[1] [2] [3] After this, the admerall of Britaine highlie in|couraged, for that the last yeere he had taken certeine English ships laden with wines, acompanied with the lord du Chastell, a valiant baron of Britaine, and twelue hundred men of armes, sailed foorth with thir|tie ships from S. Malos, and came before the towne of Dartmouth, and would haue landed; but by the puissance of the townesmen and aid of the countrie, they were repelled, in the which conflict, the lord du Chastell,The lord du Chastell slaine. and two of his brethren, with foure hundred other were slaine, and aboue two hundred taken pri|soners and put to their ransoms, amongst whom the lord of Baqueuille the marshall of Britaine was one.Owen Glen|douer wasted the English marches. All this summer, Owen Glendouer and his ad|herents, robbed, burned, and destroied the countries adioining néere to the places where he hanted, and one while by sleight & guilefull policie, an other while by open force, he tooke and slue manie Englishmen, brake downe certeine castels which he wan, and some he fortified and kept for his owne defense. Iohn Trenor bishop of Assaph, considering with himselfe how things prospered vnder the hands of this O|wen, fled to him, and tooke his part against the king. About the same time, the Britaines and the Fle|mings tooke certeine ships of ours laden with mer|chandize,Crueltie of the Britains & Flemings. and slue all the marriners or else hanged them.