[1] [2] The lord Thomas Spenser, saith Wal. & others. Hugh Spenser, otherwise called earle of Glocester, as he would haue fled into Wales, was taken and carried to Bristow, where (according to the earnest desires of the commons) he was behea|ded. Maudelen fléeing into Scotland, Hall. was taken by the waie, and brought to the Tower. Manie other that were priuie to this conspiracie, were taken, and put to death, some at Oxford, as sir Thomas Blunt, sir Benet Cilie knight,Execution. and Thomas Wintercell esquier; but sir Leonard Brokas, and sir Iohn Shel|lie knights, Iohn Maudelen, and William Ferbie chapleins, were drawne, hanged, Tho. Walsin [...] Hall and beheaded at London. There were ninetéene in all executed in one place and other, and the heads of the cheefe conspira|tors were set on polles ouer London bridge, to the terror of others. Shortlie after, the abbat of West|minster, in whose house the conspiracie was begun (as is said) gooing betweene his monasterie & man|sion, for thought fell into a sudden palsie,The abbat of Westminster dieth suddẽlie. Thom. Wal [...]. and shortlie after, without speech, ended his life. The bishop of Carleill was impeached, and condemned of the same conspiracie; but the king of his mercifull clemencie,

The bishop of Carleill dieth through feare, or rather tho|rough gr [...]fe of mind, to [...] the wicked prosper as he tooke it.


pardoned him of that offense, although he died short|lie after, more through feare than force of sicknesse, as some haue written. Thus all the associats of this vnhappie conspiracie tasted the painefull penance of their plesant pastime.