[1] [2] After that the king had disposed things in such con|uenient order as stood with his pleasure at Berwike,The castell [...] Alnewike yeelded to the king. he came backe, and had the castell of Alnewike deli|uered vnto him, with all other the castels that belon|ged to the erle of Northumberland in the north parts, as Prodhow, Langlie, Cockermouth, Aluham, and Newstéed. Thus hauing quieted the north parts,The K. pa [...]|seth into Wales. he tooke his iournie directlie into Wales, where he found fortune nothing fauourable vnto him, for all his attempts had euill successe, in somuch that lo [...]ng fiftie of his cariages through abundance of raine and waters, he returned;He looseth his cariages. He retur [...]. and comming to Worce|ster, [page 531] he sent for the archbishop of Canturburie, and o|ther bishops, declaring to them the misfortune that had chanced to him, in consideration whereof he re|quested them to helpe him with some portion of mo|nie, towards the maintenance of his warres, for the taming of the presumptuous and vnquiet Welsh|men.