughter, & one of the heires of the L. Barnabo of Millant, whiche Barnabo payed to him .100000. ducates,He maryeth a daughter of Bernabo Lord of Millaine. in the Church of S. Mary Queries in Southwark, by the handes of Don Alfõſo de Cainuola, vpõ the day of ye ſo|lẽnizatiõ of ye mariage, which was the .24. of Jan.
[1] [page 1152] 1407The duke of Orleans hauing leuied a migh|tie armie,The Duke of Orleans beſie|geth townes in Gaſcoigne. had beſieged the townes of Burg and Blay in Gaſcoigne, meaning with force to win the ſame, but ſo it fortuned, that for the ſpace of eight weekes togither, there paſſed not one daye without tempeſt of raine, ſnow, and hayle, myxed with windes and lightnings, which killed aſwell men as cattayle, by reaſon whereof, he loſte (as was reported) ſixe thouſande men, ſo that he was conſtreyned to breake vp his campes from before both thoſe townes, and to get him away with diſhonor, for all his dragges and boaſtes made at his firſt comming thither.
[1] Henry Pay a va+liant ſea man.The ſame time, Henrie Pay, and certaine o|ther perſons of the fiue ports, with fiftene ſhippes, tooke an hundred and twentie priſes, whiche lay at ancre in and about the coaſt of Brytayne, la|den with Iron, ſalt, Oyle, and Rochelle wines.
[1] In this ſeaſon alſo bylles were ſet vp in dy|uerſe places of London, & on the doore of Poules Church, in which was conteyned, that king Ri|charde being aliue,King. R. ſtil a|liue as was faigned. and in health, woulde come ſhortly with great magnificence and power, to recouer again his kingdome: but the contriuer of this deuiſe was quickly found out, apprehended, and puniſhed according to his demerites.
[1] The Citie of London this yeare in the ſom|mer, was ſo infected with peſtilent mortalitie, that the king durſt not repayre thither, nor come neare to it. Wherevpon he beeing at the Caſtell of Leedes in Kent, and departing from thence, tooke ſhip at Quinbourgh in the Ile of Shepey, to ſayle ouer vnto Lee in Eſſex, and ſo to goe to Plaſchy, there to paſſe the time till the mortalitie was ceaſſed.
[1] As he was vpon the Sea, certaine French pi|rates which lay lurking at the Thames mouth, to watch for ſome pray,The k. in dan|ger to be takẽ by Frẽch parts got knowledge by ſome meanes (as was ſuppoſed) of the kings paſſage, and therevpon as hee was in the middeſt of hys courſe, they entred amongſt his fleete, and tooke foure veſſels next to the kings ſhippe, and in one of the ſame veſſels ſir Thomas Rampſton,Sir Thomas Rãſton taken. the kings Vicechamberlaine, with all his chamber ſtuffe and apparell. They followed the king ſo neare, that if his ſhippe had not bene froyſt, hee had landed ſooner in Fraunce than in Eſſex: but ſuche was his good happe,The k. eſcaped through ſwift|nes of his ſhip The L. Camois put in blame that he eſcaped, and arri|ued at his appoynted Port.
[1] The Lord Camois, that was commaunded with certaine ſhippes of warre to waft the king ouer (whether the winde turned ſo that he coulde not keepe his dyrect courſe, or that his Shippe was but a ſlugge) ranne ſo farre in the kings diſ|pleaſure, that hee was attached and indyted, for yt (as was ſurmiſed againſt him,) he had practi|ſed with the French men, that the king might by them haue beene taken in his paſſage.
[1] Ye haue heard that the Pope by vertue, [...] prouiſion had giuen the Archbiſhoprike of Yorke vnto maiſter Robert Halom, but the King was ſo offended therewith, that the ſayde Ri [...] might in no wiſe enioy that benefice, and ſo the length, to ſatiſfie the kings pleaſure,Henry Bowet [...] Yorke. maſter Hen|rie Bowet was tranſlated from Bathe vnto Yorke, and maiſter Robert Halom was made Byſhoppe of Saliſburie then voyde by [...]|uyng of Henrye Chichelley vnto Saint Da|uid.
[1] The Lorde Henrie Prince of Wales, thys yeare in the ſommer ſeaſon, beſieged the Caſtell of Abiruſcwith,Abiruſcwith. and conſtrayned them within to compounde with him vnder certaine conditions for truce, but the Prince was no ſooner frõ thence departed,Owẽ Glẽdouer but that Owen Glendouer by ſubtill craft entred the Caſtell, put out the keepers, and charging them wyth treaſon for concluding anye agreement wythoute hys conſent, pla|ced other in that Fortreſſe to defende it to hys vſe.
[1] About the feaſt of the Aſſumption of our La|die, that auncient warriour and worthie knight ſir Robert Knolles departed thys lyfe:Sir Robert knolles depa [...]+teth this [...] Bermon [...]es hee was (as before yee haue hearde) borne of meane pa|rentage, but growing into ſuch eſtimation for his valiant prowes, as he was thought meet to haue the leading of whole armyes and the rule and gouernment of large Prouinces. For not long before hys deceaſſe,Saint Alb [...] hee beeyng gouernour of Aquitaine, encumbred with age, reſigned hys office vnto Sir Thomas Belforte, a ryghte valyaunt Captaine, and therewyth returned in|to Englande, where he dyed at a Manour place of his in Norffolk, and from thence was brought to London in a Lytter, wyth greate pompe and muche Torche lyght,He was buried in the white Friers. and was buryed in the Churche of the whyte Friers in Fleeteſtreete by the Ladye Conſtaunce, hys wyfe, where was done for hym a ſolemne Obſequire, wyth a great Feaſt, and lyberall dole to the poore.
[1] Beſyde the dyuerſe noble exploytes, and fa|mous warrelike enterpryſes, atchieued by thys valiaunt ſonne of Mars, he to continue the per|petuall memorie of his name, buylded the bridge of Rocheſter,He bul [...]e Ro|cheſter bridge commonly [...]+led Knolles bridge. ouer the Riuer of Medway wyth a Chappell at the ende thereof, hee repayred alſo the bodie of the Church of the whyte Friers where hee was buryed, which Churche was fyrſt founded by the aunceſtour of the Lorde Gray of Codner. He founded a Colledge of ſecular prieſts at Pomfret,Tho. VVal [...] and did many other things in his life right commendable.
[1] Sir Thomas Rampſton Coneſtable of the Tower, was drowned in comming from the court, as he would haue ſhut ye bridge, the ſtream being ſo big, that it ouerturned his Barge.
[1] [page 1153] Anno reg. 9. This yeare the .xx. of October beganne a Parliament holden at Glouceſter, but remoued to London as ſhould appeare in Nouember, for as we finde, in that Moneth this yere .1407. and [figure appears here on page 1153] ix. of his kings raigne, Th. VValſ. A ſubſidie. a ſubſidie was graunted by authoritie of a Parliament then aſſembled at London, to be leuied through the whole realme.
[1] The Le [...]ois [...]eyned and [...]cquited.The Lorde Camois was arraigned the laſt of October, before Edmonde Erle of Kent that day high ſtewarde of England, and by his Petres ac|quitte of the offence, whereof he had beene indited (as before ye haue hearde) and ſo diſmiſſed at the barre, was reſtored againe both to his goodes, landes, and offices.
[1] This yeare the Winter was exceeding ſharp through froſt and ſnowe, that continued and co|uered the ground by al the Monethes of Decem|ber, Ianuarie, Februarie, and March.
[1] [2] 1408The Erle of Nothumberland, and the Lorde Bardolf, after they had bene in Wales, in France and Flanders, to purchaſe ayde againſt king Hẽ|rie, were returned backe into Scotland, and had remayned there nowe for the ſpace of a whole yeare, and as they euill fortune woulde, whileſt the king helde a Counſell of the Nobilitie at Lõ|don,The Erle of Northum. and the L. Bardolfe [...]e into England. the ſayde Earle of Nothumberlande and Lorde Bardolfe, in a diſmoll houre, with a great power of Scots returned into Englande, recoue|ring diuerſe of the Erles, Caſtels and ſeigniories, for the people in great numbers reſorted vnto thẽ. Herevpon encouraged with hope of good ſucceſſe, they enter into Yorkſhyre, and there began to de|ſtroy the Countrey. At their cõming to Threſk, they publiſhed a Proclamation, ſignifying that they were come in comfort of the Engliſh nation as to relieue the common wealth, willing al ſuch as loued the libertie of their countrey, to repayre vnto them, with their armor on their backes, in defenſible wiſe to aſſiſt them. The king aduerti|ſed hereof, cauſed a great armie to bee aſſembled, and came forwarde with the ſame towardes hys enimies: but ere the king came to Notingham,The Sherife of Yorkeſhire. ſir Thomas (or as other copies haue Raufe) Ro|keſby, Sherife of Yorkſhire, aſſembled the forces of the Countrey to reſiſt the Erle and his power, comming to Grimdaut brigges, beſide Knareſ|bourgh, there to ſtoppe them the paſſage, but they returning aſyde, got to Weatherby, and ſo to Tadcaſter, and finally came forward vnto Brã|ham More, nere to Hayſelwood, where they choſe their ground meete to fight vpon.
[1] The Sherife was as readie to giue battaile as the Erle to receyue it,His hardy cor|rage to fight. and ſo with a ſtandarde of S. George ſpred, ſet fiercely vpon the Earle who vnder a ſtandard of his own armes, encoun|tred his aduerſaries with great manhood.
[1] There was a ſore encounter and cruell conflict betwixt the parties, but in the ende the victorie fell to the Sherife. The Earle of Northumber|land was ſlaine in the field,The earle of Northũberland ſlayne. and the Lorde Bar|dolfe was taken, but ſore wounded, ſo that hee ſhortly after dyed of the hurtes.
Theyr heades were ſtryken off, and ſent to London, ther to be ſet vpon the bridge, for a ter|rour to others.
[1] The Biſhop of Bangor was taken and par|doned by the king, for that when hee was appre|hended, he had no armor on his backe. This bat|taile was foughte the nintenth daye of Fe|bruarie.
[1] The King to pourge the Northe partes of all Rebellion, and to take order for the pu|niſhment of thoſe that were accuſed to haue ſuc|coured and aſſyſted the Earle of Northumber|lande, went to Yorke, where when many were condemned, and diuerſe put to great fines, and [page 1154] the Countrey brought to quietneſſe, he cauſed the Abbot of Hailes to be hanged,The Abbot of Hayles hanged who had beene in armour agaynſt him with the foreſayde Earle.
[1] The Erle of kent ſent to the ſea.In the begynning of March, the King ſent Edmonde Hollande Earle of Kent with an ar|mie of men embarked in certaine ſhippes of warre vnto the Sea, bycauſe hee had knowledge that diuerſe Rouers were wafting about the coaſtes of this lande, and did much hurt. When the erle had ſearched the coaſtes, and coulde meete wyth no enimie abroade, he was aduertiſed by eſpialles, that the Pyrates hearing of hys comming to Sea, were wythdrawne into Brytayne, where|fore the ſayde Earle entending to be reuenged on them, whom hee ſought, directed hys courſe thy|ther, and fynding that they had layde vp theyr Shippes in the Hauens, ſo as he coulde not fight wyth them by Sea, he launched out his Boates, and with his fierce Souldiers tooke lande,Bryake in Bri|tain aſſaulted by the Engliſh men. and manfully aſſaulted the towne of Bryake ſtan|ding by the Sea ſide: they within ſtoutly defen|ded themſelues, doing theyr beſt to repulſe the Engliſh men, with throwing Dartes, caſting ſtones,The Erle of kent wounded to death. and ſhooting quarels, in which conflict the Erle receyued a wounde in his heade, ſo that hee dyed thereof the fifth day after.
[1] The Engliſh men not diſmayed wyth hys death, [...]alake [...] by [...]. but the more deſirous to obteyne their pur|poſe, continued theyr aſſaultes, tyll by fiue force they entred the Towne, ſet it on fire, and [...] that made reſiſtaunce, and after for want of a ge|nerall to commaunde what ſhoulde be done, they being peſtred with prayes and priſoners returned into Englande.
[1] The Counteſſe of Kent that was daughter (as ye haue heard) to Bernabo Viſconte Lorde of Millaine, hauing no iſſue by hir huſbande, was nowe mooued by the King after hir huſbandes death, to marry with his baſtarde brother [...]e Earle of Dorſet, a man verie aged and euill [...]+ſaged, wherevpon ſhee miſlyking him,The e [...] of Kent ma|keth hi [...] [...] choiſe of [...] me [...] [...]|ther to ſatiſfie hir owne fancie, and therefore thoſe for hir huſbande Henrye Mortimer, a g [...]ly yong Batcheler, by whom ſhe had iſſue a daugh|ter named Anne, maryed to Sir Iohn [...]|monde.
[1] This yeare, the next day after the feaſt day of Marie Magdalen,A d [...] be [...] [...]+ner of [...]|for [...] and C [...]+bridge [...] their obed [...] to the Pope. in a Councell holden at Lon|don by the Cleargie, the Doctors of the [...]|uerſities of Oxford and Cambridge being there, [figure appears here on page 1154] with the reſt aſſembled, debated the matter togi|ther, whether they oughte to withdrawe from the Pope, payments of money, and theyr accu|ſtomed obedience, conſidering that contrarie to his worde and promiſe ſo ſolemnly made, and with an oth confyrmed, hee withdrewe himſelfe from the place where he according to couenants ſhould haue beene preſent, to aduaunce an agree|ment and concord in the Church.
[1] Vpon the Euen of the Natiuitie of our La|die, there chaunced ſuch flouddes through aboun|dance of raine as the like had not bene ſeene afore by any man then lyuing.
[1] An. reg. 10, About the feaſt of all Saintes, the Cardinall, of Bourges came into Englande,The c [...] of [...] in [...] land in [...] nor of Pope Gregory. to informe the king and the Cleargie, of the inconſtant dealing of Pope Gregorie, in lyke maner as he had in|fourmed the French king and the Frenchmen, to the ende, that he might perſwade both theſe kings which were accounted the chiefe in Chriſtendom, to put vnto their helping handes, that the ſame Pope Gregorie might be induced to obſerue and perfourme that othe, which he had receyued, ſo as by the royall authoritie of thoſe two kings, con|cord might be had in the Church.
[1] The French king (as this Cardinal alledged) following the aduiſe of the learned men of the V|niuerſities of Paris, Bologna, Orleãs, Tholouſe [page 1155] and Monpellier,The reſolution of the French king concer|ning the two Popes. to auoyde the daunger of fauou|ring Sciſme, determyned to obey neyther the one nor the other, that contended for the Papacie, vntill peace and concorde might bee reſtored in Chriſtes Church.
[1] The King vnderſtanding the purpoſe of the Cardinall, ſhewed him what courteſie myght be deuiſed, offring to beare his charges ſo long as it pleaſed him to remaine in England, and promy|ſed him to conſider aduiſedly of the matter.
[1] 1409This yeare after the Epiphanie, the Archbi|ſhop of Canterburie called the Clergie of the pro|uince of Canterburie to a Conuocation in Pauls Church at London,A conuocation [...] Pauls i [...] London to chooſe ſufficient perſons that might goe vnto the generall Councell, ap|poynted to be kept at Piſa: Herevpon were cho|ſen Robert Halom Biſhop of Saliſburie,Ambaſſadors appointed to go to the coun+ſel at Piſa. Henrie Chicheley Biſhoppe of Saint Dauid, and Tho|mas Chillingden Prior of Chriſtes Churche in Canterburie. The king before this had ſent Am|baſſadours vnto Pope Gregorie, and alſo to the Cardinals, to witte, ſir Iohn Coluille knight, and maiſter Nicholas Rixton Clearke, with let|ters,The contents of the kings letters to the pope. ſignifying the griefe that hee had conceyued for the inconuenience that fell in the Chriſtian common wealth through the ſciſme, and withall putting the Pope in remembrance what miſchief and deſtruction of people hadde chaunced by the ſame ſciſme, ſo as if hee woulde well conſider the miſerable ſtate of things, he would ſurely followe the example of the true mother, that contending before Salomõ for hir child with the counterfeyt mother, choſe rather to giue place, than to ſee hir childe cut in peeces.
[1] Theſe and the lyke matters to vtter what de|ſire he had to haue an vnitie in the Church, he de|clared frankly in his letters directed to the Pope, ſo as it might appeare to the worlde, how ſoberly and modeſtly hee ſought to enduce the Pope to procure a peace and concorde in the Church, but what his perſwaſions profited, it appeareth in the hyſtorie of Italie.
[1] Wicklife doc+ [...] mayntey+ned by the lear+ [...]d.This yeare certaine learned men in Oxforde and other places, publikely in theyr Sermons mainteyned and ſet forth the opinions and con|cluſions of Wicklife. This troubled the Biſhops and other of the Clergie ſore, inſomuch that in their Conuocation houſe, the .xxvj. of Iune, by a ſpeciall mandate of the Lorde Chauncellor in preſence of the procurators, regents, and other, as Richard Courtney, Richarde Talbot, Nicho|las Souche, Walter Midforde, and ſuche like in greate multitude: ſentence was pronounced by Iohn Welles, doctor of the Canon law agaynſt the bookes of Iohn Wicklife doctor of diuinitie, intituled,Sentence pro|nounced a|gainſt Wiclif [...] [...]kes. De Sermone in monte, Triologorum de Simonia, de perfectione ſtatum, de ordine Chriſtia|no, de gradibus Cleri Eccleſia: and to theſe was added the third treatiſe, which he compiled of L [...]|gious of Sophiſtrie.
[1] Theſe bookes and the concluſions in the ſame conteyned the Chancellour of the Vniuerſitie of Oxford by common conſent and aſſent of the re|gents and not regentes of the ſame Vniuerſitie, reproued, diſanulled and condemned, inhibiting on paine of the greate eueſſe and deprination of all degrees ſcholaſticall, that none from thence|forth ſhoulde affyrme, [...]eache, or preache by anye maner of meanes or wayes, the ſame heritecall bookes as (they tearmed them) conteyning anye the lyke opinions as he taught and ſet forth in the ſame bookes.
[1] This yeare aboute Mydſommer, Fabian. Iuſtes in Smith field. wer royall Iuſtes holden at London in Smithfield betwixt the Seneſhall of Heynault, and certaine Here|wyers chalengers, and the Erle of Sommerſet, & certaine Engliſhmen defendants.
[1] The Welch Rebell Owen Glendouer, made an ende of his wretched life,Owen Glen|douer endeth his life in great miſery. in this tenth yeare of K. Henries reigne, being driuen now in his latter time (as we find recorded) to ſuch miſerie, that in maner diſpayring of all comfort, hee fledde into deſart places and ſolitarie Caues where beeyng deſtitute of all reliefe and ſuccour, dreading to ſhewe his face to any creature, and finally lac|king meate to ſuſtayne nature, for pure hun|ger and lacke of foode, miſerably pyned away and dyed.
[1] This yeare Thomas Beaufort Erle of Sur|rey, was made Chancellour, An. reg. 1 [...]. Officers made and Henry Scrope Lord Treaſorer.
[1] A Parliament began this yere in the quindene of S. Hillarie,
1410 A Parliament.
[1] To the moſt excellent Lorde our King, Tho. VValſ. Fabian. A ſupplication to the king. and to all the Nobles in this preſent Parliament aſ|ſembled, your faythfull commons do humbly ſig|nifie, that our ſoueraigne Lorde the king myght haue of the temporall poſſeſſions, landes and re|uennes which are lewdly ſpent, conſumed and waſted by the Biſhops, Abbottes, and Priors, within this Realme, ſo much in value as woulde ſuffice to finde and ſuſtaine, 150. Earles .1500. knightes, 6200. eſquiers, and one hundred Hoſpi|tals more than now be.
[1] The King (as ſome write, vpon aduiſed con|ſideration hereof had, miſlyked of the motion,Tho. VValſ. and therevpon cõmaunded that from thenceforth they ſhould not preſume to ſtudie about any ſuch matters. An other thing the cõmons ſued to haue graunted vnto them, but could not obtein, which was that Clerks conuicted ſhould not frõ thence|forth be deliuered to the Biſhops priſon.
[1] Moreouer they demaunded to haue the ſtatute [page 1156] either reuoked, or qualified, which had beene eſta|bliſhed by authoritie of Parliament, in the ſecond yeare of this kings raigne, againſt ſuch as were reputed to be Here [...]kes, or Lollards, by force whereof it was prouided, that whereſoeuer ſuche maner of perſons ſhoulde be founde and knowne [...]o preach or teach their erronious doctrine, they ſhould be attached with the kings writ, & brought to the next gaole, but the king ſeemed ſo highly to fauour the Cleargie,King Henry a fauorer of the Clergy. that the Commons were anſwered plainly, they ſhould not come by their purpoſe, but rather that the ſayde ſtatute ſhoulde be made more rigorous and ſharpe, for the pu|niſhment of ſuch perſons.
[1] Iohn Badby brent. Tho. VValſ. During this Parliament, one Iohn Badby a Taylor, or as ſome write a Smith, being cõuict of hereſie, was brought into Smithfield, and there in a tonne or pipe burnt to death,The prince being preſent at the executiõ offreth hym pardon. in pitiful maner: the kings eldeſt ſonne the Lord Henrie Prince of Wales beeing preſent, offred him his pardon, firſt before the fire was kindled, if he woulde haue re|canted his opinions, and after when the fire was kindled, hearing him make a roaring noyſe very pitifully, the Prince cauſed the fyre to be plucked backe, and exhorted him being ſore amaſkered, to remember himſelfe, and renounce his opinions, promyſing hym not onelye lyfe, but alſo three pens a day ſo long as hee lyued, to be payde out of the Kings Coffers: but hee hauing recouered his ſpirites againe,Notable con|ſtancy of Bad|by. refuſed the Princes offer, choo|ſing eftſoones to taſte the fyre, and ſo to die, than to forſake his opinions. Wherevpon the Prince commaunded, that hee ſhoulde bee put into the Tonne againe, from thenceforth not to haue any fauour or pardon at all, and ſo it was done, and the fyre put to hym againe, and hee conſumed to aſhes.
[1] The King demaunded in thys Parliament, that it myght be graunted to him,The kings demaund in the parliament to haue euerye yeare in whiche he helde not Parliament a tenth of the Cleargie, and a fiftenth of the Laitie, but the eſtates woulde not agree therevnto, by rea|ſon whereof, the Parliament continued tyll al|moſt the myddle of May.A long Par|liament. A xv. granted. At length they graun|ted to gyue hym a fyftenth, not without greate murmuring and grudgyng of the Commu|naltie.
[1] Erle of Surrie deceaſeth.Aboute this ſeaſon, dyed the Lorde Thomas Beauford Erle of Surrey.
[1] The .xj. of Aprill or thereaboutes, the towne of Saint Omers was burnt by caſuall fire, togi|ther with the Abbey, in whiche towne was ſuche ſtraunge and maruellous prouiſion of Engines,Preparation made to win Calais. and all maner of furniture and preparation for the winning of Calais, as the like had neuer bene ſeene nor heard of.
[1] Tho. VValſ.Some wryte, that they of Calais ſtandyng in doubt of ſuche purueyaunce, and greate pre|paration deuyſed to annoy them, procured a yong man to kyndle that fyre, whereby all that dreadfull prouiſion was conſumed to Athes, and ſo they within Calays deliuered of a great deale of care and feare whiche they [...] thereof.
[1] Moreouer this yeare ſir Robert V [...]tcu [...]e vice Admirall of Englande,Sir Robe [...] [...]n faevile [...]|miral. Harding. annoyed the Coun|treys on the ſea coaſts of Scotland: for comming into the Forth with ten ſhippes of warre, and ly|ing there .xiiij. dayes togither, landed euery daye on the one ſide of the Riuer or the other,His ex [...] in Scotland. taking prayes, ſpoyles, and priſoners, notwithſtanding the Duke of Albance, and the Earle Dowglas were readie there, with a greate power to reſiſt him: he brunt the Galliot of Scotlande (beeing a ſhippe of greate account) with many other veſ|ſelles lying the ſame time at the Blackneſſe o|uer agaynſt Lieth.
[1] At his returne from thence, he brought wyth him .xiiij. good ſhippes, and many other great pri|ſes of cloathes, both woollen and lynnen, pitche, tarre, woad, flowre, meale, wheate and tie, which being ſolde abroade, the Markets,His ſurname Ro [...] Meal market. were well hol|pen therby, ſo that his ſurname of Robert Mend|market ſeemed very well to agree wyth his qua|lities which name he got by this occaſion.
[1] Aboute foure yeares before this, he burnt the towne of Peples on the Market day, cauſing his men to meete the cloathes, whiche the go [...] there wyth theyr Bowes, and ſo to ſell them awaye,By what occa| [...]ion he came by that ſur|name. whervpon the Scots named him Robin Mend|market.
[1] Shortly after his returne from the Sea now in this .xj. yeare of king Henryes raigne, he made a roade into Scotlande by lande,The erle of Augus V [...]|vile commonly called erle of Ky [...]. hauing wyth hym hys Nephewe yong Gylbert Vmf [...]e Earle of Augus, (commonly called Earle of Kyme) beeyng then but fouretene yeares of age, and thys was the fyrſte tyme that the ſayde Earle ſpredde hys Banner. They burn [...] at that tyme Iedworth, and the moſt part of V|nidale.
[1] This yeare there dyed of the blouddie Fur~ the Citie of Burdeaux .xiiij. thouſande perſons, [...] by the [...] and ſo ſore raged that diſeaſe in Gaſcoigne and Guienne, that there wanted people to dreſſe theyr vines, and preſſe their grapes.
[1] Iohn Prendergeſt knight,Iohn Pr [...]+ge [...] and Wi|liam Long. and Wylliam Long ſkoured the Seas, ſo as no Pyrate d [...] appeare, that Merchants and paſſengers myght paſſe to and fro in ſafetie. But yet through diſ|daine of ſome that enuied theyr good ſucceſſe, the ſame Prendergeſt and Long were accuſed of rob|beries, which they ſhould practiſe in ſpoyling ſuch ſhippes as they mette with, of dyuerſe things a|gaynſt the owners willes. Prendergeſt was dryuen to take Sanctuarie at Weſtmynſter, [page 1157] and coulde not be ſuffred to iudge in anye mans houſe for feare of the kings diſpleaſure, commaũ|ding than none ſhoulde receyue him, and ſo was con [...]e [...]ed to ſet vp a tent within the Porche of Saint Peters Church there, and to haue his ſer|uants to watche nightly about him for doubt to be murthered of his aduerſaries: but his aſſo|ciate William Long, lay ſtill on the Sea, til the Lorde Ad [...]tall hauing prepared certaine veſſels went to the ſea himſelfe in perſon to fetche him: but yet he could not catch him, till he had promi|ſed him pardon, and vndertaken vpon his fidelitie that her ſhoulde haue no harme:Long com|mitted to the Tower. but notwith|ſtanding all promyſes vpon his comming in, hee was ſhut vp faſt in the Tower, and ſo for a time remayned in durance.
[1] The Archbi. of Canterbury not ſuff [...]ed to vnto the [...]niuerſitie of Oxo [...]d.The Archb. of Canter. minding in this ſeaſon to viſite the Vniuerſitie of Oxford, could not bee ſuffred, in conſideration of priuiledges which they pretended to haue.
[1] [2] The realme of Fraunce in this meane while was diſquieted, with the two factions of Bur|goigne,France diſqui|eted with two factions. and Orleans, in moſt miſerable wyſe, as in the French Hiſtories it maye further appeare. Neyther coulde the king, being a Lunatike per|ſon, and feoble of braine, take any ful order for the reforming of ſuch miſchiefes, ſo that the whole ſtate of the kingdome was maruellouſly brought in decay:The Duke of Orleans mur|dered. neyther tooke thoſe troubles ende by the death of the duke of Orleans (murthered at lẽgth through the practiſe of the Duke of Burgoigne) but rather more perillouſly encreaſed, for the yõg duke of Orleans Charles, ſonne to duke Lewes thus murthered, allyed hymſelfe with the Dukes of Berry, and Bourbon, and with the Earles of Alanſon, and Arminacke, whereby hee was ſo ſtrongly handed againſt the duke of Burgoigne, whom hee defied as his mortall foe and enimie, that the duke of Burgoigne fearing the ſequele of the matter, thought good (bycauſe there was a motion of mariage betwixt the prince of Wales and his daughter) to require ayde of king Henrie, who foreſeeing that this ciuill diſcord in France, (as it after hapned) might turne his realme to ho|nor and profite,The Erles of Arundel and Angus with o|ther ſent to ayde the Duke of Burgoigne. ſent to the Duke of Burgoigne, Thomas Erle of Arundell, Gilbert Vmfreuille Erle of Angus, (commonly called the Earle of Kime) ſir Robert Vmfreuille, vncle to the ſame Gilbert, ſir Iohn Oldcaſtell Lord Cobham, ſir Iohn Grey, and William Porter, with .xij.C. archers. They tooke ſhipping at Douer, and lan|ded at Sluys, from whence with ſpeedie iorneys in the latter ende of this .xij. yere of king Henries raigne they came to Arras, where they founde the duke of Burgoigne, of whom they were ioyfully receyued, and from thence he appoynted them to go vnto Peronne, where he aſſembled a power al|ſo of his owne ſubiects, and remouing frõ thence, he marched through the countrey, by Roy, Bre|tuell, Beauvoys, & Gyfors, til he came with his armie vnto Pontoys, where he remayned aboute the ſpace of three weekes.
[1] From Pontoyſe the .xxij. of October,An. reg. 13. the duke of Burgoigne marched towards Paris, and paſ|ſing the riuer of Saine at Pont Menlene, hee ſtayed not till he came to Paris, into the whiche he entred the .xxiij. of October, late in the Eue|ning.
[1] The Duke of Orleance lay the ſame time at S. Denys, with the more part of his armie, and the reſidue kept the towne of Saint Clou, where a bridge lay ouer the ryuer of Saint.Saint Clou ta|ken by help a the Engliſhm [...] On the .ix. of Nouember, with harde and ſharpe fight the Engliſhmen ga [...] the towne of S. Clou, with the bridge, ſlue and drowned nine hundred ſouldi|ours, that were ſet there to defende that paſſage, beſydes foure hundred that were taken pryſo|ners.
[1] Then tooke alſo aboue .xij.C. horſes, whiche they found in the towne, with great riches, wher|of the men of warre made their profite.
[1] Among other priſoners, ſir Manſerde de Bos,Sir Manſerd de Bos put to death. a valiant captayne was taken, and ſhortly after put to deth, as diuerſe other were, which the Bur|gonians bought of the Engliſh men, that had ta|ken them priſoners. The Tower that ſtoode at the ende of the Bridge, coulde not bee woonne.
[1] At an other bickering alſo, it chaunced that the Engliſhe men vnder the leading of the Earle of Augus or Kyme, had the vpper hande,Harding. and tooke many pryſoners, which the Duke of Bur|goigne woulde that they ſhoulde haue beene lyke|wiſe put to death as traytors to theyr Countrey, but the ſayd Earle of Angus anſwered for him|ſelfe, and the reſidue of the Engliſhmen, that they woulde rather dye all in the place, than ſuffer theyr pryſoners to be vſed otherwyſe than as men of warre ought to bee, that is, to haue their laies ſaued, and to be raunſomed according as the law of Armes requyred, and by that meanes they were preſerued.
[1] The Duke of Burgoigne hauing the worlde at will, (for the Duke of Orleans immediatelye after the loſſe of Saint Clou, departing from S. Deuys, got him into the highe. Countryes) ſent home the Engliſhmen, with heartie thanks, and great rewardes.
[1] This yeare, Recor. Turris. Creations of noble men. the king created his brother Tho|mas Beauford Erle of Dorſet, and his ſonne the Lord Thomas of Lancaſter that was Lord ſte|warde of Englande, and Erle of Aubemarle, hee created duke of Clarence.
[1] Iohn duke of Burgoigne,Hall. hauing now the go|uernance, both of the French king and his realme, ſo perſecuted the Duke of Orleauns and hys [page 1158] complyces,The Orlianci+al faction ſu|eth to the k. of England for ayde. that finally they for theyr laſte re|fuge requyred ayde of King Henrie, ſending o|uer vnto hym certayne perſons as theyr law|full procuratours (of the whiche one hight Al|berte Aubemont, a manne of greate witte, lear|ning, and audacitie,) to offer in name of the con|federates vnto the ſayde Kyng Henrye, and to hys ſonnes, certayne conditions whiche were made and concluded, the yeare of our Lord .1412. the eight of May.
[1] The confede|rates of the Orleancial faction.The names of the chiefe confederates were theſe, Iohn duke of Berrie and Erle of Poictou, Charles Duke of Orleans, and Valois Earle of Blais, & Beamound Lorde of Coucie and Ach, Iohn Duke of Bourbon, and Auvergne Earle of Clearmont Foreſt, and Lyſle Lorde of Be|auieu, and Caſteau Chinou, Iohn Duke of Alanſon, Bernarde Earle of Arminacke, and others.
[1] The Articles of couenants which they of|fered to the k. of Englande.The effect of the Articles which theſe confe|derates were agreed vpon touching their offer to the king of England were as followeth.
[1] 1 Firſt, they offred their bodies, finances, and landes, to ſerue the king of Englande, his heyres, and ſucceſſors, in all iuſt cauſes and actions, ſa|uing alwayes their allegiances, knowing that he would not further enquire of them.
[1] 2 Secondly, they offred their ſonnes & daugh|ters, neces, and nephewes, and al other their kinſ|folke to bee beſtowed in mariages according to the pleaſure of the king of England.
[1] 3 Thirdly, they offred their Caſtels, townes, treaſures, and all their other goodes, to ſerue the foreſayde king.
[1] 4 Fourthly, they offered theyr friendes, allies, and well wyllers to ſerue hym, beeing the moſte part of all the Nobles of Fraunce, Churchmen, Clearkes, and honeſt Citizens, as it ſhould well appeare.
[1] 5 Fiftly, they offred to put him in poſſeſſion of the Duchie of Guienne, which they were ready to proteſt to belong to the king of Englande, in lyke and ſemblable wyſe, in lybertie and fran|chiſes, as any other king of Englande his prede|ceſſor had held and enioyed the ſame.
[1] 6 Sixtly, that they woulde bee readie to re|cogniſe the landes whiche they poſſeſſed within that Duchie, to hold the ſame of the king of Eng|land, as of the verye true Duke of Guienne, pro|miſing all ſeruices & homages after the beſt ma|ner that might be.
[1] 7 Seuenthly, they promiſed to deliuer vnto the king, as much as lay in them, all townes and Caſtels, apperteyning to the royaltie and ſeignio|rie of the king of England, which are in number xx. townes and Caſtels: and as to the regarde of other townes and fortreſſes whiche were not in their handes, they would to the vttermoſt of their powers, help the king of England & his heyres to win them out of his aduerſaries handes.
[1] 8 Eightly, that the duke of Berrie, as vaſſall to the king of Englande, and likewiſe the duke of Orleans, his ſubiect and vaſſall, ſhould holde of him by homage and fealtie, the landes and ſeig|niories hereafter following, that is to ſay, the Duke of Berrie to holde onely the Countie of Ponthieu during his life, and the Duke of Orle|ans to holde the Countie of Anguleſme during his life, and the Countie of Perigourt for euer, and the Earle of Arminacke, to holde foure Ca|ſtels vpon certaine ſureties and conditions, as by Indenture ſhould be appoynted. For the which offers, couenants and agreements, they requeſted of the king of England to condiſcend vnto theſe conditions enſuing.
[1] 1 Firſt, that the king of England,The condition which they ret [...] queſted of the k. of England. as Duke of Guienne ſhoulde defende and ſuccor them as hee ought to do, againſt al mẽ as their very lord and ſoueraigne, and ſpecially vntil they had executed iuſtice fully vpon the Duke of Burgoigne, for the crime which he committed vpon the perſon of the Duke of Orleans.
[1] 2 Secondly, that hee ſhoulde aſſyſt them a|gaynſt the ſayde duke of Burgoigne and his fau|tors, to recouer againe their goodes, which by oc|caſion of the ſayd duke and his friendes they had loſt and bene depriued of.
[1] 3 Thirdly, that he ſhoulde likewiſe ayde them in all iuſt quarelles, for recouering of domages done to their friends, vaſſals and ſubiects.
[1] 4 Fourthly, to helpe and aſſyſt them for the concluding and eſtabliſhing of a firme peace be|twixt both the realmes, ſo farre as was poſſible.
[1] And further they beſought the king of Eng|land to ſend vnto them .viij.M. men to ayd thẽ agaynſt the Duke of Burgoigne and his com|plices, whiche dayly procured the French king to make warre vpon them, ſeeking by al wayes and meanes how to deſtroy them.
[1] The king of Englande louingly enterteyned the Meſſengers, and vpon conſideration had of their offers, as wel for that he deteſted the ſhame|full murther of the Duke of Orleans (which re|mayned vnpuniſhed by ſupport of ſuch as main|teyned the duke of Burgoigne, who as it appea|red woulde keepe promyſe no longer than ſer|ued his owne turne) as alſo for that the ſame offers ſeemed to make greatly both for hys honour and profite, thought that by the office of a King hee was bounde in duetie to ſuccour them that cryed for Iuſtice and coulde not haue it, and namely ſithe in right they were his ſub|iectes and vaſſalles, hee oughte to defende them in mayntenaunce of his ſuperioritie and Seig|niorie.
[1] Herevpon as Duke of Guienne, he tooke vpon [page 1159] him to ſuccour and defend them againſt all men,The king of Englande taketh vpon him to defend the Orleantial faction. as their verie Lorde and ſoueraigne, and ſo ſen|ding away the Meſſengers, promiſed to ſende them ayde very ſhortly.
[1] This feate was not ſo ſecretly wrought, but that it was knowne ſtreight wayes in Fraunce. Wherefore the Frenche kings counſaile ſent the Earle of S. Paule downe into Picardie, wyth xv. hundred horſemen,The Erle of S. Paul aſſaulteth the Caſtel of Guyſnes. and a greate number of footmen, who approching to Guiſnes, attempted to aſſault the Caſtell, but was repulſed and bea|ten backe, ſo that he retired to the towne of Saint Quintines, as one that neuer wan gaine at the Engliſhmens handes,His fortune a|gainſt Engliſh men. but euer departed frõ them with loſſe and diſhonor. In this meane ſeaſon the French king being led by the duke of Burgoin purſued thẽ that tooke part with the duke of Or|leans, commonly called Arminacks, and after the winning of diuerſe townes he beſieged the Citie of Bourges in Berrie, comming before it vpon [figure appears here on page 1159] Saterday the .xj. of Iune, with a right huge ar|mie. Within this Citie were the dukes of Berrie and Bourbon, the Erle of Auxerre, the lord Dal|bret, the Archbiſhops of Sens and Bourges, the Biſhops of Paris and Chartres, hauing with thẽ xv. hundred armed men, and foure hundred Ar|chers and Arbaleſtiers.
[1] There were with the king at this ſiege, his ſon the duke of Aquitaine, otherwiſe called the Dol|phin, the dukes of Burgoigne, & Bar, and a great number of other erles, lords, knights, & gentlemẽ, ſo that the Citie was beſieged euen til within the Faux burges of that ſide towards Dun le Roy.
[1] The ſiege continued, till at length through mediation of Philibert de Lignac, Lorde greate maiſter of the Rhodes, and the Marſhall of Sauoy, that were both in the kings campe, tra|uelling betwixt the parties, there were appoynted Cõmiſſioners on both ſides to treate for a peace, to wit the maſter of the Croſbowes, and the Se|neſhal of Heynalt, and certain other for the king, and the Archbiſhop of Bourges, and the Lorde of Gaucourt and others for the Orlientiall ſide.
[1] A peace con|cluded be [...]wixt the two facti|ons of Burgoin and Orleans.Theſe comming togither on a Fryday, the .xv. of Iuly in the Dolphins Tent, vſed the matter with ſuch diſcretion, that they concluded a peace, and ſo on the Wedneſday nexte following, the campe brake vp, and the king returned.
[1] Eyton.Whileſt theſe things were a doing in France, the Lorde Henrie Prince of Wales,The prince of wales accuſed to his father. eldeſt ſonne to king Henrie, got knowledge that certain of his fathers ſeruants were buſie to giue informations agaynſt him, whereby diſcorde might ariſe be|twixte him and his father,Iohn. Stow. for they put into the Kings heade, not onely what euill rule (accor|ding to the courſe of youth) the Prince kepte to the offence of many: but alſo what greate reſort of people came to hys houſe, ſo that the Courte was nothing furniſhed wyth ſuche a traine as dayly folowed the Prince.
[1] Theſe tales brought no ſmall ſuſpition into the Kings heade,The ſuſpici|uos iea [...]ouſie of the king to|wards his ſon. leaſt hys ſonne woulde pre|ſume to vſurpe the crowne, bee beeing yet aliue, through which ſuſpitious iealouſie, it was percei|ued that he fauoured not his ſonne, as in tymes paſt he had done.
[1] The Prince ſore offended with ſuch perſons, as by ſlaunderous reportes, ſought not onely to ſpotte his good name abroade in the realme, but to ſow diſcorde alſo betwixt him and his father, wrote his letters into euery part of the realme, to reproue all ſuch ſlaunderous deuiſes of thoſe that ſought hys diſcredite, and to cleare himſelfe the better, that the Worlde mighte vnderſtande what wrong he had to be ſlandered in ſuch wiſe: aboute the feaſt of Peter and Paule, to witte,The prince go|eth to the court with a great trayne. the .xxix. daye of Iune hee came to the Courte with ſuch a number of Noble menne and other [page 1160] his friendes that wiſhed him wel, as the like train had beene ſeldome ſeene repayring to the Court at any one tyme in thoſe dayes. He was appa|relled in a Gowne of blewe Satten, full of ſmal Oylet holes,His ſtrange apparel. at euery hole the needle hanging by a ſilke threde, with which it was ſewed. Aboute his arme he ware an Houndes coller ſette full of SS of golde, and the tyrettes likewiſe being of the ſame mettall.
[1] The Court was then at Weſtminſter, where he being entred into the Hall, not one of his com|panie durſt once aduaunce himſelfe further than the fire in the ſame Hall, notwithſtanding they were earneſtly requeſted by the Lordes to come higher: but they regarding what they had in cõ|maundement of the prince, woulde not preſume to do in any thing contrary thervnto. He himſelf onely accompanied with thoſe of the kings houſe, was ſtreight admitted to the preſence of the k. his father, who being at ye time grieuouſly diſeaſed, cauſed himſelf yet in hys Chayre to be borne in|to his priuie Chamber, where in the preſence of three or foure perſons, in whome he had moſte confidence,The prince cõ+meth to the kings preſence hee commaunded the Prince to ſhew what hee had to ſaye concerning the cauſe of hys comming.
[1] The Prince kneeling downe before his father ſayde: Moſt redoubted and ſoueraigne Lord and father, I am this time come to your preſence as your liege man and as your naturall ſonne, in all things to be at your commaundement.His wordes to his father.
[1] And where I vnderſtand you haue in ſuſpition my demeanour agaynſt your grace, you knowe very well, that if I knewe any man wythin thys realme of whome you ſhoulde ſtande in feare, my dutie were to puniſh that perſon, thereby to re|moue that griefe from your heart: Then howe much more ought I to ſuffer death, to eaſe your grace of that griefe which you haue of me, beeing your naturall ſonne and liegeman: and to that ende I haue this day made my ſelfe readie by cõ|feſſion and receyuing of the Sacramẽt: and ther|fore I beſeeche you moſte redoubted Lorde and deare father, for the honour of God, to eaſe your heart of all ſuch ſuſpition as you haue of me, and to diſpatche me here before your knees, with this ſame dagger: and withall hee deliuered vnto the king his dagger, in all humble reuerence, adding further, that his life was not ſo deare to him, that hee wiſhed to liue one daye with his diſpleaſure, and therefore (ſayth he) in thus ridding me out of life, and your ſelfe from all ſuſpition, here in pre|ſence of theſe Lordes, and before God at the day of the generall iudgement, I faythfully proteſt clearly to forgiue you.
[1] The kings wordes to the [...] his ſon.The king moued herewith, caſt from him the dagger, and embracing the Prince, kyſſed hym, and with ſhedding teares, confeſſed that in deede he had him partly in ſuſpition, though now [...] perceyued not with iuſt cauſe, and therefore from thenceforth no miſreport ſhuld cauſe him to haue him in miſtruſt, & this he promiſed of his hon [...]. So by his greate wiſedome, was the wrongfull ſuſpition whiche his father had conceyued againſt him remoued, and hee reſtored to hys fan [...]er. And further,Ey [...]. where he coulde not but grieuouſlye complayne of them that hadde ſlaundered hym ſo greatly, to the defacing not onely of his honor, but alſo putting him in daunger of his life,The pel [...] queſt to h [...] his accuſe [...] anſwe [...] this wrongful [...]+ders. he hũ|bly beſought the King that they myght anſwere theyr vniuſte accuſation, and in caſe they were founde to haue forged ſuche matters vpon a ma|licious purpoſe, that then they myght ſuffer ſome puniſhment for theyr faultes, thoughe not to the full of that they had deſerued.
[1] The King ſeeming to graunt his reaſonable deſire, tolde him yet that he muſt tarie a Parlia|ment, that ſuche offenders might he puniſhed by iudgement of theyr Peeres: And ſo for that time he was diſmiſſed, with great loue and ſignes of fatherly affection.
[1] About the ſame time, Iohn Prẽdergeſt knight,Sir Iohn Prẽ|dergeſt re [...]|red to the kings fa [...] ſent to [...] being reſtored to the kings fauor, with .xxx. ſhips [...]koured the ſeas, tooke good priſes of wine and vi|tayles, which relieued the commons greatly.
[1] Amongſt other enterpriſes, he landed vpon the ſodaine at Craal on the fayre day, tooke the town and robbed the fayre, ſo as they that were come thither to ſell their wares, had quicke vtteraunce and ſlowe payment.
[1] King Henrie vnderſtanding, that the French King by the ſetting on of the Duke of Burgoine in purſuing the contrarie faction,The Duke of Clarence ſe [...] to ayde the D. of Orleans. hadde beſieg [...] the Citie of Bourges (as before yee haue hearte) determyned with all ſpeede to ayde the Duke of Orleans, and ſo aboute the feaſt of the Aſſump|tion of oure Ladie, hee ſent ouer an armie of v [...] hundred menne of Armes, and nine thouſande Archers, vnder the leading of hys ſeconde ſonne the Duke of Clarence, accompanyed wyth Ed|warde Duke of Yorke, Thomas Earle of Dor|ſet, and dyuerſe other Noble men and worthye Captaynes. They landed in the Baye de la Hogue Saint Waſt, in the Countrey of Con|ſtantine.
[1] The Engliſhmen ſwarmed like Bees round about the Countrey, robbing & ſpoiling the ſame. [...]
[1] [2] Shortly after their departure from the place where they landed, there came to them .vj. C. ar|med men of Gaſcoignes yt were enrolled at Bur|deaux. When newes therof came to the Frenche court, being then at Auxerre, incõtinently ye erles of Alãſon & Richmõt were diſpatched to go vnto the Engliſh camp,The E. of [...] the Duke of Cl [...]. bycauſe they had euer bin par|takers wt the duke of Orleans, to giue thẽ [...] for their paines, & to aduertiſe them of the peace, [page 1161] that had bin lately concluded betwixte the par|ties, and therefore to take order with them, that they mighte bee ſatiſfied, ſo as they ſhoulde not ſpoyle and waſt the Countrey, as they had be|gun: but whereas the Engliſhmen were greedie to haue,The Duke of C [...]arence mar|cheth towards Goyeare. and the Duke of Orleance was not rich to pay, they marched on towardes Guyenne in good order, and what by ſacking of Townes, and caunſoming of riche priſoners, they gote greate treaſure, and many good prayes and boo|ties. Being paſſed yt riuer of Loyere they ſpoyled the towne of Beaulieu,Inguerant. and with fire and ſword waſted the Coũtreys of Touraine, and Maine. The Lorde de Rambures appoynted to reſiſt ſuch violence,The Lorde of Rambures. was eaſily vanquiſhed.
[1] Moreouer, to the ayde of the Duke of Orle|ance,The Erles of Kent and War+wike, ſent o|uer to Caleys. the King of England ſent ouer to Calais, the Earles of Kente and Warwike, with two thouſand fighting men, which ſpoyled and wa|ſted the Countrey of Bullennoyes, brente the Towne of Samer de Boys, and tooke with aſ|ſaulte, the fortreſſe of Ruſſalt, and diuers o|ther.
[1] Fabian.This yeare, the King abaſed the coynes, of his golde and ſiluer,Coyne chaun|ged. cauſing the ſame to be cu [...]|rant in this Realme, at ſuch valew, as the other was valued before, where indede the Noble was worſe by foure pence than the former, and ſo likewiſe of the ſyluer, the coynes whereof hee appoynted to bee currante after the ſame rate.
[figure appears here on page 1161]
[1] An. reg. 14. Ye haue hearde nowe the Duke of Clarence and his army did muche hurte in the Realme of Fraunce, in places as he paſſed, wherevppon at length,The duke of Orleans com| [...]eth to the [...]ngliſh army. the Duke of Orleance being earneſtly called vpon to diſpatch the Engliſhmenne out of Fraunce, according to an article compriſed in the concluſion of the peace, he came to the Duke of Clarence, rendering to him and his armye a thouſande gramercies, and diſburſed to them as much money as he or his friendes mighte eaſily ſpare, and for the reſt, beeing two hundred and nine thouſande frankes remaining vnpalde, hee deliuered in gage his ſecond brother,The duke of Angolaſtine de+liuered in+gage to the Duke of Cla|rence. Iohn Duke of Angoleſme, which was grandfather to King Francis the firſt, that raigned in our dayes, Sir Marcell de Bourges, & ſir Iohn de Samoures, ſir Archibalde Viliers, and dyuers other, whych Earle continued long in England, as after ſhall appeare. When this agreement was thus made betwixt the Dukes of Orleance and Clarence, the Engliſh army with riche prayrs, booties and priſoners came to Burdeaux, making warre on the Fronters of Fraunce, to their greate gayne.
[1] In this meane while, the Lorde of Helie,The lorde of Helie Marſhal of Fraunce. one of the Marſhals of Fraunce, with an armye of foure thouſand men, beſieged a certaine fortreſſe in Guienne, whiche an Engliſhe Knighte, one ſir Iohn Blunt kepte, who with three hundred men that came to his ayde, diſcomfited, chaſed,Sir Io. Blount. and ouerthrew the Frenche power, tooke priſo|ners, twelue men of name, and other Gentle|men, to the number of ſixe ſcore, and amongſt other, the ſaid Marſhall, who was ſent ouer into Englande, and put in the Caſtell of Wiſſchet, from whence hee eſcaped, and gote ouer into Fraunce, where ſeruing the Duke of Orleance at the battell of Agincort, he was ſlaine among other.
[1] In this fourteenth and laſt yeare of Kyng Henries raigne,Fabian. a Counſell was holden in the white Friers in London, at the whiche,The K. meane to haue made a iourney a|gainſt the in|fidels. among other things, order was taken for Shippes and galleys to be buylded and made ready, and al o|ther things neceſſarie to bee prouided, for a [...]|age which he meant to make into the holy [...], there to recouer the Citie of Ieruſalem from the Infidels. For it greeued him to conſider ye great malice of Chriſtian Princes, that were bent vp|pon a miſcheuous purpoſe to deſtroy one ano|ther, to the peril of their owne ſoules, rather than to make warre againſt the enimies of the Chri|ſtian faith, as in conſcience (it ſemed to him) they were bound. Hee helde his Chriſtmas this yeare at Eltham, beeing ſore vexed with ſickneſſe [...],The king is vexed with ſickneſſe. ſo that it was thought ſometime, that he had bene dead: notwithſtanding it pleaſed God that hee ſomewhat recouered his ſtrength againe, and ſo paſſed that Chriſtmas with as much ioy as hee might.
[1] The morrow after Candlemas day,
1413 A parliament.
[1] Hall.During this his laſt ſickneſſe, he cauſed hys Crowne (as ſome write) to be ſet on a pillow at his beddes head, and ſuddaynely his pangs ſo ſore troubled him, that he lay as though all hys vitall ſpirites had bin from him departed. Such as were about him, thinking verily that hee had bin departed, couered hys face with a lynnen cloth.
[1] The Prince his ſonne being heereof aduerti|ſed,The prince ta|keth away the crowne before his father was dead. entered into the chamber, tooke away the Crowne, and departed. The father beeing ſud|dainely reuiued out of that traunce, quickly per|ceyued the lacke of his Crowne, and hauing knowledge that the Prince his ſonne had taken it away,He is blamed of the king. His anſwere. cauſed him to come before his preſence, requiring of him what hee meante ſo to miſuſe himſelfe: the Prince with a good audacitie aun|ſwered, Sir, to mine and all mens iudgementes you ſeemed dead in this worlde, wherefore I as your nexte heyre apparant, tooke that as myne owne,A guiltie con|ſcience in ex|tremitie of ſickneſſe pin|cheth ſore. and not as youres: well faire ſonne ſayde the King (with a greate ſigh) what right I had to it, God knoweth: well quoth the Prince, if you dye King, I wil haue the garland, and truſt to keepe it with the ſword againſt all mine eni|mies as you haue done: then ſayd the King, I commit all to God, and remember you to vſe well, and with that turned himſelfe in his bedde,The death of Henrye [...]. and ſhortly after departed to God in a chamber of the Abbots of Weſtminſter called Ieruſa|lem, the twentith daye of Marche, in the yeare 141 [...]. and in the yeare of his age .46. when he had raigned .13. yeares fiue monthes and odde dayes in greate perplexitie and little pleaſure.
[1] We fynde,Fabian. that hee was taken with his laſt ſickneſſe, while hee was making his prayers at Sainte Edwardes ſhrine,I cã not think he was ſo [...] ready to ſ [...] forward, what+ſoeuer Fabian writeth [...]. there as it were to take his leaue, and ſo to proceede forthe on hys iourney: hee was ſo ſuddaynely and greeuouſlie taken, that ſuche as were about him, feared leaſt he woulde haue dyed preſently, wherefore to re|lieue him if it were poſſible, they bare him into a chamber that was nexte at hande, belonging to the Abbot of Weſtminſter, where they layde him on a pallet before the fier, and vſed all reme|dyes to reuiue him: at length, hee recouered hys ſpeeche, and vnderſtanding and perceiuing him ſelfe in a ſtrange place which he knewe not, hee willed to know if the chamber had any perticu|lar name, wherevnto aunſwere was made, that it was called Ieruſalem. Then ſaide the king, landes bee gyuen to the father of Heauen, for nowe I knowe that I ſhall dye heere in thys chamber, according to the prophecie of me de|clared, that I ſhoulde depart this life in Ieruſa|lem.
[1] Whether this was true that ſo hee ſpake, as one that too much gaue credite to fooliſh pro|phecies and vaine tales, or whether it was fay|ned, as in ſuche caſes it commonly happeneth, we leaue it to the aduiſed Reader to iudge.He is buried at Caunterbury [...]. Hys body with all funerall pompe was conueyed vn|to Caunterburie, and there ſolemnely buryed, [figure appears here on page 1162] leauing behind him by the Lady Mary daugh|ter to ye Lord Humfrey Bohun,His iſſue. Erle of Here|ford & Northampton. Henry Prince of Wales, Thomas Duke of Clarence, Iohn Duke of [page 1163] Bedford, Humfrey Duke of Glouceſter, Blanch Duches of Bauier, and Phillip Queene of Dẽ|marke: by his laſt wife Iane, hee hadde no chil|dren.
[1] [2] His ſtature.This King was of a meane ſtature, well proportioned, and formally compact, quicke and deliuer, and of a ſtoute courage. In his latter dayes, he ſhewed himſelfe ſo gentle, that he gate more loue amongſt the nobles and people of this Realme, than he had purchaſed malice and euill will in the beginning: but yet to ſpeake a troth by his proceedings, after hee had atteined to the Crowne, what with ſuch taxes, tallages, ſubſe|dies, and exactions as hee was conſtreyned to charge the people with, and what by puniſhing ſuche as moued with diſdeyne to ſee him vſurpe the Crowne (contrarie to the othe taken at hys entring into this lande, vppon his returne from exile) did at ſundry times rebell againſt him, hee wanne himſelfe more hatred than in all hys lyfe time (if it had bin longer by many yeares than it was had bin poſſible for him to haue weeded out and remoued, and yet doubtleſſe, worthy were his ſubiects to taſt of that bitter cuppe, ſith they were ſo readie to ioyne, and clappe handes with him, for the depoſing of their rightfull and naturall Prince King Richarde, whoſe chiefe fault reſted only in that, that he was too bounti|full to his friendes, and too mercifull to his foes, ſpecially, if he had not bin drawen by others, to ſeeke reuenge of thoſe that abuſed his good and curteous nature.
[1] But nowe to returne to the matter preſente. The Duke of Clarẽce immediately vpõ know|ledge hadde of his father King Henry the fourth his death, returned out of Guyenne into Eng|lande, with the Earle of Angoleſme, and other priſoners.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] But nowe to rehearſe what writers of oure Engliſh nation liued in the days of this Kyng, that renowmed Poete Geffreye Chaucer is worthily named as principall, a man ſo ex|quiſitely learned in all ſciences, that hys matche was not lightly founde anye where in thoſe dayes, and for reducing our Engliſhe tong to a perfect conformitie, hee hath excelled therein all other. He departed this life about the yeare of our Lord .1402. as Bale gathereth, but by other it appeareth, [...]ine. that he deceaſſed the fiue and twen|tith of October in the yeare .1400. and lyeth bu|ried at Weſtminſter, in the South parte of the great Church there, as by a monumente erected by Nicholas Brigham it dothe appeare: Iohn Gower diſcended of that worthye familie of the Gowers of Stitenham in Yorkeſhire (as Leland noteth) ſtudyed not only the commõ lawes of this Realme, but alſo other kindes of literature, and grew to greate knowledge in the ſame, namely in poeticall inuentions, applying his endeuor with Chancer, to garniſh the Eng|liſhe tong, in bringing it from a rude vnperfect|neſſe, vnto a more apt elegancie: for whereas be|fore thoſe dayes, the learned vſed to write onely in latine or Frenche, and not in Engliſhe, oure tong remayned very barreyne, rude, and vnper|fect, but now by the diligent induſtrie of Chau|cer and Gower, it was within a while greately amended, ſo as it grew not only to be very riche and plentifull in wordes, but alſo ſo proper and apt to expreſſe that which the minde conceyued, as any other vſuall language. Gower departed this life ſhortly after the deceaſſe of his deere and louing friend Chaucer, to witte, in the yere 1402. beeing then come to great age, and blinde for a certaine time before his death. He was bu|ried in the Church of Saint Mary Queries in Southwarke: Hugh Legate borne in Hertforde ſhire, and a Monke of Sainte Albons, wrote Scholies vpon Architreuius of Iohn Hanuille, and alſo vppon Boetius de Conſolatione: Roger Alington, Chancellor of the Vniuerſitie of Ox|ford, a greate Sophiſt, and an enimie to the doc|trine of Wicklife: Iohn Botrel, a Logitien: Ni|cholas Gorham, borne in a village of the ſame name in Hertfordſhire, a Dominike Frier, fyrſt proceeded maſter of arte in Oxforde, and after going to Paris, became the French Kings con|feſſor, and therefore hath bin of ſame taken to be a Frenchman: Iohn Lilleſhull, ſo called of a Monaſterie in the Weſt parties of this Realme whereof hee was gouernour: Walter Diſſe, ſo called of a Towne in Northfolke where he was borne, firſt a Carmelite Frier profeſſed in Nor|wiche, and after going to Cambridge, hee there proceeded Doctor: hee was alſo confeſſor to the Duke of Lancaſter, and to his wife the Duches Conſtance, a greate ſetter forthe of Pope Vr|banes cauſe againſte the other Popes that were by him and thoſe of his faction named the An|tipapes: Thomas Maldon, ſo called of ye towne of that name in Eſſex where hee was borne: Iohn Edoe, diſcended out of Wales by lig|nage, and borne in Herefordſhire, a Franciſcane Frier: Nicholas Fakinham, borne in North|folke, a grey Frier, proceeded Doctor in Ox|ford, a great Diuine, and an excellent Philoſo|pher prouinciall of his order here in Englande: Laurence Holbecke, a Monke of Ramſey, well ſeene in the Hebrewe tong, and wrote thereof a Dictionarie: Iohn Colton, Archbyſhop of Ard|mach: Iohn Marrey, ſo called of a village in Yorkeſhire where he was borne, a Carmelite of Doucaſter: Richarde Chefer borne in North|folke, a diuine, and an Auguſtine Frier in Nor|wiche: Iohn Lathburie, a Franciſcane Frier of Reading: Nicholas Poutz: Richard Scrope, [page 1164] brother to William Scrope, Lord Treaſorer of England, ſtudyed in Cambridge, and proceeded there Doctor of both the lawes, became an ad|uocate in the Court of Rome, and afterwardes was aduanced to the gouernemente of the Sea of Couentrie and Litchfield, and at length was remoued from thence, and made Archbyſhoppe of Yorke: he wrote an inuectiue againſte Kyng Henry, and at length loſt his head, as before yee haue heard: Iohn Wrotham, a Carmelite Fri|er of London, and after made Warden of an houſe of his order in Calays: Iohn Colby, a Carmelite Frier of Norwich: William Thorp a Northerne man borne, and ſtudente in Ox|ford, an excellent diuine, and an earneſt follo|wer of that famous Clearke Iohn Wicklife, a notable preacher of the word,Actes and monuments. page 631. &c. and expreſſing his doctrine no leſſe in trade of life, than in ſpeeche, he was at length apprehended by commaunde|ment of the Archbyſhop of Caunterburie Tho|mas Arundell, and committed to priſon in Saltwood Caſtell, where at length hee dyed: Stephen Patrington, borne in Yorkeſhire, a Frier Carmelite prouinciall of his order tho|rough England, of whiche broode, there were at that ſeaſon .1500. within this land, he was By|ſhop of Sainte Dauids, and confeſſor to Kyng Henry the fifth, about the fifth yeare of whoſe raigne, he deceaſſed: Robert Maſcall, a Carme|lite Frier of Ludlowe, confeſſor alſo to the ſayde King, who made him Byſhop of Hereford: Re|ginald Langham, a Frier Minor of Norwiche: Actonus Dominicanus: Thomas Palmer, warden of the blacke Friers within the Citie of London: Boſton of Burie, a Monke of the Ab|bey of Burie in Suffolke, wrote a Cataloge of all the writers of the Churche, and other trea|tiſes: Thomas Peuerell, a Frier Carmelite, borne in Suffolke, hee was aduanced to the Sea of Oſſorie in Irelande by Richarde the ſeconde, and after by Pope Boniface the ninth, remoued to Landaue in Wales, and from thence called by Henrye the fourth, with conſente of Pope Gregorie the twelfth, to gouerne the Sea of Worceſter, and ſo continued Byſhoppe of that Citie, till hee ended his life in the yeare of oure Lord .1418. whiche was about the ſixth yeare of the reigne of King Henry the fifth: Iohn Pur|uey, an excellente Diuine, proceeded maſter of arte in Oxforde, hee was apprehended for ſuche doctrine as hee taught, contrarie to the ordinaun|ces of the Churche of Rome,See maſter Fo [...]e, in his booke of [...] and mo [...]|rmẽ is. [...] and was at length compelled by Thomas Arundell, Archbyſhoppe of Caunterburie, to recante at Poules Croſſe ſeauen ſpeciall articles: hee wrote diuers treati|ſes, and was the ſecond time committed to pri|ſon in Henry ye fifth his dayes, by Henry Chich|ley, that ſucceeded Arundell in gouernement of the Church of Canterburie: William Holme, a grey Frier (and a good Phiſition for curing diſeaſes of the body, whatſoeuer his phiſick was for the ſoule:) he liued til Hẽry the fifth his daies, and deceaſſed about ye fourth yeare of his raigne: Nicholas Bayard, a blacke Frier, a Doctor of Diuinitie profeſſed at Oxforde: Thomas Rud|burne, Archdeacon of Sudburie, and Byſhop of Saint Dauids in Wales, ſucceding after Ste|phen Patrington: hee wrote a Chronicle, and certaine Epiſtles (as Iohn Bale noteth:) Ni|cholas Riſton, who being ſore greeued in mind, as diuers other in thoſe dayes, to conſider what inconuenience redounded to the Church, by rea|ſon of the ſtrife and brawling among the Pre|lates, for the acknowledging of a lawfull Pope, two or three ſtill contending for that dignitie, wrote a booke, entituled de tollende Serſmate: Iohn Walter, an excellent mathemeticien, be|ing fyrſte broughte vp of a Scholer, in the Col|ledge of Wincheſter, and after ſtudyed at Ox|ford: Thomas of Newmarket, taking that ſur|name of the Towne in Cambridgeſhire where hee was borne, hee for his worthineſſe as was thoughte, was made Byſhoppe of Careleill, well ſeene both in other ſciences, and alſo in diuinitie: William Anger a Franciſcane Fri|er, of an houſe of that order in Brigewater: Pe|ter Ruſſell a grey Frier, and of his order the prouinciall heere in England: Iohn Langton, a Carmelite: Roberte Wantham a Monke of Cerneley in Dorſetſhire, wrote a Booke in verſe, of the originall, and ſignification of wordes: William Norton, a Franciſcane F [...] of Couentrie: Hugh Sueth, a blacke Frier, and a great preacher: Richard Folſham, a Monke of Norwiche: Robert Wimbeldon, a ſingular di|uine, and an excellent Preacher, as appeareth by the Sermon whiche hee made vpon this texte,Actes [...] page 653. Redde rationem villicationis tua.