[1] Herevpon as well the archbishop as the earle marshall submitted themselue [...] vnto the king, and to his sonne the lord Iohn that was there present, and returned not to their armie. Wherevpon their troops scaled and fled their waies: but being pursued, manie were taken, manie slaine, and manie spoiled of that that they had about them, & so permitted to go their waies. Howsoeuer the matter was handled, true it is that the archbishop, and the earle marshall were brought to Pomfret to the king, who in this meane while was aduanced thither with his power, and from thence he went to Yorke, whither the priso|ners were also brought, and there beheaded the mor|row after Whitsundaie in a place without the citie,The archbi|shop of Yorke, the earle mar|shall, & others put to death. that is to vnderstand, the archbishop himselfe, the earle marshall, sir Iohn Lampleie, and sir Robert Plumpton. ΒΆ Unto all which persons though indem|nitie were promised, Abr. Fl. out of Thom. Walsin. Hypod. pag. 168. yet was the same to none of them at anie hand performed. By the issue hereof, I meane the death of the foresaid, but speciallie of the archbishop, the prophesie of a sickelie canon of Brid|lington in Yorkeshire fell out to be true, who darklie inough foretold this matter, & the infortunate euent thereof in these words hereafter following, saieng:
Pacem tractabunt, sed fraudem subter arabunt,Pro nulla marca, saluabitur ille Archiepis [...]. hierarcha.