[1] [2] Whether this was true that so he spake, as one that gaue too much credit to foolish prophesies & vaine tales, or whether it was fained, as in such cases it commonlie happeneth, we leaue it to the aduised rea|der to iudge.

He is buried at Canturbu|rie.

His issue.

His bodie with all funerall pompe was conueied vnto Canturburie, and there solemnlie bu|ried, leauing behind him by the ladie Marie daugh|ter to the lord Humfrie Bohun earle of Hereford and Northhampton, Henrie prince of Wales, Tho|mas duke of Clarence, Iohn duke of Bedford, Hum|frie duke of Glocester, Blanch duchesse of Bauier, and Philip quéene of Denmarke: by his last wife Iane, he had no children. This king was of a meane stature, well proportioned, and formallie compact,His stature. quicke and liuelie, and of a stout courage. In his latter daies he shewed himselfe so gentle, that he gat more loue amongst the nobles and people of this realme, than he had purchased malice and euill will in the beginning.