[1] [2] [3] Among other prisoners, sir Manserd de Bos a va|liant capteine was taken,Sir Man|serd de Bos put to death. and shortlie after put to death, as diuerse other were, which the Burgognians bought of the Englishmen that had taken them pri|soners. The tower that stood at the end of the bridge could not be woone. At an other bickering also, it chanced that the Englishmen, Harding. vnder the leading of the earle of Angus or Kime, had the vpper hand, and tooke manie prisoners, whom the duke of Burgognie would that they should haue béene likewise put to death as traitors to their countrie, but the said earle of Angus answered for himselfe, and the residue of the Englishmen, that they would rather die all in the place, than suffer their prisoners to be vsed other|wise than as men of war ought to be, that is, to haue their liues saued, and to be ransomed according as the law of armes required, and by that meanes they were preserued. The duke of Burgognie hauing the world at will (for the duke of Orleance immediatlie after the losse of saint Clou, departing from saint Denis, got him into the high countries) sent home the Englishmen with hartie thanks, and great re|wards.