[1] Furthermore, Iohn Colbie, a Carmelite frier of Norwich; William Thorpe a northerne man borne, and student in Oxenford, an excellent diuine, and an earnest follower of that famous clearke Iohn Wic|kliffe, a notable preacher of the word, and expressing his doctrine no lesse in trade of life,Acts and mo|ments of Iohn Fox. than in speech, he was at length apprehended by commandement of the archbishop of Canturburie Thomas Arundell, and committed to prison in Saltwood castell, where at length he died; Stephan Patrington, borne in Yorkeshire, a frier Carmelite, prouinciall of his or|der through England, of which brood there were at that season 1500 within this land, he was bishop of saint Dauids, and confessor to king Henrie the fift, about the fift yeare of whose reigne he deceassed; Ro|bert Mascall, a Carmelite frier of Ludlow, confessor also to the said K. who made him bishop of Hereford; Reginald Langham, a frier minor of Norwich: Ac|tonus Dominicanus; Thomas Palmer, warden of the Blacke friers within the citie of London; Boston of Burie, a monke of the abbeie of Burie in Suf|folke, wrote a catalog of all the writers of the church, and other treatises.