Snippet: 106 of 197 (1587, Volume 6, p. 527)
[4] In this sixt yeare, the
fridaie after saint Ualen|tines daie, the
earle of March his sonnes earlie in the morning were taken foorth of
Windsore castell,
The earle of Marches sonnes.
Thom. Walsin.
and conueied awaie, it was not knowne whither at the first, but such
search and inquirie was made for them that shortlie after they were heard
of, and brought backe againe. The smith that counterfeited the keies, by the
which they that conueied them thence got into the chamber where they were
lodged, had first his hands cut off, and after his head striken from his
shoulders. The ladie Spenser,The ladie Spenser cõ|mitted
to ward. sister to the duke of Yorke and widow of the lord Thomas
Spenser, executed at Bristow (as before yee haue heard) being apprehended
and committed to close prison, accused hir brother the duke of Yorke,She accuseth hir brother the duke of Yorke, as chéefe
authour in stealing awaie the said earle of March his sonnes. And further,
that the said duke ment to haue broken into the manor of Eltham the last
Christmasse, by scaling the wals in the night sea|son, the king being there
the same time, to the intent to haue murthered him. For to prooue hir
accusation true, she offered that if there were anie knight, or es|quier,
that would take vpon him to fight in hir quar|rell, if he were ouercome, she
would be content to be burnt for it.