[1] [2] Whilest these things were a dooing in France, the [page 539] lord Henrie prince of Wales,The prince of Wales accused to his fa [...]her. eldest sonne to king Henrie, got knowledge that certeine of his fathers seruants were busie to giue informations against him, whereby discord might arise betwixt him and his father: Iohn Stow. for they put into the kings head, not one|lie what euill rule (according to the course of youth) the prince kept to the offense of manie: but also what great resort of people came to his house, so that the court was nothing furnished with such a traine as dailie followed the prince.The suspici|ous gelousie of the king to|ward his son. These tales brought no small suspicion into the kings head, least his sonne would presume to vsurpe the crowne, he being yet aliue, through which suspicious gelousie, it was per|ceiued that he fauoured not his sonne, as in times past he had doone.