[1] [2] The Englishmen not dismaied with his death,Briake taken by force. but the more desirous to obteine their purpose, continu|ed their assaults, till by fine force they entered the towne, set it on fire, and slue all that made resistance; and after for want of a generall to command what should be doone, they being pestered with preies and prisoners, returned into England. ¶ The countesse of Kent that was daughter (as yée haue heard) to Bernabo viscont lord of Millaine, hauing no issue by hir husband, was now mooued by the king after hir husbands death, to marrie with his bastard bro|ther the earle of Dorset, a man verie aged and euill visaged; wherevpon she misliking him,The countes of Kent ma|keth hir owne choise of hir second hus|band. meant rather to satisfie hir owne fansie, and therefore chose for hir husband Henrie Mortimer, a goodlie yoong bacheller, by whom she had issue a daughter named Anne, ma|ried to sir Iohn Awbemond.