[1] There was also taken the earle of Worcester,The earle of Worcester taken. the procuror and setter foorth of all this mischéefe, sir Ri|chard Uernon, and the baron of Kinderton, with di|uerse other. There were slaine vpon the kings part, beside the earle of Stafford,Knights slaine on the kings part. to the number of ten knights, sir Hugh Shorlie, sir Iohn Clifton, sir Iohn Cokaine, sir Nicholas Gausell, sir Walter Blunt, sir Iohn Caluerleie, sir Iohn Massie of Podington, sir Hugh Mortimer, and sir Robert Gausell, all the which receiued the same morning the order of knight|hood: sir Thomas Wendesleie was wounded to death, and so passed out of this life shortlie after. There died in all vpon the kings side sixteene hundred, and foure thousand were gréeuouslie wounded. On the contrarie side were slaine, besides the lord Persie, the most part of the knights and esquiers of the countie of Chester, to the number of two hundred,The slaugh|ter of Cheshire men at this battell. besides yeomen and footmen, in all there died of those that fought on the Persies side, about fiue thousand. This battell was fought on Marie Magdalene euen, be|ing saturdaie. Upon the mondaie folowing,The earle of Worcester and others behea|ded. the earle of Worcester, the baron of Kinderton, and sir Ri|chard Uernon knights, were condemned and behea|ded. [page 524] The earles head was sent to London, there to be set on the bridge.