[3] Being passed the riuer of
Loire they spoiled the towne of Beaulieu,
and with fire and sword wasted the
countries of Touraine and Maine. The lord de Rambures appointed to resist
such violence,The lord of Rambures. was ea|silie
vanquished. Moreouer, to the aid of the duke of Orleance,The earles of Kent & War|wike sent o|uer to Calis. the
king of England sent ouer to Calis the earls of Kent and Warwike, with two
thousand fighting men, which spoiled and wasted the countrie of Bullennois,
burnt the towne of Samer de Bois, and tooke with assault the fortresse of
Russalt, and di|uerse other.
Fabian. Coine chan|ged. This yeare, the king abased the
coines of his gold and siluer, causing the same to be currant in this realme, at such value as the other was valued
before, where indéed the noble was woorsse by foure pence than the former,
and so likewise of the siluer, the coines whereof he appointed to be currant
after the same rate.
Abr. Fl. out of Fabian pag. 388. Thrée floods without eb|bing betwéen.