[1] [2] After this came the lord Fitzwater, and praied to haue day and place to arreigne his appeale against the earle of Rutland.The lord Fitzwalter. The king said he would send for the duke of Norffolke to returne home, and then vpon his returne he said he would proceed in that matter. Manie statutes were established in this par|lement, as well concerning the whole bodie of the [page 514] common-wealth (as by the booke thereof imprinted may appeare) as also concerning diuerse priuate per|sons then presentlie liuing, which partlie we haue touched, and partlie for doubt to be ouer-tedious, we doo omit. But this among other is not to be forgotten that the archbishop of Canturburie was not onelie restored to his former dignitie,The archb. of Cantur|burie resto|red to his sée. being remooued from it by king Richard, who had procured one Roger Walden to be placed therein (as before ye haue heard) but also the said Walden was established bi|shop of London, wherewith he séemed well content.