[1] [2] On wednesdaie following, Iohn Stow. The request of the com|mons. request was made by the commons, that sith king Richard had resigned, and was lawfullie deposed from his roiall dignitie, he might haue iudgement decréed against him, so as the realme were not troubled by him, and that the causes of his deposing might be published through the realme for satisfieng of the people: which demand was granted. Wherevpon the bishop of Carleill, Hall. A bold bishop and a faith|full. a man both learned, wise, and stout of stomach, boldlie shewed foorth his opinion concerning that demand; affirming that there was none amongst them woor|thie or meet to giue iudgement vpon so noble a prince as king Richard was, whom they had taken for their souereigne and liege lord, by the space of two & twen|tie yeares and more;
And I assure you (said he) there is not so ranke a traitor, nor so errant a théef, nor yet so cruell a murtherer apprehended or deteined in pri|son for his offense, but he shall be brought before the iustice to heare his iudgement; and will ye procéed to the iudgement of an anointed king, hearing neither his answer nor excuse? I say, that the duke of Lan|caster whom ye call king, hath more trespassed to K. Richard & his realme, than king Richard hath doone either to him, or vs: for it is manifest & well knowne, that the duke was banished the realme by K. Richard and his councell, and by the iudgement of his owne father, for the space of ten yeares, for what cause ye know, and yet without licence of king Richard, he is returned againe into the realine, and (that is woorse) hath taken vpon him the name, title, & preheminence of king. And therfore I say, that you haue doone ma|nifest wrong, to procéed in anie thing against king Richard, without calling, him openlie to his answer and defense.¶ As soone as the bishop had ended this tale, he was attached by the earle marshall, and com|mitted to ward in the abbeie of faint Albons.