[1] Shortlie after their departure from the place where they landed, Enguerant. there came to them six hundred armed men of Gascoignes that were inrolled at Burdeaux. When newes thereof came to the French court, be|ing then at Auxerre, incontinentlie the earles of A|lanson and Richmond were dispatched to go vnto the English campe,The earle of Alanson and Richmond sent to ye duke of Clarence. bicause they had euer béene par|takers with the duke of Orleance, to giue them thanks for their paines, and to aduertise them of the peace that had beene latelie concluded betwixt the parties, and therefore to take order with them, that they might be satisfied, so as they should not spoile & waste the countrie, as they had begun. But where|as the Englishmen were gréedie to haue, and the duke of Orleance was not rich to paie, they marched on towards Guien in good order,The duke of Clarence mar+cheth toward Guien. and what by sac|king of townes, and ransoming of rich prisoners, they got great treasure, and manie good preies and booties.