[1] [2] Moreouer, where the king had granted to the earle of Westmerland the countie of Richmond,The duke of Britaine. the duke of Britaine pretending a right thereto by an old ti|tle, had sent his letters ouer vnto the estates assem|bled in this parlement, offering to abide such order as the law would appoint in the like case to anie of the kings subiects. Wherevpon the commons for the more suertie of the intercourse of merchants, be|sought the king that the matter might be commit|ted to the ordering of the councell of either of the [page 513] parties, and of his counsell, so as an end might be had therein, which request was likewise granted. After this, the records of the last parlement were shewed, with the appeales, & the commission made to twelue persons, to determine things that were motioned in the same last parlement. Héerevpon the commons praied that they might haue iustice Markham, and maister Gascoigne a sergeant at the law ioined with them for counsell, touching the perusing of the re|cords, which was granted them, and day giuen ouer till the next morrow in the White-hall, where they sat about these matters thrée daies togither.