[1] [2] [3] There was a iusts held at London, betwixt the earle of Kent, and the erle of Marre a Scotishman; also sir Iohn Cornewall, and the lord Beaumont, a|gainst other two Scotish knights, whereof the honor remained with the Englishmen. Anno Reg. 8. The duke of Yorke restored to libertie. In the parlement which yet continued, the duke of Yorke was restored to his former libertie, estate and dignitie, where ma|nie supposed that he had beene dead long before that time in prison. Edmund Holland earle of Kent was in such fauour with king Henrie, that he not onelie aduanced him to high offices and great honors,The earle of Kent in fauor with ye king but also to his great costs and charges obteined for him the ladie Lucie, eldest daughter, and one of the heirs of the lord Barnabo of Millane, which Barnabo pai|ed to him 100000 ducates,He marrieth a daughter of Barnabo lord of Millane. in the church of S. Ma|rie Oueries in Southwarke, by the hands of Don Alfonso de Cainuola, vpon the day of the solemniza|tion of the marriage, which was the foure and twen|tith of Ianuarie.