[1] After they had laine thus one against an other the space of eight daies (as before is said) vittels began to faile, so that they were inforced to dislodge. The French and Welshmen withdrew into Wales, and though the Englishmen followed, yet impeached with the desart grounds and barren countrie, tho|rough which they must passe, as our felles and crag|gie mounteins, from hill to dale, from marish to wood, from naught to woorsse (as Hall saith) without vittels or succour, the king was of force constr [...]ned to retire with his armie, and returne againe to Wor|cester, in which returne the enimies tooke certeine ca|riages of his laden with vittels. The Frenchmen af|ter the armies were thus withdrawne, returned into Britaine,

The French|men returne home.

Anno Reg. 7.

making small brags of their painefull iournie.