[1] Some authors affirme, that there was a new league concluded to continue, Hall. during the liues of both the princes. The Frenchmen diuerse times re|quired to haue some dower assigned foorth for queene Isabell,The French|men demand a dower for queƩne Isa|bell. but that was at all times vtterlie denied, for that the marriage betwixt hir and king Richard was neuer consummate, by reason whereof she was not dowable. Neuerthelesse, she was shortlie after sent home, vnder the conduct of the earle of Worcester, associat with diuerse other noble and honorable per|sonages, both men and women, hauing with hir all the iewels, ornaments, and plate which she brought into England, with a great surplusage besides giuen to hir by the king.Additions of the chron. of Flanders. She is deli|uered home. She was deliuered betwixt Bul|longne and Calis, to Ualeran earle of saint Paule, the French kings lieutenant in Picardie, who being accompanied with the bishop of Chartres, the lord de Hugueuile, the ladie of Monpensier sister to the erle of March, the ladie of Lucenburgh sister to the said earle of saint Paule, & diuerse other ladies and gen|tlewomen, which receiued hir with great ioy and gladnesse, and taking leaue of the English lords and ladies, they conueied hir to the dukes of Burgognie and Burbon, that attended for hir, not far off, vpon a hill, with a great number of people.She is con|ueied to Pa|ris. They first con|ueied hir to Bullogne, & after to Abuile, from whence the duke of Orleance conueied hir to Paris, vnto the presence of the king hir father, and the queene hir mother:Hir second marriage. she was after giuen in marriage vnto Charles, sonne to Lewes duke of Orleance.