[1] [2] The conspirators being at Oxenford, at length perceiued by the lacke of the earle of Rutland, that their enterprise was reuealed to the king, and there|vpon determined now openlie with speare and shield to bring that to passe which before they couertlie at|tempted, and so they adorned Maudelen, a man most resembling king Richard,Magdalen counterfeited to be king Richard. in roiall and princelie ve|sture, and named him to be king Richard, affirming that by fauour of his kéepers he was escaped out of prison, and so they came forwards in order of warre, to the intent to destroie king Henrie. Whilest the confederators with their new published idoll, accom|panied with a strong armie of men, tooke the direct waie towards Windsore, king Henrie admonished thereof,The K. com|meth to the tower of Lon|don. with a few horssemen in the night came to the Tower of London about twelue of the clocke, where in the morning he caused the maior of the citie to apparell in armour the best and most couragious persons of the citie, which brought to him thrée thou|sand archers, and thrée thousand bill-men, besides them that were appointed to kéepe and defend the citie.The lords come to Win|desore.