[1] [2] [3] [4] The king demanded in this parlement, that it might be granted to him,The kings demand in the parle|ment. to haue euerie yeare in which he held no parlement a tenth of the cleargie, and a fifteenth of the laitie; but the estates would not agrée therevnto, by reason whereof, the parlement continued till almost the middle of Maie.

A long parle|ment.

A fiftéenth granted.

At length they granted to giue him a fiftéenth, not without great murmuring and grudging of the commonal|tie. About this season died the lord Thomas Beau|ford earle of Surrie.Earle of Surrie de|ceasseth. The eleuenth of Aprill or ther|abouts, the towne of saint Omers was burnt by ca|suall fire togither with the abbeie, in which towne was such strange and maruellous prouision of en|gines,

Preparation made to win Calis.

Thom. Walsi.

and all manner of furniture and preparation for the winning of Calis, as the like had neuer béene séene nor heard of. Some write, that they of Calis standing in doubt of such purueiance, & great preparation deuised to annoie them, procured a yoong man to kindle a fire, whereby all that dread|full prouision was consumed to ashes, and so they within Calis deliuered of a great deale of care and feare which they had thereof.