[1] This request they had obteined, if a préest that was chapleine to one of them,A priest set fire on the houses of Circester. had not in the meane time set fire vpon certeine houses in the towne, to the end that whiles the townesmen should busie themselues to quench the fire, the lords might find meanes to es|cape. But it came nothing to passe as he imagined, for the townesmen leauing all care to saue their hou|ses from the rage of the fire, were kindled more in furie towards the lords, and so to reuenge them|selues of them they brought them foorth of the abbeie where they had them in their hands, and in the twi|light of the euening, Abr. Fl. out of Tho. Wal [...]in. pag. 404. stroke off their heads. ¶ The earle of Salisburie (saith Thomas Walsingham) who in all his life time had béene a fauourer of the Lol|lards or Wickleuists, a despiser of images, a con|temner of canons, and a scorner of the sacraments, ended his daies (as it was reported) without the He died vn|confessed. sa|crament of confession. These be the words of Thom. Wals. which are set downe, to signifie that the earle of Salisburie was a bidden gh [...]st to blockham feast with the rest: and (as it should séeme by his relation) the more maligned, bicause he was somwhat estran|ged frõ the corruption of the religion then receiued, and leaued to a sect pursued with spitefulnesse and re|uenge.