[1] The earle of Northumberland, and the lord Bar|dolfe, after they had béene in Wales, in France and Flanders, to purchase aid against king Henrie, were returned backe into Scotland, and had remai|ned there now for the space of a whole yeare: and as their euill fortune would, whilest the king held a councell of the nobilitie at London,The earle of Northumb. & the lord Bar|dolfe returne into Englãd. the said earle of Northumberland and lord Bardolfe, in a dismall houre, with a great power of Scots returned into England, recouering diuerse of the earls castels and seigniories, for the people in great numbers resorted vnto them. Héerevpon incouraged with hope of good successe, they entred into Yorkeshire, & there began to destroie the countrie. At their cõming to Threske, they published a proclamation, signifieng that they were come in comfort of the English nation, as to reléeue the common-wealth, willing all such as lo|ued the libertie of their countrie, to repaire vnto them, with their armor on their backes, and in defen|sible wise to assist them.