[1] [2] The archbishop suffered death verie constantlie, insomuch as the common people tooke it, he died a martyr,The archbi|shop reputed a martyr. affirming that certeine miracles were wrought as well in the field where he was executed, as also in the place where he was buried: and imme|diatlie vpon such bruits, both men and women began to worship his dead carcasse, whom they loued so much when he was aliue, till they were forbidden by the kings fréends, and for feare gaue ouer to visit the place of his sepulture. The earle marshals bodie by the kings leaue was buried in the cathedrall church, manie lamenting his destinie; but his head was set on a pole aloft on the wals for a certeine space, till by the kings permission [after the same had suffered manie a hot sunnie daie, and manie a wet shower of raine] it was taken downe and buried togither with the bodie.