[1] But others write somwhat otherwise of this mat|ter, affirming that the earle of Westmerland in deed, and the lord Rafe Eeuers, procured the archbishop & the earle marshall, to come to a communication with them, vpon a ground iust in the midwaie be|twixt both the armies, where the earle of Westmer|land in talke declared to them how perilous an en|terprise they had taken in hand, so to raise the people, and to mooue warre against the king, aduising them therefore to submit themselues without further de|laie vnto the kings mercie, and his sonne the lord Iohn, who was present there in the field with ba [...]|ners spred, redie to trie the matter by dint of s [...]rd, if they refused this counsell: and therefore he willed them to remember themselues well; & if t [...]y would not yeeld and craue the kings pardon, [...]e bad them doo their best to defend themselues.