[1] [2] [3] The abbat highlie feasted these lords, his speciall freends, and when they had well dined, they withdrew into a secret chamber, where they sat downe in coun|cell, and after much talke & conference had about the bringing of their purpose to passe concerning the de|struction of king Henrie, at length by the aduise of the earle of Huntington it was deuised, that they should take vpon them a solemne iusts to be enter|prised betweene him and 20 on his part, & the earle of Salisburie and 20 with him at Oxford,A iusts deui|sed to be hol|den at Ox|ford. to the which triumph K. Henrie should be desired, & when he should be most busilie marking the martiall pastime, he sud|denlie should be slaine and destroied, and so by that means king Richard, who as yet liued, might be re|stored to libertie, and haue his former estate & digni|tie. It was further appointed, who should assemble the people, the number and persons which should ac|complish and put in execution their deuised enter|prise. Hervpon was an indenture sextipartite made, sealed with their seales, and signed with their hands,In inde [...]io [...] sextipartite. in the which each stood bound to other, to do their whole indeuour for the accomplishing of their purposed ex|ploit. Moreouer, they sware on the holie euangelists to be true and secret each to other, euen to the houre and point of death.