[1] Also, the old countesse of Oxford, mother to Ro|bert Ueere late duke of Ireland,The [...]untes of Oxford. that died at Lo|uaine, caused certeine of hir seruants, and other such as she durst trust, to publish and brute abroad, tho|rough all the parts of Essex,K. Richard once againe aliue. that king Richard was aliue, and that he would shortlie come to light, and claime his former estate, honor, and dignitie. She procured a great number of harts to be made of sil|uer and gold, such as king Richard was woont to giue vnto his knights, esquiers, & fréends, to weare as cognizances, to the end that in bestowing them in king Richards name, she might the sooner allure men to further hir lewd practises: and where the fame went abroad, that king Richard was in Scotland with a great power of Frenchmen and Scots, readie to come to recouer his realme, manie gaue the more light credit vnto this brute thus set foorth by the said countesse.