[1] Finallie and to conclude, Nicholas Riston, who being sore greeued in mind, as diuerse other in those daies, to consider what inconuenience redounded to the church, by reason of the strife and bralling among the prelats for the acknowleging of a lawfull pope, two or thrée still contending for that dignitie, wrote a booke, intituled De tollendo schismate; Iohn Walter, an excellent mathematician, being first brought vp of a scholer in the college of Winchester, and after stu|died at Oxenford; Thomas of Newmarket, taking that surname of the towne in Cambridgeshire where he was borne, he for his worthinesse (as was thought) was made bishop of Careleill, well séene both in other sciences, and also in diuinitie; William Auger a Franciscane frier, of an house of that order in Bridgewater; Peter Russell a graie frier, and of his order the prouinciall héere in England; Iohn Langton, a Carmelite; Robert Wan [...]ham a moonke of Cernelie in Dorsetshire, wrote a booke in verse, of the originall and signification of words; William Norton, a Franciscane frier of Couen|trie; Hugh Sueth, a blacke frier, and a great prea|cher; Richard Folsham a moonke of Norwich; Ro|bert Wimbeldon, a singular diuine, and an excellent preacher,Acts and [...]numents. as appeareth by the sermon which he made vpon this text, Redde rationem villicationis tuae.
Thus farre Henrie Plantagenet sonne to Iohn of Gaunt duke of Lancaster.