[1] [2] But at the same time, to his further disquieting, there was a conspiracie put in practise against him at home by the earle of Northumberland,A new cõspi|racie against king Henrie by the earle of Northumber|land & others. who had conspired with Richard Scroope archbishop of Yorke Thomas Mowbraie earle marshall sonne to Tho|mas duke of Norfolke, who for the quarrell betwixt him and king Henrie had béene banished (as ye haue heard) the lords Hastings, Fauconbridge, Ber|dolfe, and diuerse others. It was appointed that they should meet altogither with their whole power, vpon Yorke swold, at a daie assigned, and that the earle of Northumberland should be cheefteine, promising to bring with him a great number of Scots. The arch|bishop accompanied with the earle marshall, deuised certeine articles of such matters, as it was supposed that not onelie the commonaltie of the Realme, but also the nobilitie found themselues gréeued with: which articles they shewed first vnto such of their ad|herents as were néere about them, & after sent them abroad to their fréends further off, assuring them that for redresse of such oppressions, they would shed the last drop of blood in their bodies, if néed were.