[1] [2] [3] At the same time,The Iles of Orkenie spoiled by Englishmen. Mortalitie of people. the Englishmen spoiled also cer|teine of the Iles of Orkeneie. This summer, great death chanced in this land, manie dieng of the pesti|lence, wherewith sundrie places were infected. King Henrie perceiuing that policie oftentimes preuen|teth perill, and vnderstanding the naughtie purpo|ses of the Scots, gathered a great armie,King Henrie inuadeth Scotland. and entred into Scotland, burning townes, villages, and ca|stels, with a great part of the townes of Eden|burgh and Léeth, and besieged the castell of Eden|burgh in the end of September, whereof was cap|teine Dauid duke of Rothsaie,The duke of Rothsaie. and a prince of the realme, with Archembald earle of Dowglas, hauing with them manie hardie men of warre. Robert duke of Albanie,The duke of Albanie. that was appointed gouernour of the realme, because the king was sicke and not méet to rule, sent an herald vnto king Henrie, promising him battell within six daies at the furthest, Anno Reg. [...], if he would so long tarrie, which king Henrie promised to doo right gladlie, and gaue to the herald for bringing him so acceptable newes, a gowne of silke, and a cheine of gold. But king Henrie staied six daies, and sixtéene too, without hearing any word of the gouernors com|ming. Then the winter beginning to wax cold, and foule weather still increasing, caused the king to breake vp his siege, and so returned without battell or skirmish offered.