[1] Moreouer, Hugh Legat borne in Hertfordshire, and a monke of saint Albons, wrote scholies vpon Architrenius of Iohn Hanuill, and also vpon Boe|tius De consolatione; Roger Alington, chancellor of the vniuersitie of Oxford, a great sophister, & an enimie to the doctrine of Wickliffe; Iohn Botrell, a logi|cian; Nicholas Gorham, borne in a village of the same name in Hertfordshire, a Dominike frier, first proceeded master of art in Oxenford, and after going to Paris, became the French kings confessor, and therefore hath béene of some taken to be a French|man; Iohn Lilleshull, so called of a monasterie in the west parties of this realme whereof he was go|uernour; Walter Disse, so called of a towne in Norfolke where he was borne, first a Carmelite frier professed in Norwich, and after going to Cam|bridge, he there procéeded doctor, he was also confes|sor to the duke of Lancaster, and to his wife the du|chesse Constance, & a great setter foorth of pope Ur|bans cause against the other popes that were by him and those of his faction named the antipapes; Tho|mas Maldon, so called of the towne of that name in Essex where he was borne: Iohn Edo, descended out of Wales by linage, and borne in Herefordshire, a Franciscane frier.