Snippet: 78 of 197 (1587, Volume 6, p. 522)
[1] By reason of the kings
sudden cõming in this sort,
The Persies troubled with the kings sudden com|ming.
The lord Persie exhor|teth his com|plices to stick to their tack [...]e.
they staied from assaulting the towne of Shrewesbu|rie, which
enterprise they were readie at that instant to haue taken in hand, and
foorthwith the lord Per|sie (as a capteine of high courage) began to exhort
the capteines and souldiers to prepare themselues to battell, sith the
matter was growen to that point, that by no meanes it could be auoided, so
that (said he) this daie shall either bring vs all to aduancement &
honor, or else if it shall chance vs to be ouercome, shall deliuer vs from
the kings spitefull malice and cruell disdaine: for plaieng the men (as we
ought to doo) better it is to die in battell for the common|wealths cause,
than through cowardlike feare to pro|long life, which after shall be taken
from vs, by sen|tence of the enimie.