[1] He willed him likewise to haue in consideration the oth which he willinglie had receiued, that is, that he should aduance the honor of the church, and the mi|nisters thereof cherish and mainteine. Also, to haue in mind the danger and dishonour that redounded to such as brake their othes: so that he besought him to permit and suffer the church to inioy the priuileges and liberties, which in time of his predecessors it had inioied, requesting him to stand in awe of that king, by whom all kings did reigne; and to feare the cen|sures and condemnation that those incurred, which tooke and bereft from the church any good or right be|longing to it, who most certeinelie (said he) are ac|cursed. When the archbishop had vsed this, or the like speach,The kings answer to the archbishop. the king commanded him to go to his seat a|gaine, assuring him, that his intent and purpose was to leaue the church in as good state, or better, than he found it.