[1] About the feast of saint Iohn Baptist, at the kings commandement,The earle of Northumber|land cõmeth to the king. the earle of Northumberland came to Pomfret, and brought with him his nephues, and his nephues sonnes, whereby he cleared himselfe of a great deale of suspicion, manie doubting before his comming that he had giuen euill counsell to the yoong men, whereby to mooue them to rebellion, and to withstand the king. Sir William Clifford also came with the earle,Sir William Clifford brin|geth Serlo to the king. and brought the foresaid Serlo with him, whom he had apprehended vpon his com|ming to him at Berwike, in hope to haue found suc|cour at his hands: in consideration whereof the king pardoned the said sir William Clifford of his disobe|dience shewed, in keeping the castell of Berwike a|gainst him, in which dooing he had committed mani|fest treason.