[1] Thus haue yee heard what writers haue recorded of this matter, with some difference betwixt them that write, how the king should haue béene made a|waie at a iusts; and other that testifie, how it should haue béene at a maske or mummerie: but whether they meant to haue dispatched hi [...] [...]t a mumming, or at a iusts, their purpose being reuealed by the earle of Rutland, they were brought to confusion (as be|fore yée haue heard.) And immediatlie after, king Henrie, to rid himselfe of anie such like danger to be attempted against him thereafter, caused king Ri|chard to die of a violent death, that no man should afterward faine himselfe to represent his person, though some haue said, he was not priuie to that wic|ked offense. The common fame is, that he was eue|rie daie serued at the table with costlie meat,The sundrie reports of K. Richar. death like a king, to the intent that no creature should suspect a|nie thing doone contrarie to the order taken in the parlement; and when the meat was set before him, he was forbidden once to touch it; yea, he was not permitted so much as to smell to it, and so he died of forced famine.