[1] [2] Moreouer this yeare sir Robert Umfreuill vice|admerall of England,Sir Robert Umfreuill viceadmerall Harding. annoied the countries on the sea coasts of Scotland: for comming into the Forth with ten ships of warre, and lieng there fourtéene daies togither he landed euerie daie on [...]he oneside of the riuer or the other, taking preles,His [...] Scotland. spoiles & pri|soners; notwithstanding the duke of Albanie, and the earle Dowglas were readie there, with a great power to resist him: he burnt the galliot of Scotland (being a ship of great account) with manie other ves|sels [page 537] lieng the same time at the Blackenesh ouer a|gainst Lieth. At his returne from thence, he brought with him fourtéene good ships, and manie other great prises of cloathes, both woollen, and linnen, pitch, tarre, woad, flower, meale, wheat and rie, which be|ing sold abroad, the markets were well holpen there|by,His surname Robert Mendmar|ket. so that his surname of Robert Mendmarket sée|med verie well to agrée with his qualities, which name he got by this occasion.