[1] [2] This yeare certeine learned men in Oxford and other places,Wicklifs do|ctrine main|teined by the learned. publikelie in their sermons mainteined and set foorth the opinions and conclusions of Wic|kliffe. This troubled the bishops and other of the cler|gie sore, insomuch that in their conuocation house, the six and twentith of Iune, by a speciall mandat of the lord chancellor in presence of the procurators, re|gents, and others, as Richard Courtneie, Richard Talbot, Nicholas Zouch, Walter Midford, & such like in great multitude: sentence was pronounced by Iohn Wels, doctor of the canon law against the books of Iohn Wickliffe doctor of diuinitie,Sentẽce p [...]|nounced a|gainst Wic|klifs books. intituled De sermone in monte, Triologorum de simonia, De perfectio|ne statuum, De ordine christiano, De gradibus cleri ecclesiae: and to these was added the third treatise, which he compiled of logike or sophistrie. These books and the conclusions in the same conteined, the chancellor of the vniuersitie of Oxford by common consent and assent of the regents and non regents of the same vniuersitie, reproued, disanulled and condemned, in|hibiting on paine of the great cursse and depriuation of all degrées scholasticall, that none from thence|foorth should affirme, teach, or preach by anie man|ner of meanes or waies, the same hereticall books (as they tearmed them) conteining anie the like opi|nions as he taught and set foorth in the same books.