[1] [2] [3] The Englishmen had the spoile of the earls campe, and being returned to Calis, within fiue daies after there issued foorth about fiue hundred men,Arde assaul|ted by Eng|lishmen. meaning to haue woone the towne of Arde with a sudden as|sault, which they gaue to it in the night time. But sir Manfrid de Bois, and the lord Kigine, did so valiant|lie defend it, that the Englishmen with losse of fortie of their men were constreined to returne vnto Ca [...]lis, after they had burnt the dead bodies in an old house, for that the enimies should not perceiue what losse the Englishmen had susteine [...]. After this, the French king, to auoid perils, laid in garison at Bul|longne, and in other places, the marques of Pount,The marques du Pount. sonne to the duke of Bar, the earle of Dampnie, and sir Iohn Harp [...]dan a knight of great renowme and estimation. The duke of Burg [...]gnie likewise sent a a number of soldiers vnto Graueling, vnder the lea|ding of one Iohn Uandenwall, and to other fortres|ses alongst the coast he sent new supplies, for doubt of the Englishmens inuasions.