[1] Additions of the chronicles of Flanders.About the same time, king Henrie (according to promise made (as ye haue heard) vnto the French ambassadors, sent ouer into the countrie of Guisnes, Edward earle of Rutland, otherwise in king Ri|chards daies intituled duke of Aumarle,

There was also the erle of Deuonshire, as Froissard saith.

The hath Froissard. Cõmissioners met to treat of peace.

son to Ed|mund duke of Yorke, Henrie earle of Northumber|land, and his sonne the lord Henrie Persie, the lord Yuan Fitzwarren, the bishops of Winchester and Lincolne: where the duke of Burbon, the lords Charles d'Albert, Charles de Hangest, Iohn de Cha|stelmorant, the Patriarke of Ierusalem, and the bi|shops of Paris and Beauuois, were readie there to commune with them, and so they assembling togi|ther at sundrie times and places, the Frenchmen re|quired to haue queene Isabell to them restored, but the Englishmen séemed loth to depart with hir, re|quiring to haue hir married to Henrie prince of Wales, one in bloud and age in all things to hir e|quall;The French king troubled with a frensie. but the Frenchmen would in no wise condes|cend thereto, without their kings consent, who at that present was not in case to vtter his mind, being troubled with his woonted disease. The commissio|ners then began to treat of peace, and at length re|newed the truce to endure for six and twentie yeares yet to come;Truce for 26 yeares. wherevnto the foure yeares passed being added, made vp the number of thirtie yeares, accor|ding to the conclusion agreed vpon, in the life time of king Richard.