[1] The court was then at Westminster, where he being entred into the hall, not one of his companie durst once aduance himselfe further than the fire in the same hall, notwithstanding they were earnestlie requested by the lords to come higher: but they re|garding what they had in commandement of the prince, would not presume to doo in any thing contra|rie therevnto. He himselfe onelie accompanied with those of the kings house, was streight admitted to the presence of the king his father, who being at that time gréeuouslie diseased, yet caused himselfe in his chaire to be borne into his priuie chamber, where in the presence of thrée or foure persons, in whome he had most confidence,The prince cõmeth to the kings presẽce. he commanded the prince to shew what he had to saie concerning the cause of his comming.