[1] [2] [3] [4] Two fiftéenes were granted by the commons, with condition,Two fiftéens granted. that the same should be paid vnto the hands of the lord Furniuall, who should sée that mo|nie imploied for maintenance of the kings warres. Moreouer, at the importunate sute of the commons,Letters pa|tents reuoked the letters patents that had béene made to diuerse persons of annuities to them granted by king Ed|ward and king Richard, were called in, and made void, not without some note of dishonor to the king. The cleargie granted to the king a tenth and a halfe,A tenth and [...] halfe granted by ye cleargie. notwithstanding that the halfe of one tenth latelie granted was yet behind, and appointed to be paid vpon saint Martins daie now next comming. About this season, great losse happened in Kent,Ouer [...] of the sea. by breaking in of waters, that ouerflowed the sea banks, as well in the archbishop of Canturburies grounds, as other mens, whereby much castell was drowned. Neither did England alone bewaile hir losses by such break|ings in of the sea, but also Zeland, Flanders, & Hol|land tasted of the like damage.