
Iohn Badbie burnt.

Tho. Walsi.

During this parlement one Iohn Badbie a tailor, or (as some write) a smith, being conuict of heresie, was brought into Smithfield, and there in a tun or pipe burnt to death, in pitifull manner. The kings eldest sonne the lord Henrie prince of Wales being present,The prince being present at the execu|tion offereth him pardon. offered him his pardon, first before the fire was kindled, if he would haue recanted his opi|nions; and after when the fire was kindled, hearing him make a roring noise verie pitifullie, the prince caused the fire to be plucked backe, and exhorting him being with pitifull paine almost dead, to remember himselfe, and renounce his opinions, promising him not onelie life, but also thrée pence a daie so long as he liued to be paid out of the kings coffers: but he hauing recouered his spirits againe,Notable con|stancie of Badbie. refused the princes offer, choosing eftsoones to tast the fire, and so to die, than to forsake his opinions. Wherevpon the prince commanded, that he should be put into the tun againe, from thencefoorth not to haue anie fa|uour or pardon at all, and so it was doone, and the fire put to him againe, and he consumed to ashes.