[1] The king aduertised of these matters, meaning to preuent them, left his iournie into Wales, and mar|ched with all spéed towards the north parts. Also Rafe Neuill earle of Westmerland,The earle of Westmerland and the lord Iohn of Lan|caster the kings sonne prepare them|selues to resist the kings eni|mies. that was not farre off, togither with the lord Iohn of Lancaster the kings sonne, being informed of this rebellious attempt, assembled togither such power as they might make, and togither with those which were ap|pointed to attend on the said lord Iohn to defend the borders against the Scots, as the lord Henrie Fitz|hugh, the lord Rafe Eeuers, the lord Robert Umfre|uill, & others, made forward against the rebels, and comming into a plaine within the forrest of Galtree,The forest of Galtrée. caused their standards to be pitched downe in like sort as the archbishop had pitched his, ouer against [...]hem, being farre stronger in number of people than th [...] other, for (as some write) there were of the rebels at the [...]east twentie thousand men.