[1] [2] Whilest these things were thus in dooing in Eng|land, Ualeran earle of saint Paule, bearing still a deadlie and malicious hatred toward king Henrie, hauing assembled sixtéene or seuentéene hundred men of warre,The earle of saint Paule to the Ile of Wight. imbarked them at Harflew, and ta|king the sea, landed in the Ile of Wight, in the which he burned two villages, and foure simple cotages, and for a triumph of so noble an act, made foure knights. But when he heard that the people of the Ile were assembled and approched to fight with him, he ha|sted to his ships, and returned home: wherewith the noble men of his companie were displeased, conside|ring his prouision to be great and his gaine small. In the same verie season,The earle of Cleremont in Gascoigne. Iohn earle of Cleremont sonne to the duke of Bourbon, wan in Gascoigne out of the Englishmens possession, the castels of saint Peter, saint Marie, and the New castell; and the lord de la Bret wan the castell of Carlassin, which was no small losse to the English nation.