[1] [2] But to procéed to other dooings. The solemnitie of the coronation being ended, the morow after being tuesdaie, the parlement began againe, and the next daie sir Iohn Cheinie that was speaker,

Sir Iohn Chenie spea|ker of the par|lement dismis|sed, and Wil|liam Dur|ward admit|ted.

Acts repealed.

excusing himselfe, by reason of his infirmitie and sicknesse, not to be able to exercise that roome, was dismissed, and one William Durward esquier was admitted. Herewith were the acts established in the parlement of the one & twentith yeare of king Richards reigne repealed and made void, and the ordinances deuised in the parlement holden the eleuenth yeare of the same king, confirmed,Acts confir|med. and againe established for good and profitable. ¶ On the same daie, the kings el|dest sonne lord Henrie, by assent of all the states in the parlement, was created prince of Wales duke of Cornwall, and earle of Chester, then being of the age of twelue yeares.