[1] [2] Sir Walter Clopton said then to the commons; If ye will take aduantage of the processe of the last parlement,Sir Water Clopton. take it, and ye shall be receiued therevn|to. Then rose vp the lord Morlie, and said to the earle of Salisburie, that he was chiefe of counsell with the duke of Glocester, and likewise with king Ri|chard, & so discouered the dukes counsell to the king, as a traitor to his maister, and that he said he would with his bodie prooue against him, throwing downe his hood as a pledge.The lord Morlie appe|leth the earle of Salisburie. The earle of Salisburie sore mooued héerewith, told the lord Morlie, that he falslie béelied him, for he was neuer traitor, nor false to his maister all his life time, and therewith threw downe his gloue to wage battell against the lord Morlie. Their gages were taken vp, and deliuered to the constable and marshall of England, and the parties were arrested, and day to them giuen till another time.