[1] [2] The Frenchmen aduertised that the Englishmen were comming to remooue the siege, issued not foorth of their lodgings, but kept them within their closure. Neuerthelesse, the Englishmen shot so sharpelie and closelie togither, that the Flemings and footmen be|gan to flie: the men of armes fearing the slaughter of their horsses, ran awaie with a light gallop. The Genowaies which had spent the most part of their shot at the assaults made to the castell, shewed small resistance, and so all the number of the French part were slaine and put to flight.

The earle of S. Paule put to flight.

Ia. Meir.

The earle of S. Paule and diuerse other escaped awaie, and by S. Omers got to Therouenne, or (as others saie) to saint O|mers. But there were taken to the number of thrée or foure score, and amongst other the lord de Dampi|er seneshall of Ponthien, monsieur de Weriners, monsieur de Uineles, monsieur de Noielles, monsi|eur Iohn de Hangests capteine of Bullongne, the lord de Rambures, monsieur Lionell Darreis cap|teine of Graueling, monsieur Peter Rasser cap|teine of Arde, also Combernard capteine of Tiro|nan, Boid Chanon capteine of Montoire, Iohn Cha|non capteine of Lisle, Stenebecke capteine of Ra|lingham, the bastard of Burneuill capteine of Bur|burgh. There were slaine about 60, and among them as cheefe sir Robert Berengueuill, the lord of Quer|cus, Morell de Saucuses, the lord Courbet de Rem|peupret, and others.