[1] The realme of France in this meane while was disquieted, with the two factions of Burgognie and Orleance,France dis|quieted with two factions. in most miserable wise, as in the French histories it maie further appeare. Neither could the king, being a lunatike person, and féeble of braine, take any full order for reforming of such mischéefs, so that the whole state of the kingdome was maruel|louslie brought in decaie: neither tooke those troubles end by the death of the duke of Orleance (murthered at length through the practise of the duke of Burgo|gnie) but rather more perilouslie increased.The duke of Orleance murthered. For the yoong duke of Orleance Charles, sonne to duke Le|wes thus murthered, alied himselfe with the dukes of Berrie and Burbon, and with the earles of Alan|son & Arminacke, whereby he was so stronglie ban|ded against the duke of Burgognie, whom he defied as his mortall fo and enimie, that the duke of Bur|gognie fearing the sequele of the matter, thought good (because there was a motion of mariage betwixt the prince of Wales & his daughter) to require aid of king Henrie, who foreséeing that this ciuill discord in France (as it after hapned) might turne his realme to honor and profit, sent to the duke of Burgognie, Thomas earle of Arundell,The earles of Arundell and Angus with others sent to aid the duke of Burgo|gnie. Gilbert Umfreuill earle of Angus (commonlie called the earle of Kime) sir Robert Umfreuill, vncle to the same Gilbert, sir Iohn Didcastell lord Cobham, sir Iohn Greie, and William Porter, with twelue hundred archers.