[1] [2] Wh [...] the earle of Westmerland perceiued the force of th [...] aduersaries,The subtill policie of the earle of West|merland. and that they laie still and attempted no [...] [...]o come forward vpon him, he subtil|lie deuised how to [...]uaile their purpose, and foorthwith dispatched messeng [...]s vnto the archbishop to vnder|stand the cause as it we [...] of that great assemblie, and for what cause (contrarie to the kings peace) they came so in amour. The archbishop answered,The archbi|shops prote|station why he had on him armes. that he tooke nothing in hand against the kings peace, but that whatsoeuer he did, tended rather to aduance the peace and quiet of the common-wealth, than other|wise; and where he and his companie were in armes, it was for feare of the king, to whom he could haue no free accesse, by reason of such a multitude of flatte|rers as were about him; and therefore he maintei|ned that his purpose to be good & profitable, as well for the king himselfe, as for the realme, if men were willing to vnderstand a truth: & herewith he shewed foorth a scroll, in which the articles were written wher|of before ye haue heard.